Alternate End: Santana's Route

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You stared through the window, observing San Viento's still figure. You and Joseph were able to recover San Viento and surprisingly his body was still intact, you were currently guarding him. It was agreed that you were to remain with the Speedwagon Foundation to keep an eye on San Viento, while Joseph went to Italy to find more of San Viento's kind. So here you were staring at San Viento's form for a while longer before you turned your back, then the lights flickered making you tense looking at the nearest worker you ask, "Are disturbances like this common?", "No ma'am, everything is usually calm, I'll go with a few others to check on San Viento", they say as they pick up a clipboard and walk out the room. You raised a brow at the worker, something was a bit off about them so you decided to stick around to see if they were planning anything, four people -including the worker you spoke with- entered San Viento's room and cautiously checked the equipment. Just as you went to enter the room the UV lights went off, and gunshots were heard, your breath hitched as you ran to the door just as soldiers ran into your area, "Ma'am wha-", "Stay there and don't do anything unless I say so", you order as step into the room. The worker you spoke to had a crazed grin on his face as San Viento's skin slowly shook off his stone-like state with the blood on the ground, "Incredible!", was the last thing the worker said before he was killed by San Viento, looking at the bodies you saw their bullet wounds on their heads. You brought out your staff as San Viento shakily stood on his feet when you locked eyes with him he scowled, "Traitor", he mumbled as he staggered towards you, "You attacked first", you frowned. He stared you down as hamon traveled through your body, "Why betray our kind", he interrogates, "I do not know what you mean", you say as he nears you, "you have our blood in you, yet you side with humans when you should be assisting us", he goes on to explain. Your eyes widened a bit at the revelation as you stood face-to-face, it was quiet for a while, "How about we make a compromise".


The compromise was rather unique, so to say. Speedwagon was very hesitant with the entire ordeal but when he knew you could handle yourself he let you around San Viento since he acted a bit more, tame. Speaking of San Viento it didn't take much time to teach him the basics of your modernized society, but you had to assist him in tuning down his natural habits of... devouring others, but in general, there weren't too many mishaps. The relationship you shared was rather difficult to explain, there are days where you two were standoffish, and there were days where things between the two of you have calmed and settled. In short, getting along with San Viento was almost like getting along with a street cat. He was well adjusted to society by now still though you cannot help but actually feel a bit sorry for him when he roamed around during the night, he did occasionally ask how come everything was different during the day. One question led to a rather lengthy conversation, which led you to ask him, "What was your real name before Stroheim called you San Viento?", he went quiet at your question before you could take back what you said he answered, "Lord Kars never gave me one", you furrow your brows at his answer. "Why?", you couldn't help but ask, he briefly looked up at the stary night before his eyes landed back on the scenery before him, "I'm not too sure, for what I can recall I've always been known as boy in my youth, Wamuu was the one that got an official name out of the both of us", he explained, you frowned, "Aren't you giving names the day you were born?", San Viento was silent again as if thinking for a moment until he spoke, "No, from what I recall Master Esidisi said Lord Kars eradicated the majority of our people, so our methods might be different than yours", he briefed. You sigh, "Or maybe Kars held favoritism", you thought, "You mentioned that your infants are named at Birth, why is that?", San Viento asked, you slightly smiled, "So we can know who we are, and create something for ourselves and be known for what we've done, we want to be remembered for our achievements whether good or bad", you turn to him, "names are something that helps us become who we are in a way", you smile. San Vento stared at your smiling face before he looked at the ground, "Santana", you looked at him, "What?", "I'd like to be called Santana, it's much easier to pronounce than San Viento, it is less of a hassle for people to say", he states. You chuckled, "Santana it is then".

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