Alternate End: Esidisi's Route

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It was hard to explain how this all turned out to be, how after a month of preparations suddenly went down the drain with you unexpectedly awakening something in you. The pillar men were alive -yes all three of them of course- but in the end, they were defeated after you accidentally that a powerful blast of energy destroying Kars' remaining Stone mask and cracking the red stone of Aja. Apparently, after coming back from a week of coma, your blast of hamon energy burst from your body because of stress and the adrenaline built up in you, also wounded both hamon users and pillar men alike. So currently you laid in bed still groggy and very very hungry, all while Joseph, Caesar, and Lisa Lisa were in your room checking in on you, your stomach growled as you stared at the ceiling tiredly, "Who would have known that your own blast of hamon could knock the pillar men down with one hit!", Joseph grinned, you gave him a pointed look before you sigh. "So, what happened to the pillar men?", you asked, "Apparently your sudden blast of hamon broke their horns off that they only have minimal control of their remaining abilities, basically they're now cornered animals", Lisa Lisa shrugs as you grunt while sitting up, "So my hamon blast practically gave us an automatic win? Well that's super anticlimactic", you mumble, "Actually we still have to fight them while you stayed unconscious", Caesar added, you pouted as you rub your eyes, "Seriously? That doesn't sound too fair, you guys practically finished the work while I slept in!", you whine, Joseph only chuckled as he rustled your hair.


You could only sigh at the pillar men's reactions to the majority at the situation, they lost and hamon users won, it was as simple as that but Kars wasn't too keen on losing to humans. You could only wince as Kars through a vase near your form, "-and you! You were supposed to be there for the people you truly belong to traitor!", he spits out in spite, you frown as you cross your arms, "Are you done with that temper tantrum yet, because I'm quite busy and you calling me here to complain about me is a waste of my time", you sigh, Kars glares at you. "You dare-", "Kars, please calm down, I'm sure we can figure out a compromise, besides the hybrid isn't the problem right now", Esidisi cuts off Kars smoothly as you take your leave, feeling a pair of eyes on you, you couldn't help but look back to see Esidisi with a smirk and lidded eyes. "What could he possibly be up to", you think as you close the door behind you.


The Speedwagon foundation and the pillar men were coming up with compromised after their horns were broken, you were somewhat of an equalizer even though you were pretty bad when it came to these situations. You sighed heavily as you stretch your arms before you, lately you've also caught on to your run-ins with Esidisi, there were far from being coincidental that was for sure, and he often tried starting conversations with you. You've come to realize that he was a good conversationalist, but still, you couldn't help but think he was doing all this for reason and whatnot. You rub your eyes with a hand as Esidisi walked over to you,"(Y/n) there you are I've been searching for you after that meeting with the Speedwagon fellow, tell me have do you read any new books as of late?", he talks rapidly as you rose a brow, "Looking for me? Esidisi wouldn't you be with your "Lord" Kars at this point, what about Wammu?", you ask. "Kars should be fine with Wammu, besides I want to spend time with my one and only favorite hybrid!", he couldn't you, with a saw you let him be, while he didn't know you to a certain extent, he was admittedly nice company to have to fill in the silence. You know you should introduce me to more human things, they have interesting things nowadays, Esidisi smiles cheekily as you sputter, "W-why? I thought you and cars never fond human creations-", "Ah-ah-ah, no Kars only looks for the usefulness of them for his plans, I like to take them apart out of interest and maybe make something of my own", Esidisi smirks at your befuddled reaction. "Humans can be interesting in my personal opinion, so I'd like for you to introduce me to these human activities", he explains, you stare at him for a while longer, before you side giving in to his curiosity that he says he has, "Fine, only on the condition that you dress appropriately", you say.


Esidisi was easy to handle for the most part. And in the end, he did find a few human made creations to be interesting he, of course, kept them. And currently you two enjoyed each other's company, you actually got along with him after the few months you spent together, it was nice to know that everything was cooling down. You and Esidisi were currently enjoying a beverage with some nice desserts, it almost surprised you when you found out that Esidisi was a bit of a sweet tooth, pastries were his favorite treat to enjoy. You were currently enjoying a book, AC DC was also enjoying the silence that settled between you two as your eyes moved over the words and lines of the pages in the book. That was until Esidisi spoke up, "What do you think of love (Y/n)?", he suddenly asks, you for all your browser his question, "Why would you ask that question mark are you seeing someone Esidisi?", you interrogate, curiosity and slight her blooming within you. Esidisi chuckled as he finished the rest of his cake, the only woman I see is you(Y/n), he purred as you fought a blush until he continued, "No I'm just curious, I've noticed that the books you've been reading as of late are romantic ones they either end in tragedy you or have happy endings", he points out. You rose a brow as you looked at Esidisi, "Really now? Well... I honestly didn't notice until you pointed it out just now", you shrug, Esidisi kept his smile as he walked behind you and you couldn't help but jolt when he laid his hands on you. He pulled your back against the seat, you looked up at him as he looks down at you, "So let me ask again (Y/n), what do you think of love?", he asks, eyes narrowed down at you, but his gaze was soft. You slowly nerd your eyes but you sigh," I don't know honestly, I never thought much of it, I guess love could be a nice feeling, something that can make one feel warm and happy but...", your gaze dulled as you closed your lids,"... It can also hurt depending on how it's used, I guess in other words love can be a double-edged sword", you and softly. Esidisi interrupted your wandering thoughts when his thumb rubs the corner of your lips, then let me try loving you, he whispered softly before surging forward, his lips met your own and you couldn't help but enjoy the warmth of the kiss.


Esidisi was an affectionate lover, and often cling to you, he'd often teased Kars when he saw Esidisi flock over to you and for a while Kars was still angry at the fact you one with the hamon users. He eventually gave in though and reluctantly congratulated you an Esidisi on the day you both married, the Kars still had a form of resentment. But when the pillarmen found out about your pregnancy they couldn't help but flock over to you, especially Kars since he was more interested in the fact that you were able to have kids like a human woman rather than having to wait like a pillar woman, Esidisi was really excited though. During the pregnancy, Esidisi was often protective and swarmed you near constantly, in the beginning, you didn't mind until I nearly began to get annoying. Miguel was eventually born with some difficulties that took a toll on your body, there was a lot of blood loss but you stayed awake to see your son, and it was the first time that you saw deep fear on Esidisi's face. Luckily you were only out for two days, but to your husband, it felt like two years apparently, this time you weren't bothered with Esidisi's constant attention. Miguel was a bright boy with his father's appearance but he took on your colors, the boy had a temper like yours but his father's cheeky nature, and he really loved his sister. Ximena was just recently born during the colder season, and you and your family were outside with Miguel building a snowman with cars and Wammu, you could only smile when you felt Esidisi's arms wrap around you, "Time passes by too fast when you get older", he sighs out. "Indeed it does, but it also gives us many memories, both lovely and painful", you smiled as your daughter cooed in your arms, Esidisi stroked her head as she wiggled around for a short moment, until he kissed the side of your head as he smiled, "Then this memory will be the most treasured one for me", he whispers. You could only chuckle as you brought you and Ximena closer to himself, Miguel's laughter was heard as a warm sensation and based your being.


Miguel is named after Miguel Bose, and Ximena is named after Ximena Sarinana. Both of them sang in a duet titled "Aire Soy". I listen to them on my spare time.

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