Part 15

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Baekhyun POV

I smiled as I opened my eyes. I couldn't believe that Jieun didn't leave last night. Then she began twitching around. I quickly closed my eyes and pretended to sleep.

Jieun POV

I woke up but I couldn't get up. My back was stiff from not moving the whole night. Baekhyun's arms were still around me and I could feel his chin on my head. It felt oddly comfortable- wait... I immediately sat up, flinging Baekhyun's arms off me. What the hell? How the heck did I get here? Baekhyun rolled over, wrapping himself in the covers. Nothing happened last night, right?

"Oi." I said, trying to wake him.

He mumbled to himself and hugged the pillow next to him. I looked at him at disgust and walked out.

Baekhyun POV

As soon as Jieun went out of the room, I opened my eyes again. I rolled and stretched around when I rolled over something hard. It was a wallet. Isn't this Jieun's? Just for fun, I decided to open it and see what was inside. ID card, library card, some cash, then a polaroid fell out. I picked it up and 'examined' it. Two people were smiling, their eyes squinting. Why did this look so familiar?

Then what felt like an explosion in my head, flashbacks flooded me. Memories of Eun and I flashed one after the other. Suddenly it stopped. Everything was spinning around me as I dropped my head onto my pillow.


I shot back up and got my phone from the bedside table. It was Sora. I waited until my phone was quiet. I went downstairs and saw Jieun make breakfast. My phone buzzed in my hands again. I threw my phone onto the couch and walked into the kitchen.

Jieun POV

"Hey, can I ask you something?" Baekhyun came up to me as I was cooking pancakes

I suspiciously looked at him.

"What?" he asked. I continued to pour the mixture onto the frypan.

"Nothing...happened last night...right?" I asked.

"Last night? What do you mean?"

"Like nothing happened, right?" I asked again.

Baekhyun looked as though he was thinking hard.

"Wait..wait a minute, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" he asked after a while.

Baekhyun POV

Jieun looked at me as though it was quite obvious. I was going to ask her such an important question, yet she just had to surprise me like that. And then it clicked. Two people on a bed at night. She must of expected something. Did she actually think that something happened between the two of us?

"Are you serious?" I asked. "I mean what did you expect to have happened?"

"Uh...nothing...if nothing happened, it's all good." Jieun replied.


I sat around on the couch with the television on. I was still wondering about the polaroid in Jieun's wallet. If she kept that picture, did it mean that she was Eun? I thought that I would be able to recognise her immediately. I had to hold the urge to go and ask Jieun. What if she didn't recognise me too?

My phone buzzed for the umpteenth time. Sora had been calling me all day. I didn't know whether I should answer it or not. After a while my phone went still. My notifications turned on. She had already called me another 7 times. What was it that she had to call me so many times? Was it that urgent? Suddenly my phone buzzed again, and this time I answered.

I cleared my throat and said: "Hello?"

I could hear sobbing and sniffing

"Hello?" I said again. "Sora?"

"Baekhyun-ah..." she mumbled.

"Sora? What happened?"

Why was she crying?

"Can we meet at the cafe?"


She hung up before I could say anything.

Jieun POV

I just realised that the house was dead silent. It was late in the afternoon and downstairs was getting dark. Baekhyun probably went out.

Baekhyun POV

The cafe was almost deserted. Sora sat at the table in the corner. I could hear her weeping as I walked up to her.

"Oh, you came..." she stood up, wiping away her tears.

I sat opposite her and signalled her to sit back down. It was awkward looking at Sora with her head down, and not talking.

"Why did you call me?" I asked.

She looked up. Her eyes were red and swollen, like she had been crying for days.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I..I don't even know where to start.." she said.

Sora POV

Everything was a complete mess. No matter how much I tried to devote myself into a relationship, it never worked. To be honest Baekhyun was probably my third or forth. And then Jaekyeong came along. He confessed to me, knowing that I already had a boyfriend, two months ago. Even though Baekhyun was sincere and honest, I didn't feel like I had put enough into this relationship. I thought that we would break up sooner or later. So I hung around Jaekyeong. I didn't exactly accept his confession but I didn't reject him.

Jaekyeong was kind to me and he had that flower boy image, yet all this was to fool me. A few weeks ago, I heard him on the phone talking about money, my family and our business. Already I could tell, that all he wanted was money. So I quietly dumped him. And I regret that I had let go of Baekhyun so easily.

I didn't want to go into detail in front of Baekhyun. I was probably thinking too long about what to say because Baekhyun became impatient.

Baekhyun POV

"If this is about Jaekyeong, I don't want to hear your troubles." I bluntly said after a while of silence.

My phone vibrated in my hands. Jieun had texted me.

im gonna cook dinner. u better come home soon.

I began texting a reply when Sora started talking.

"Do you think we can start all over again?" Sora suddenly asked.

Just a moment ago, I was feeling all mighty and confident. But now I didn't know what to say. If it weren't for what I witnessed that night, we would probably still be together, whether or not she continued to do it behind my back. All of a sudden Jieun popped into my head. There was no way she could be Eun. Yet why did she have that picture in her wallet? I still had to confirm. At that moment I didn't know what to do. I was confused.

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