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10th September, 4 pm:

No messages concerning demons or Lapis have reached Nero's phone. Not even one thing causing trouble.
It's silent, too silent for Nero.

"What're thinking about", Jason asks as he sits down at the kitchen table with a mature magazine.
"Why are you reading those anyway?"
"You have to use the time for something." Jason lays the magazine down and focuses on Nero.
"Spit it out, soldier. What's bothering you?"
Nero sighs as he leans back in his chair. "We haven't had a demon report. If the gates to the underworld are open is there really nothing to do?"

Jason leans back as well and scratches the back of his neck in confusion. "You're right. Lapis must be up to something."

Suddenly their conversation is interrupted by Kyrie entering the kitchen. "Hello, boys!" She leans down to kiss Nero on the cheek but he shows almost no emotion, only a half hearted smile.

Kyrie notices but continues with her movements. "What are you up to today", She asks darting her gaze at Jason.
"As far as we know, nothing much", Nero says and gets up from his chair.
"I'll check on the car. What about you Jason?"
"I'll drink a tea and come after you."

With that Nero exits the room leaving Jason and Kyrie alone.
"I'll make your tea", Kyrie says preparing a pot of water. "Thanks, you don't have to though."
"It's fine." She smiles at the black and white haired male.
"So, you and Nero have gotten quite close over the past days, huh?"
"I guess. It's fun to hang around him."
Kyrie pours the hot water in a cup and puts a teabag in it before setting it onto the table in front of Jason.
Then she sighs.

"He's been spending a lot of time with you. It's easy to say that he likes you."
"He's a good fellow and a good boyfriend for you, I almost admire it."
A smirk forms on Kyrie's face.
"You know, I think you're a nice guy as well." She steps closer to Jason who starts to sense that something is off.

"You're caring, you have a good connection to children."
Her hands slowly land on his shoulders and wrap around his neck.
"And handsome as well."

Immediately Jason grabs Kyrie's wrists and rips them off himself.
"What do you think you're doing", He growls. "Come on, Jason. Don't you think I'm good enough for you?"
She continues to tease the male by touching his chest and tracing every bump.
"Our children would be happy and beautiful."

Then Jason jumps up from his chair and turns around to face the brown haired woman. "Who do you think you are to betray him like that", He growls as he stomps towards her with a scowl on his face.
"He is giving his all to protect you and this is your thanks?"
Kyrie smirks. "You're cute when you're angry." Jason expression turns darker as the female does not seem to care.
"I thought you were an innocent woman, turns out you are just a whore."
Kyrie's eyes widen.

"What did you just call me", She shrieks and stomps on the ground.
"Don't you dare call me that!"
"Sorry, sweetheart. I just did."

With that Jason leaves the kitchen and wanders into the garage.

"There you are", He hears Nero as he enters the room.
Nero smiles at him brightly totally oblivious of what just happened.
"Hey", Jason mumbles as he walks over to the car.
"What are we working on today?"
"The engine needs a few new screws, that should be it."
Jason nods and grabs the needed tools.

On the inside he is battling wether or not he should tell Nero about Kyrie's actions.
He also thinks of the consequences, one being that he destroys the relationship of a couple or the second one being abandoned from the orphanage.

Both options send shivers down Jason's spine.
"You okay", Nero suddenly asks.
"Yea", Is all Jason can say at the moment.

He feels sorry and guilty yet he is also raging on the inside.

"Just thinking about masks people wear to conceal their real intentions", Jason says and continues to work on the white van.

Unravel. (DMC Nero x male OC)[completed]Where stories live. Discover now