F.W./ Library

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I hummed softly the Hufflepuff tone as I sat in a corner table in the library

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I hummed softly the Hufflepuff tone as I sat in a corner table in the library. A sudden feeling went through me as I looked up. My eyes scanning the room, to no avail, however my eyes couldn't help but linger on my long time crush Fred Weasley.

I looked back down at my essay and continued humming, whilst I wrote, "Oi! Mudblood!" A groan escaped my lips as Parkinson and her friends came up to me.

"Yes? Purebred?" I questioned sarcastically not looking up, but I felt the people in the library look over at the lot of us.

She scoffed landing my hair, "Shut it!" She growled angrily.

I pulled my hair swatting hair, "Wanting what you can't have." I muttered tabling up giving them a cold glare. "Just because I'm a Hufflepuff doesn't mean I can't protect myself from you four bimbos!"

They all glared at me about to fight me before the Gryffindors burst in, "Scrub of Pugface!" Fred growls throwing me behind him.

"Why should I listen to you lot?!" She asked in a whinny voice.

Hermione pulled out her wand, "Because I can turn you into an actual pug." Parkinson's eyes widened before she and her friends ran off.

"We'll get you later, Michaels!"

I nodded sarcastically, "Alright, sure, same time tomorrow!"

I turned to the Golden Trio and the Weasley Twins. "Thank you, but I had it."

"Sure, you did." Ron states snarking.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes as I packed my things, "It happens everyday, same time. Honestly I don't care anymore, all I have to do is cast a simple charm to have their arse runnings."

Hermione threw me a look, "Don't you get angry?"

A laugh escaped my lips, "Yes, But I do the muggle way of simple punching her in the face." I shrugged, ignoring the proud look that grew on Fred's face.

I slipped my books into my satchel, "Anyways, Cedric needs me, and I appreciated the thought." Freds face turned into a jealous all at once at my words.

"Diggory?" Fred questioned as he followed after me, totally ignoring the looks his brothers and friends sent his way as he followed after me like a lost pupp..

I smiled up at the much taller boy as he dropped into step with me, "Well is there any other Cedric here?"

Fred nodded, "Yeah, he's a 2nd year in Ravenclaw." I oohed as we continued-down the corridor.

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