Chapter 3

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Focusing back on the task at hand, your mind checked towards the doorway you caught, looking at Joseph you immediately knew he had the same thoughts in mind. With a quick jog to the door you opened it wide, "Are you insane?! What are you doing you can't let send viento Escape into the outside world!!", Von Stroheim exclaimed, you smirk as Joseph abjects, "On the contrary I believe he needs to go on a nice summer strobe", he grunts as he yanks on the chain. Putting your stuff back you grabbed the chain assisting Joseph to the doorway,but even then San viento still seemed strong, with a growl you focus on your hamon breathing as Santana spoke, "Cease this foolishness now you lowly primitive, traitor you'll face the consequences soon", he growls and suddenly leapt at you and Joseph, you stopped his attack with a sudden burst of hamon filled air. It stopped him but you suddenly felt short of air, you had to pause since the air burst was your own oxygen as Joseph continue to pull San viento towards the door, you saw some things for on Joseph's leg and were about to remove them until San viento leapt at you, "¡Miérda!", you curse as San viento wrapped his hand around your neck to the point where you could barely breathe in.

"(Y/n)!", Joseph shouts, "Ke–ep going– Joseph!", you try to speak only to end up a little more light headed than before, San viento was saying something you couldn't make out until he looked down at you, "Lord Karz would be very inquisitive of you", you swore you felt something in you change for a brief moment. You felt the world spinning for a while until Von Stroheim came into your view, "What?!", you quietly thought as he stood in front of the door, "Joesatr ,(l/n), leave the rest to me! Rudol von Stroheim! Opening the door will be the end all of this, allow me to help you destroy this vile creature!", he declares as he moves to open the door. Suddenly the pressure around your neck lightend, making your gut drop, "Joseph! Von Stroheim!–", you warn too late, "Hmph, well attempted primitives", San viento huffs as he leaps in the air and suddenly tendrils sprout from his body, they strike out with a few embedding themselves in Von Stroheim's leg.

With all the action going on you missed Jospeh and Von Stroheim shouting back and fourth as you charged up some hamon in your fists, reeling it back you uppercut San viento just as the door opened, "RAAHHHH!", San viento roars in pain as you shout, "Sunlight with a side of hamon", Joseph grins at your words before focusing back on San viento, "Tell me big guy how does that sunshine feel on your skin!", Joseph smugly asks. San viento continued to roar above you in pain as his skin cracked, "We did it", Von Stroheim sighs out, "Spoke too soon", you silently input as soon as you see the sudden sharp look appear in San viento's eyes, he leaps in the air manipulating his body suddenly making Joseph exclaim, "What's he doing!?", smelling strong iron you tilt your head up to Von Stroheim seeing his amputated leg, and sudden realization hit you, "Von Stroheim seal your leg wound", you shout. You leapt forward in order to help seal his leg only for San viento to already be halfway in it, "¡Mierda!", you curse and move your hands away when Joseph swung an axe down, nearly nicking San viento but not close enough.

You and Joseph could only watch as Von Strohiem hopped on a single leg into the sun, "Dammit! You get out of me San viento!", Von stroheim demands,"I-I can't believe this things will power, I've never seen anything like it", Joseph nervously states, "He is highly adaptive, who knows how long he lived for Joseph", you remind him, "If he stays in Von Stroheim he'll totally be fine, even in broad daylight!", Joseph concludes, "Then let's flush him out!", you say reequipping your staff. "I can feel him! This can't be real!", Von Stroheim looks over at you and Joseph as he continues, "you want to know what the worst part about this is?! I like doesn't even hurt any more! It feels Pleasant, you believe that!", he shouts, his condition made you disturbed at what he described, but when he suddenly leapt Joseph went after him while you followed.

You suddenly paused when Von Stroheim suddenly pulled out a grenade, "Wait what are you doing?!", Joseph shouts, "Put it down Von Stroheim!", Joseph demands as he steps forward only to be pulled back by you, "Joseph no! Listen to what he has to say"!, you say just as he was about to protest, "You've seen the world things sentimiento is capable of! There is no hope, my destiny has been determined!", he shouts, "so now, all I can do is destroy the both of us, but I have one more thing to say to you two before my time is done, if you know what's good for you listen close!", Von Stroheim catches yours and Joseph's attention. "We-we did not awaken San viento for scientific research, our military gain, he was putting the grenade in his mouth, "Then why?! Why did you risk it! Tell me!", Joseph demands as you frowned while you readied your staff, "silence! It is your destiny to hear these words from my lips Joestar , (l/n), San viento is just the tip of iceberg, Vermont has discovered another pillar in Europe, we now know that San Viento is not only one of his kind around!", he explains.

Somehow you knew it, you knew that send me in tow wasn't the only one, "So wait there is more of them, where are they! Tell me Von Stroheim where?!", Joseph commands, "I'm sorry but I don't have an answer for you Joestar, there are more pillar men out there, and they have powers that are beyond our imagination, for millennia these powers have remained dormant but that won't last and soon they will awaken! You must find another weakness other than just some my! Or else hope is lost, that's why we are experimenting on San viento, we are looking for that weakness, there is a battle against the pillar men yet to be fought! The event of 50 years ago call upon you to for that battle, (l/n)'s bloodline should have one of many answers!", at his word something struck a chord within you, it wasn't bad nor was it good, and you nearly blanked out until Von Stroheim pulled the clip.

He suddenly crouched down and immediately let your instincts take over, "Joseph!", you shout tackling him down away from the explosion, you both landed far away but you grunted at the impact, "Damn that crazy German and all his honor!", Joseph cursed while you steadily stood up, "I'm sure that we could have found another way", Joseph says, "Joseph we don't know how fast he could have had his body taken over by San viento, and this enemy is not well-known, he gave us the chance to try and figure it out", you say, Joseph looked up at you don't need to look past you with a glare, immediately turning around you saw San viento. "San viento!", you and Joseph simultaneously shouting different tones as he leaves in the air, you annoy me primitive, "I will destroy you! Traitor, you will be dealt with soon!", San viento roars angrily, you jumped out of his way making his fist collide with Joseph's. Looking at where Joseph was being pushed back he saw the well, dropping your staff you undid the scarf around your waist and ran in their direction, leaping into the well after them you threw your scarf beneath them as both ends were blown upwards around them.

Seeing Joseph trying to slow their fall you grab the ends of your sash and slammed your feet against the walls of the well, slowing their fall until finally Joseph barely touched the water below while you slides to a stop, panting you asked, "Still alive Joseph?", he looks up at you with a slight smirk on his face, "Of course I am...", he trailed off noticing how you're practically doing the splits while supporting his and San viento's bodyweight with your sash. "Bet you won't be able to carry us to the top like that", Joseph grins cheekily, "Oh yeah? Well watch me Joestar", you grinned down at him, but with a more relaxed posture.

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