
572 17 10

12th September, 12 am:

"Where is Jason?!"

Nero smirks. "He's somewhere safe, somewhere where you can't find him", He says ramming the Red Queen into the ground.
To his surprise Lapis starts to laugh, the sound coming from his lips ringing in Nero's ear.
Such an evil tone.

"Oh really? If it were that safe why would I have him already?"
Nero's eyes widen.
"See this pearl?"
Lapis opens his palm. In it lays a shining gray pearl.
"Don't tell me you trapped him inside that, you bastard", Nero growls.
"Too bad, I wanted to tell you but you're so boring."

Lapis flies back onto the high pillar and sits down comfortably.
"He's not only precious to you", He yells down at Nero.
"There's a reason why I've been looking for him."
The fallen angel looks ahead into the distance. "He's... always been an important part of me, you see. Something irreplaceable as him is worth fighting for."
A scowl spreads onto Nero's face. "And what about that portal?!"

Lapis chuckles once again.
"I opened it to destroy the world, isn't that obvious?"
Nero growls as his eyes follow Lapis' movements. "You're as good as dead, little chicken."
Lapis raises an eyebrow. "If you defeat me I'll give you Jason. Does that seem like a fair deal?"
"We'll see if'll you really mean it."
Nero readies the Red Queen in his hands for the upcoming duel.

Lapis cracks his knuckles before jumping off the pillar and landing onto the ground.
A vibration runs through the ground as his feet touch the ground.

"I'll have fun defeating you."
"I'm wouldn't be that fast. I can be a pain in the ass", Nero laughs.
"I'm sure you are, dead weight."
Nero's eyes widen. "Did you just-"
"I believe I did." Lapis smirks at the triggered white haired male. "Come and get your revenge, dead weight."
"That's it."

Nero charges towards the male in front of him but as he is about to slash his sword down Lapis disappears into thin air.
The male looks around in shock until something hits his back causing Nero to fall onto the ground.
"Your focus is pathetic", Lapis says as he kneels down next to Nero.
"Let's try that again."

Lapis ports a few meters back as Nero gets onto his legs again.

Then he dashes towards Lapis again but before he drops the sword he pulls out his gun to aim behind him.
Lapis ports once more and as not seen Nero's actions.
He ports behind the white haired male but his wing gets hit by the Blue Rose's silver bullet. Lapis groans in pain. "You twat", He groans as Lapis pulls the bullet out of the wound on his wing.

"I may have underestimated you but you should not think of me the same."
Lapis rises up into the air, his one wing flapping as if there is no tomorrow.

Lapis then mumbles a few words before a purple light forms in his hands. He separates them into 10 individual lights.
With a wave of his finger the lights crash down onto the spot where Nero stands.
Nero groans in pain as one of the lights scratches his arm, he dodged the others successfully.

"I'm impressed", Lapis says as he sinks onto the ground.
"I believe we should end this battle for now", He adds looking at his black nails.
"Are you kidding me? We haven't even started", Nero yells.

"I never joke with anyone."
"Then what about Jason?!"
Lapis rolls his eyes and turns his gaze to Nero. "I'd suggest you leave before I change my mind."
He crosses his arms in front of his chest and cocks his head to the side.
Nero scoffs as he attaches the Red Queen to his back.
"I'll kill you myself next time."
"I'd like to see you try."

Then Lapis spreads out his black wing and flies off into the horizon.
As Nero loses the angel out of his sight he turns to the crew who has been watching the whole thing.
"What the hell was that", Dante says as he scratches the back of his neck.
"That was what we are dealing with."

The crew then decides to drive back to the Devil May Cry headquarters.
Nero continues to drive back to Fortuna to the orphanage in anticipation to see Jason.

Did Lapis really take him?

Nero jumps out of the car and runs into the house yelling Jason's name over and over.

Suddenly the front door opens. "Yes?"
The white haired male turns around and looks straight into the eyes of the male he called out for. "You okay?"

Jason holds two brown bags of groceries in his hands as he closes the front door behind him.
"Oh my god!"
Nero grabs Jason and wraps his arms around him.
"I thought I lost you!"
"Nero, what's going on?"
Nero breaks the hug to look into Jason's eyes.
"He didn't take you?"

Jason cocks his head to the side.
"Lapis, he told me he took you-"
"You met Lapis?!"
Nero sighs before leaning in to kiss Jason deeply.
After a few minutes he breaks the kiss.

"There's a lot we need to talk about."

Unravel. (DMC Nero x male OC)[completed]Where stories live. Discover now