Alternate End: Caesar's Route

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You were finally at San Moritz Switzerland, once you arrived you decided to get dressed in your "battle gear" while the others waited for you as they scouted from a distance of the building that the package was originally sent to. Once you were outside you walked in on the four of them discussing a plan, "Hmph, that's a no brainer, we should attack now", Caesar declares as he points at the building, but it sent shivers down your spine, "Yes I agree, Karz can't go outside as long as the sun is up and that gives us a tremendous advantage", Messina adds, Lisa Lisa turns to Joseph, "What do you think", he was quiet for a moment, "Sorry but, I have to disagree with you", he answers as they look over at him, "You're looking at this wrong, I think that it is more dangerous to attack when the sun is up, just think about it Karz has been living like this for thousands of years, he wouldn't have survived like this if he left himself defenseless during the day", he goes to explain.

"I agree with Joseph on this one", you as you motion for the binoculars, to which Lisa Lisa carefully gives you as you study the building. You closed your eyes as you ignored the others in favor of smelling out Karz and Wamuu, that was until Caesar's hamon flared up and attacked Joseph in the process, turning around you saw Joseph and Caesar getting into a brawl, "Caesar stop it! Now!", Lisa Lisa demanded with Messina alongside her, "You too JoJo!", your brow twitched. Suddenly you grab both their heads and slam them together, "Enough!!!", you roar, they both groaned as they fell on their knees, both looked up to you about to retaliate until they saw your yellow-violet hamon cracking and violently sparking around your hands. "(Y/n)", Lisa Lisa carefully calls out to you as you stared down at them coldly, "You're not going Caesar, I am, I don't care about your personal vendetta against them, I'm likely able to hold my own against them since I have pillar blood but you're human, you're weak Caesar", you bite out, you did regret your choice of words but for once this is going to be out of care.

'I don't love him', you think as you glared down at Caesar and Joseph, "(Y/n)!", Messina and Lisa Lisa exclaim in shock, "How dare-!", you punch Caesar in the neck make him choke, "Hey! (Y/n) are you out of-!", "Shut up Joseph!", you shout cutting him off as you look down at Caesar, "Don't you dare follow me Caesar", you growl as you jump over the railings and onto the snow. 'I don't love him', you deny as you stood in front of the building, "Wamuu!!", you call out and immediately the doors opened to reveal him, "(Y/n), you come alone, are you sure you want to face me as you are?", you growl, bringing out your staff, "I'll kick your ass to hell if I have to", "You can't beat me with your home on even if you tried", Wammu retorts. "Oh yeah?! Well watch me!!", you were let out a battle cry as you charged in with your hamon air burst, and Wamuu stood back before he too eventually charged in. You panted as your own blood dripped from your beaten body, Wamuu was also in the same condition, during the battle your appearance changed drastically especially with your now silver blue wings outstretched behind you, it was then when you smelled them, Messina, Lisa Lisa, Joseph, and Caesar.

'I don't love him!', you had to end this battle quickly, and in your haste parts of the building began to crumble, Wamuu definitely noticed for when you leaped at him with your broken staff, he turned your own weapon against you. It was unexpected and you could only gasp as you coughed up blood when Wamuu leaned into your ear, "Your skills were a sight to behold (Y/n), I should be bringing you to master Karz but you run from something... As a respectable Warrior, I shall let you face the challenges that you haven't yet conquered", he says before letting you fall down the stairs. When you saw the rays of light flow through the openings of the building there was a faint realization that lingering in your mind, 'Caesar... I... I love Caesar... I can't love him I-I can't-', tears begin to form at the corners of your eyes as you harshly impacted on a large piece of the buildings derbies. More fell on top of your lower body as some added more pressure to your broken staff embedded in you, and tell a falling piece of the building dug the staff deeper into you, the pain was unbearable, "RAAAAAAHHHHHHHH- GAAAAAAHHHHHHH- HAAAHHH- AHHHHHHHH!!!". The others could hear your screams from the outside of the building, Caesar was the first to say something, "That's (Y/n)!!", "She sounds like she's in pain", Lisa Lisa furrows her brows as worry and anxiety enveloped her being, they don't waste time to get to you as they approached the building. They all gasp that the sight of you, "(Y/n)!", Caesar shouts for you as he runs to you with the others following behind, "C-Cae-sar", you weakly cough out more blood as you begin to slowly fall unconscious when a pained whimper escaped you. "Shhh don't speak", Caesar hushes you as the others helped dig you out, Caesar was cautious of your wings as he tried his best to move your body, "'m srry Cae-sar", you mumble out an apology as tears finally flow from your eyes, "Hey, no, don't cry (Y/n), everything's going to be fine", Caesar's hands trembled as he wiped your tears away. Once you were finally laid down properly they removed your broken staff as they try to stable your health, "Caesar", you weakly call out to him, "Save your breath (Y/n)", Caesar pleads with you, you cough as your eyes begin to close, "No no,(Y/n)", Caesar panics at Lisa Lisa and Messina try quickly wrap your wounds. Caesar watched as your lips moved slowly, from what he was able to make out you mouth 'come closer', with that he neared your face carefully until his ear was near your lips, "I love you Caesar", you whisper out before you finally lose conscious. "(Y/n)!"

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