Chapter 5

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In the car you sat with now for men, you are seated in between sir Speedwagon and Joseph, the German Soldier mentioned something about getting married but again you had your nose in your book. Then the car suddenly started to swerve about making your face squish into Joseph's chest, "¡Santa madre de-!", you growl, "...And please stop cuddling with the wheel if you don't mind!", Joseph's voice cuts in as you curse at them, "Watch the road damn it!", the car is then steady again. "I wanted to ask you JoJo, do you have a girlfriend back home?", Caesar asked smirking, Joseph looks over at you and wraps an arm around you as you tried to read, "Actually I do, not sure if you noticed but (y/n) here is my girlfriend!", Joseph smirked smugly, you sigh as you whacked his hand off you, "Don't touch me", "Ow!! (Y/n)~!", he whines as Caesar laughs.

"For a moment you nearly got me there Joseph, then how about this (y/n), let's go elsewhere after we are done with this pillar men business, how does dinner with me sound", Caesar smirks at you, you only flip a page in your book, "Sounds awful", you say bluntly as it was Joseph's turn to laugh, "Ha! She out right rejected you!", Joseph cheers, you huff, "You two are hopeless", you say, "Hey!", they both shout at you as you read nonchalantly. Joseph suddenly takes your book making you growl, "Give it back JoJo", you only receive a grin in return, "Not unless you answer question of mine", he says, "Fine spit it out", you said just in your cape, "Why did you really come save Speedwagon?", he asked, serious all of a sudden, though it was understandable, considering the fact Speedwagon is practically family to him. "To get away from my mother", you spoke simply, "Why so (y/n)?", Speedwagon asked, "She's been a hassle to deal with, ever since Linda got engaged she's been nothing but a pain", you trailed off looking at the road in front of you, a small frown formed on your lips, "ever since Linda got engaged she encouraged me to do the same, the last straw was when she arranged a marriage behind mine and my father's back", you scowl, "I still hate her, and I'm not going back".

"Oh (y/n) dear", Speedwagon sighed, "did you at least tell her where you were going?", he asked, "No, the last thing I remember saying to her was "I never wish to see you again" before slamming a door on her face", you say softly, yanking the book out of Joseph hands, "besides at this point the pillar men are more important then my personal family bonds, as well as the possible answers my bloodline holds", you said nonchalantly, Joseph frowns is Caesar looks back at you before he sighed. When you are finally got their Mark -the soldier- open the secret passage, when he did something about it made your stomach twist up and the hairs on you're next stand. You all began to descend into the stairway with Mark holding the light, "You can really feel the chill of the dead here, Caesar what side of effects has your hamon had on the sleeping pillar men?", Speedwagon asks, "Hamon is only used on the living, no reason to waste my powers on Stone, we can't learn anything if they are not alive", Caesar explains. You could only shiver as the air around you felt tense, "I'm surprised you Germans don't have more than, uh, zero guards down here, it's a little quiet, hellooooo!", Joseph shouts, pausing echoes to sound off the walls, but at Joseph statement and made you very on edge as your senses nearly went haywire from the suffocating air around you, you can practically taste some sort of upcoming doom.

"Stop being foolish JoJo", Caesar scolds, "Wait something's wrong", Mark cuts in gaining your attention, "He's right there should be guards posted all around this place", he adds, "Really?", Caesar asks, Joseph huffs as you carefully smell and connect with the air around you. "Gahh! Why didn't anyone tell me there were bats in here! Gross I stepped in back down, and I just cleaned these", Joseph whines, your stomach drops when you finished focusing on the air around you, "Joseph that's not bat dung", you whisper as you look at the ground at his feet, they all looked at you in confusion as Mark shined light in the area Joseph was stepping on. You will met with a horrible sight, line of connected flat corpses that were obviously German soldiers laid on the ground, "Wait those are-", Joseph nervously points out as Caesar finishes for him, "They're husks of dead soldiers", "What- what the hell happened to them, they're all dead", Mark shook as he suddenly screamed and ran away. Then you felt it in the air again, this time it was pretty that you felt all of them were so familiar, yet so distant and they felt so hostile. It nearly made you want to puke as your stomach continued to twist and churn in avrigation and disturbance, confused as to say if these three were familiar or hostile, if you wanted to hurt them or not. Your instincts were telling you to kill them and greet them, flee from them and run to them, and it made you shake with such adrenaline yet you couldn't do anything with the adrenaline pumping into your veins.

"Stop where you are, whoever did this could still be here! We don't know what's out there!", Joseph warns Mark who continued to run as you spoke loud enough for all of them to hear you, "No, They're getting closer", you then turn to Mark shouting, "Mark run back over here!", you demanded only to have your voice flee from you once you saw them, the pillar men. "Wh-what is that!", Joseph exclaims astonished, "I- I can't believe it, they- they are alive!!", Speedwagon yells, "Runaway Mark!", Caesar shouts at the German, who was frozen in place out of petrified fear, "Get out of there, now!", Caesar yells again to take Mark out of his state of fear, "Now!!!", Caesar shouts again, but then one of the pillar man touched him. He just went straight through Mark as if he was never there, your all gasped at the sight when the other half of Mark disappeared and blood started to gush out, he couldn't even scream in pain a Caesar call to him, "MAAARK!". You all ran over to him until Caesar was able to grab him in his arms, "Mark no", Caesar gasped sharply as you stared down at the poor man, "Caesar- Caesar", Mark rasped, "What have they done!?", Caesar glowers, you look at the backs of the pillar men with narrowed eyes. "They just walked through your friend like you wasn't even there, the pillar men awoken with such massive power that we barely even exist to them! We may as well be nothing more than a colony of ants beneath their feet!", Speedwagon gasped, something about what he said made your brow twitch, it angered you that these people would see humans as nothing, as if humans were nothing more than insects.

Sure Humanity had its faults, but Humanity isn't the only one without them, it is what made them human in the first place. Mark's wails pain didn't go unnoticed by you, but you couldn't bear to watch, "Caesar, kill me please, do it you've got to kill me now!", Mark pleads, "I can't", Caesar denies, "It-it's getting so cold please, Caesar I am so scared, I couldn't feel anything at first, but-but now the pain, please Caesar you've got to kill me now!", Mark pleads again. The glow of hamon didn't catch your attention but you did bow your head knowing what technique Caesar used, you didn't notice it but your eyes glowed a bright (e/c) as parts of your hair faintly changed to a silver blue color, but Speedwagon saw and he knew what was happening, "Just like what happened to Clada(*)", he recalls.

"He was so young, his whole life ahead of him, he worked hard for a living, he loved his family dearly, he loved his girl and his country, he was a good person, clean cut the boy next door and they killed him", Caesar says, you throw off your cloak as you stared at the pillar men while Caesar shouted, "Now they die!", "Caesar!", Joseph joins him alongside with you. "Don't you dare get in my way JoJo, (y/n), I'm going to enjoy every second of this, this is personal, I'll destroy these fiends myself!", Caesar shouted, "Not without us you're not Caesar!", you shout, pulling out your two sticks together, you made you stuff, ready to use for battle.


Bold italics= Thoughts

(*)= OC character mention/appearance

Clada= An OC that appeared in Phantom Blood helping out Jonathan in his journey to defeat Dio


Santa Madre de- = holy mother of-

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