N.L./ Flares

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The colors danced the ashy and dusty sky

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The colors danced the ashy and dusty sky. Blinding me for a moment as I ran pat the bodies of fellow students and death eaters. My eyes searching the corridors rapidly for him.

Where was he?

All these questions flipped through my mind as I past body after body, the flares in the sky being my source of light as I held my wand tightly in my hand.

"Collin!" I screamed out as I shot a curse at a Death Eater about to kill Chang and Diggory. They nodded at me in thanks as they took hands and  set off.

Only stopping when I saw his body laying limb on the floor. "No no no no no. Please no! Collin wake up! Please wake up!" I cried as Wood, Davies and Longbottom turned the corner.

Neville took my arm pulling me away from Collins body, "No! Neville! Let me go! No let me go!" I screamed out trying to break hold of his grip.

"YN! YN! He's gone...," Neville whispered pulling me into a hug.

"No." I shook my head as tears spilled down my face, "I-I. He can't be. Why wasn't I there? I should have protected him!"

Falling to my knees as Wood and Davies hurried past carrying Collins body. "He's 17, Nev! Why-why'd he-." I whispered causing Neville to shush me quietly pulling back into a hug as I cried into his shoulder.

"How will I tell my family? They'll be devastated, Neville... He wasn't supposed to be here!"

Another glare set off breaking us both into silence, only my sobs were heard of in the sad, empty corridor. Neville stayed with me the whole time, just comforting me in my time of need.

"I'm glad I found you-. Well not in, I'm not glad about Collin.— wait um I am glad that I found you but I hated the circumstances I found you under." A light chuckle escaped my lips at my boyfriends stutter.

A glare set off near us causing a wave of smoke to brush past us, "Why were you so glad to see me?" I questioned still nuzzled into his arms.

"Well YN, we are in the middle of a war, of course I'd want to see you. Make sure you're alright." Neville smiled softly at me.

"Collins not alright." I mumbled almost inaudible but Neville heard it.

He sighed, "No he's not. But you, my  Love are."

"But I'd he be alright than I." I grumbled slightly. "I never got to tell him goodbye,.... or that I'd loved him, even when he made me angry. Collin was always my heart and soul. The moon to my Earth, what am I going to do without him?"

Neville moves a stray hair behind my ear softly, "YN, Love Collin knows, that you love him. Hell, he'd walk into our room with a happy grin. When we'd ask him why?, it'd always be the same. You'd have kissed him goodnight, after you both had an idling day together."

I sniffled slightly as Neville continued, "Nothing's ever going to replace Collin, but just know I'm here. Your friends, your family, we're all here for you. I'm sure Collin, would just want you to be happy."

"I'm sure Collin would also like to be breathing." W

Once again he sighed, "I'm happy you're alright because I never got to say I love you. All these thoughts ran through my head, what if you wouldn't be alive? O-or if you would be dead in the next corridor. And I never would have just got to tell you that I'm in love with you, YN Creevy."

My heart melted as a fiery red flare shot into the sky, my teary eyes staring into his soft ones, "I love you too, Neville Longbottom."

Neville's face broke into a grin as he pulled me closer to meet my lips, a second ugly green flare set off causing us to pull apart, "You're staying with me, alright?"

Neville commanded as he pulled me up to my feet and held my hand firmly in his as he pulled me. I was pressed tightly against him due to his hand grip. My heart was racing as bomb after bomb was set off beside us.

Until Neville and I were thrown backwards causing a tight lipped scream to escape my lips. As I looked up, Neville had taken hold of the sorting hat. "What is it?" I questioned as the smoke filed my vision and my ears rang.

Neville pulled out Godric Gryffindors sword causing both our eyes to widen. Again he took my hand firmly, grasping the sword with his other hand.

Granger and Weasley held each other tightly as Nagini edged closer to the pair. Neville swiftly sliced her head off, helping the couple up, I took Neville's hand as Voldemort screamed out disintegrating into ashes.

No one cheered though, we lost so much for what? For a stupid man, that they could have easily went back in time and killed as a child? Honestly, it could have had an accidental accident as a teen?

Now Fred Weasley, Remus Lupin, Tonks, Brown, Collin... and so many more were gone. That's all that went into my head as Potter fell to the ground from exhaustion and the Death Eaters ran for it.

Swiftly letting go of Neville's hand, who was to happy to notice, I walked into the Great Hall. So many people I grew up with all laid down on the blankets. But my eyes stayed on him.

Trying to repeat Neville's words in my head, I just couldn't. Collin looked so tiny in death. Sitting beside him, I took ahold of his hand. Pressing my lips to his forehead I whispered his favorite story.

The Prophecy of the Chosen One

Neville walked over, wrapping an arm around me as Potter, Weasley and Granger walked in. Their eyes landed on the pair of us as Potter hurried towards us and looked down at Collin, then met my teary eyes.

"YN, I'm so-."

"It's alright Harry, he shouldn't have been here anyways. But he's so Gryffindor." I managed a soft chuckle as Harry gave me a sorrowful look. "Truly Harry, I'll be alright. Because he knows I love him."

Harry nodded softly leaving me with Neville, "You know I love you too, right?" He whispered softly.

"Of course I do,... I love you too."

Next one had two
-blood traitor
-Red hair

Other Person
-death eater

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