Chapter 7

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"Gahh! What was I thinking!? When I said I needed a month I only meant it as a bluff! I didn't think he'd take me seriously! I should have said I needed a year, Joseph deflates as he panics while you tried stifling your laughter, "Pfft-When's the wedding ceremony Joseph?", you tease, he only glares at you, "(y/n)!!", Caesar then cuts in, "A tip for you JoJo, quit screwing around and act like a man! We need to think of something and fast! You too (y/n)". You casually shrug, "I'm not the one getting married, and I'm a woman the last time I checked", Caesar gives you a pointed book but you definitely caught the switch of his mouth, "I know, this is how I think", Joseph responds Caesar's accession, Cesar then turns around grabbing a water vase and pouring water into a cup, you know the trick he was going to use and your father used it on you when you were younger.

"Once you're done with your thinking freaked out, I want you to pay close attention to what I'm about to do here", Caesar says drawing Joseph's attention as you grabbed a book to read, you focus on your book until you heard water splash and gurgling noises, looking up from your book you smirk at Joseph's predicament while Caesar explained the different methods he and Joseph have when it comes to hamon. "You're naturally gifted, JoJo, but you need a lot of work to get your home on under control, I brought you to Venice to meet my mentor", but it's going to be a grind, Caesar explains, "Oh no! Grind and work are probably my least favorite words in the English language!", Joseph cried out as if he were in agony, you can only giggle a bit,"Ahh~ Joseph you never cease to amuse", you smile at him. Joseph noticed something different about that smile almost immediately, it differed greatly than the others you gave, Caesar also caught on because he too smiled at you, "You know (y/n), I just noticed the smile you're wearing right now is fitting, you look radiant with it", then you stopped smiling and wore your usual "unimpressed" resting face, "And moment ruined", you say burying your face back in the book again, "Dammit Caesar! You shouldn't have said that I wanted to say something about her smile!", Joseph whined, "Shut up", you quickly retaliate.

Soon you found yourself near open water and while you found Venice quite beautiful you were more enamored by the current book you barely started to read a Caesar called out to another person in a "boat", " Excuse me, do you know Air Supplena Island and how long it takes to get there?!", the Stranger was only silent in response, putting your book down you took a sniff of the wind and faked a yawn for a taste of the air, only to freeze momentarily, "That's a hamon user!", you thought. When the stranger turned around they wore a mask –and from their body structure they were likely female– she suddenly slammed the oar down on to the water and stood on it, you could see the ripple forming around her. Joseph said something before he was promptly slapped with the oar, you sidestepped out of the way as Joseph was thrusted towards the water, impressively enough he was able to stand somewhat in the water using hamon, "Grr, you asked for it, I have no idea who you are, but I'm going to make you pay for that! You're going to wish you never met me!", Joseph growls. "At least you can control is how monreal enough to stand on water, that's a start", the woman said as she removed her mask, you shifted uncomfortably as you carefully observed her, "A-a woman?!", Joseph says surprised, "Is that you coach!?", Caesar -equally surprised- asks knowing the obvious answer while you uncomfortably shifted until you stood still.

"Well, well don't think I'll forgive you for hitting me in the face with that oar, just because you're a girl doesn't mean I won't give you what you deserve", Joseph threatens clenching his fists while you nuzzle into your scarf for a form of security. "You should just be happy that you impressed me with your initial display skills, walking on water while you're lacking in training is quite the accomplishment, however–!", her voice raises as she kicks up the oar, "–if you truly wish to master hamon in a month, you must be prepared to die for it!", she exclaims using the or as a high bar with the water supporting it as she flips her self. She launches her body at Joseph, and clipped something onto his face, before her attention is on you, you scowl taking a step back with a warning before she then launches at you, releasing hamon into the air around you, you pushed her back a few steps away from you, she looked momentarily surprised before she had and impressed glint in her eyes. She then puts her attention back on Joseph, "Joseph Joestar, from this moment forward you will be wearing that correction breathing apparatus until I say otherwise", she declares, Joseph lets out a noise of surprise as he struggles to get the breathing apparatus off, "I can't breathe!", he gasps out, "Not without proper Rhythm you can't, however with proper breath control you'll have no problem, if you do not maintain proper breath control then yes, the mask will eventually suffocate you, so focus! Learn to master your breath and you'll be running marathons while wearing it!", she explains while your eye twitches at the explanation, it sounded so... brutal, but then again your father's training used to be equally rough.

You looked away is Joseph fell deeper into the water, slightly frowning when your two older siblings came to mind with your mother as Lisa Lisa -now that you caught her name- spoke again, "And one more thing before I forget so we're both on the same page, I did not accept the responsibility of training you just so you can save your own skin, I'm forging a squad of warriors capable of annihilating our enemies!," she reveals, and your chest suddenly burned but you didn't lash out. "You-you witch!", Joseph wheezed, "Careful, you want another go-round with her?", Caesar warned you crossed your arms as Joseph huffed and Cesar laughed at what Joseph said as you hugged yourself, "It's always a pleasure Caesar, and you JoJo, (y/n), welcome to Venice", Lisa Lisa welcomes. "Bow when she leaves!", Cesar commands, again you step away from the two as Joseph show Caesar's hand off his head, "Are you kidding me!? Italy's most transparent Playboy wants me to be polite to that little witch!?", Joseph barks back, "Watch your tongue Jojo, I respect her like my own mother! Show her the same respect, I'm warning you", Caesar warns, Joseph huffs in annoyance as you narrowed your eyes at Lisa Lisa.

"(Y/n) you... too?, Caesar looked at your narrowed eyes, quite surprised at how hesitant and preservative you made yourself, "(y/n) what's wrong?", Caesar came closer to you as concern laced his voice, you only stepped away as you shook your head, "It's nothing, I just struggle to adjust to other... Woman", you briefly explain, Joseph was able to catch on to your struggles as you walked ahead of them, yes you were being preservative and hesitant, but there was also something else, you are nerve-wrackingly anxious. On a ship you all went to the Air Supplena Island, it's almost reminded you of the banded Warehouse your father transformed into a training ground, once you step foot onto the island you knew you entered hell. "No sense in wasting any more of my time! I hope you're ready for the Hell Climb Pillar!", Lisa Lisa announced as you shivered, recalling your father's experience with the said pillar, "Wait seriously?!", Caesar's panicked expression didn't calm you, "What's the big deal?", Joseph asked, quite confused and slightly concerned. "But-but coach, you know that I haven't even made an attempt at Hell Climb Pillar right? Do you really intend for us to start on this? So many have died on Hell Climb pillar, I've heard countless stories", Caesar states nervously, as your stomach twisted and turned. "Stories that may or may not be true, if you fail you have no place here", Lisa Lisa says, "Hello~ would somebody care to clue me in on what's going on? This hell pillar thing doesn't really look all that tall", Joseph points out as your head briefly felt lighter as the doors opened.

"Well from up here it is really more deep than tall, Lisa Lisa answers as Joseph let out a surprised "huh?", suddenly you felt a harsh hit to your back as you find yourself falling in, you couldn't even scream as you fell. You resurfaced with a gasp and sputter as you felt some sort of substance drip and slide off you, "Oil! This pillar is covered in flowing oil!", Joseph verbally answers your thoughts as you look up at Lisa Lisa with pure shock, "It's 24 meters to the top of the pillar and you may only use your hands to climb, there is no other way out, if you can't find a way to climb back, you'll die down there!", Lisa Lisa says as she closes the door. You stared at the pillar, Joseph's shouting caught your attention and where he was looking also grabbed your attention, there you saw Lisa Lisa looking over her shoulder staring down at Joseph with cold eyes.

In that moment and awful, unpleasant memory came to surface, you were in the well again, begging for your mother to help you get out of it because you were afraid of the dark and afraid of dying in there, your answer was her silence and her back.

You were only seven years old.

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