Chapter 18: Joseph's Route

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You all watched as Karz struggled to get out of the lava, "All right!", Joseph cheers as Karz grunted and struggled to get out of the lava when armor formed around him you all anxiously watched as he struggled continuously. "Not- enough!", Karz growled, "You dummy! Its a thousand degrees in there, now burn to a crisp you cocky bastard!", Joseph yelled as you stood with him, Karz's bloodcurdling scream was the last thing you heard before the explosion blinded you, then it smoothed over.  

You faintly smiled as Joseph cheered, "Yes, that did it! Finally, Karz was the last of them, the pillar men are defeated!", you both laughed in victory until the ground shook. "The shock of his demise triggered Interruption, let's get to safety before we celebrate further!", Stroheim says, Joseph lift him up, "Good call, hang on tight alright?", you smile as you all walked away until you felt a sudden pain, you look back at Joseph slowly noticing his missing arm. Looking at your own body you noticed how your own blood began to pull at your feet, you fell onto your knees as you faintly hear Stroheim say "see" and "spine", you turn your head to look down at your back and sure enough you saw your spine exposed. You heard Joseph screams over your faint whimpers until you felt a hand grip your lower spine, "I told you I'd punish you (Y/n)", "GAAAAAHHHHHHHHH AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!", you screamed rawly as Karz tugged at your spine, you felt hamon be sent through your spine knocking you forward onto the ground, you huff as Joseph growled, "Hamon overdrive!", he attempts to kick Kars, "What? hamon?", he mockingly asks before stopping his attack with his elbow breaking Joseph's shin, "did you say hamon Overdrive?!", Karz times has Joseph is thrown near you, "Jo-s-eph", you cough out crawling to him, "No! How its-!? My leg is melting away! This is impossible!", Joseph gasped as your jaw dropped when you turn to see Karz grinning, "Denial will get you nowhere my friend, hamon did that!".

"I conquered the sun itself what makes you think hamon was beyond my reach!", Karz continues as Joseph lets out a weak "I just", "Not only is hamon at my disposal but it seems mine is hundreds of times more potent", that's when you realized something, if you were a descendant of a pillar woman and had hamon at your side and was able to walk in the sunlight without any drawback then... You have a chance of defeating him. Just as Karz went to strike Joseph, he brought out the Redstone while four pairs of silver blue wings sprouted from your back as two pairs of horns grew on your head, when Karz struck the stone the volcano finally erupted. The force pushed you against the rock, you covered Joseph with your right set of wings as your glowing (e/c) eyes narrowed at Karz, "You really think a little eruption will conjure the likes of me!?", he roars as he forms wings, "I'll just fly my way to safety! Enjoy the fruits of your folly JoJo!", you could only grin has Joseph's severed hand catches Karz by the neck, "Let me guess, you're going to say; "Did you plan this too Jojo! Tell me!"", Joseph grins as you hold him from behind, "How do you always know", Karz grunts out, he looks at you when the feathers of your wings hardened, "You wouldn't dare betray your people!", he shouts, "Oh yeah? Will watch me", you smirk as you launch your hardened feathers at him while rocks assisted in launching him further into the air.

"Did you plan this too JoJo, tell me!", he finally said, "Why are you even asking, I set a trap and you walked right into it, all of this went down like clockwork!", Joseph shouts you both watched as Karz was launched out of Earth, Joseph leaned against your now bare chest as you two fell from the sky. "It's not over yet Joseph", you smiled down at him, "Oh~, are you going to be an angel and save me?", he grins tiredly at you, you laugh as your wings spreaded, "If I have to be".


A boat came to pick you and Joseph up, Suzie Q was able to find you too and brought the spare clothes that you apparently forgot, you sat at Joseph bedside Suzie teased you as you helped Joseph eat, "My, you two look like a married couple already!", she chirped, your face went red, "Suzie! Don't say such nonsense, or Joseph will-!", you're cut off by Joseph himself laughing. "My she's right (Y/n), how about this then let us get married as soon as I'm done recovering!", he beamed, you flicked his head, "Ow!(Y/n)", "Don't say things you don't mean Joseph", you frowned a bit, knowing he's only joking, Suzie already left to get something so it was only you and Joseph now. Joseph caught on to how you felt when he saw you sigh sadly as you poked at his food, "Hey (Y/n)", he called to you, at how gentle his voice was you couldn't help but look at him, he stared into your eyes as he grabbed your wrist, "I really meant it, I really do love you, the days we spent together made me closer to you", he softly speaks. You feel your eyes water as he continues, "and going up against Karz together, made me realize that I really truly love you (Y/n)", you smile as you stand, "Joseph", your voice cracks as you lower your head and kiss his cheek, "I love you too".

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