Chapter 12

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Walking over to Caesar you called out to him, "Caesar what are you doing here? I'm nearly done scouting", you rest a hand on your hip as you narrow your eyes at him, "(Y/n) I um- coach sent me", Cesar explained hastily. "Liar, I can smell blood on you and I heard your heart pick up a beat when you said coach sent you", you frown at him as Caesar looked away with a small "tch", you were about to say something but saw something in the snow caught your eye, "...Footprints...", you mutter out softly. Caesar took notice of your posture when you crouched down near the footprints, "It leads to the mansion", as soon as Caesar said that the doors to the mansion flew opened, "There was someone there! Am I hallucinating!?", Caesar gasped, inhaling the air around you, you scrunched up your nose, "No, someone is definitely here, and from the scent alone I can only assume that it is Wammu", you state.

The figure -which you figured out to be Wammu- charged at you, "(Y/n)! Caesar!", his voice boomed before he vanished into the air, Caesar made an odd stance while you stabbed your staff into the ground and balanced on top of it. "He's vanished!", Caesar gaped, "But he is near", you state as a bead of sweat trickled down your temple, you anxiously looked around, "Caesar!", you and Caesar turned around to see instructor Messina walking towards you two, "What do you think you are doing, going in there all alone is madness, you're lucky (Y/n) was up here scouting", he scolds. "Wait instructor!", you shout making Messina pause in his steps, "I can't move at all, let alone go rushing in, somethings hiding just inside the entrance of the building", Caesar explains hastily, Messina looks at the entrance door, "What do you mean? I can't see a single thing in there", Messina speaks out just in time for a single footprint to appear, "Hu?! A single footprint just appeared!", he exclaims "He must've jumped, he is coming at us from above!", Caesar shouts as you get down from your staff to prepare a shield made of wind to form around you three, "Wammu!", Caesar yells, just as your shield was nearly formed, he broke through it cutting Messina's arm off, "Instructor Messina!", you shout as he was dragged into the mansion.

You jumped to reach him but only fell to the ground, "Damn it!", looking back at Caesar you noticed how he held the instructor's arm, "You alright Caesar", "Yes", he grunts in response. The doors opened to reveal Wammu, you immediately took notice of how he was able to control the wind, similar to your technique but very different.  While he was able to bend the wind to his will, you were able to do something similar but for the majority of the time you had to go with the natural wind current. "Where is the? That infuriating smart-talking upstart, I hear tell that JoJo learned quite a bit", Wammu's voice resonates a growl, you and Caesar stood side to side, "where is the man who killed the master Esidisi", Wammu demands as Caesar finally figured out Wamnu's technique while you began to form a wind barrier around yourself and your staff. As Wammu spoke to Caesar, you both looked at one another, you and Caesar will use your techniques combined to defeat Wammu, Caesar threw his bubble cutter at Wammu as you used airburst to boost their speed and added extra hamon to the bubbles. Wamnu yelled in pain until he ran to the mansion's door entrance, Caesar threw more bubbles at his legs this time to ensure he'd fall, you used air burst to dash over with your staff to strike him and let his wind go off current once yours interfered. "Hurry Caesar!", you shout as you neared Wammu with your ready staff, Caesar leaped into the air to give Wammu a hamon air kick, only for Wammu to flip onto his hands to kick Caesar and simultaneously destroy your staff, surprising you both until Wammu dragged you in by your ankle, "Gah!!".

Wammu threw you against the wall once inside the Mansion, but left you there and hopped away, groaning you soon spotted instructor Messina still alive. When Cesar entered the building you stood up with a grunt, "(Y/n)! Are you okay!?" , Caesar asked, "Yes, and Messina is still alive!", you notify him as you look down at your now broken stuff, huffing you swirled them in separate hands, deciding the sharp points would be beneficial in some way. You and Caesar stood close until you spotted Wammu, "I see you taking off your coat and made herself ready, Wammu!", Caesar takes a stance as you begin to form your hamon filled air, and the battle begun.

"Take this, bubble launcher!", "Airburst!", you and Caesar shout simultaneously as you slowed Wammu's air while Caesar threw his bubbles, just as Wammy directed a strong attack at Caesar you deflected it with your own and thrust it upwards, causing the Mansion to shake. "You're dead Wammu, riding bubble cutter!", Caesar shouts as his razor bubbles attack the calf of Wammu's legs while you threw one part of your broken staff -filled with hamon into- Wammu's shoulder, embedding it into his flesh, Wammu grunts at the pain as he falls down the steps. "Wammu!", you and Caesar show, gaining his attention, I'm finished with these games, you're through, Wammu declares as he nearly uses Devine Sandstorm while you kept Caesars bubbles up in the air with your home on air. "Wait a minute Wammu stop and look around", Caesar cuts off Wammu then begins to brief his strategy as Wammu looks in the air, "my bubble Cutters are now bubble lenses, and they are floating in the air all around you with are Hamon", you ready your second part of your broken stuff as Caesar continues to explain, "and that enormous hole you knocked in the wall earlier, is just like an Open Shutter of a camera on a bright summer day, those lenses to focus the sunlight, into the hotel!", Caesar finishes. Wammu screams in pain as rays of light pierces flesh, rendering him immobile, then you felt it like someone was going to die. When Caesar leaped into the air you panicked, "Caesar no, wait-!", your plea came too late, the next thing you knew Wammu used his Devine Sandstorm before you could interrupt his attack, everything was quiet but you felt pain, it was everywhere in your body. Once it stopped you slowly got up only to gasp in pain, touching your left side you felt your broken stuff partially piercing your body, groaning you yanked it out with difficulty as you located Wammu. You were about to stand but saw Caesar, heavily injured but still weekly attacking Wammu desperately, "Cae- Caesar", you whisper slowly as tears filled your eyes yet never spilled, with a growl you attacked Wammu with your remaining strength with eyes glowing in hair nearly changing into a steel blue color as you roared. Wammu caught your arm and broke it making you wail in pain, "stop it, that's enough you two, you can't fight", Wammu sternly spoke, smirking you growl, "Oh yeah? Well watch me cabron", you let your nails garden as they grew to slash Wammu's face giving Caesar chance to pull off his lip ring.

You tried to catch him but felt your broken arm be yanked on and a sharp hit to your ankle making you fall onto the ground near WAMU, he let go of your arm as you gasp in huge amounts of air desperately, "I'm not- afraid to die here", Caesar's voice cut in through the air. You looked over at Caesar, who began to glow with hamon, "This is the Zeppeli family spirit! Handed down from the past to ensure the family's future! This is the human Spirit!", Caesar declares staring Wammu down as an awful pain gripped your throat, "No, Caesar no, please". Weakly you reached out to him, "C-Caesar- wait-", "JoJo, this is the last of my hamon! Take it for me!", Caesar cries out into the air as the roof of the building begins to crumble, with his voice echoing throughout the building, "Caesar!", tears finally cascade down your face as your weak body lurched for him. Cesar smiled at you for the briefest moment until a stone cross took his place, you could only stare with your mouth agape before you desperately crawled to him, "No, no, no, no, no Caesar- Caesar please", you whimper desperately. Finally standing you leaned over to the stone carefully placing your hand on it as broken sobs and whimpers tumbled out of your lips as you grew frustrated, Wammu could only stare at you with the look, it wasn't pity but it was far from apathy as he watched you desperately trying to lift the stone.

Wammu walked over to you, and lifted you up before carefully tossing you over his shoulder, "No! no! Leave me! Caesar!", you pleaded as you reached out to the stone Caesar was under. Wammu closed his eyes as a frown took form on his lips, you tried to claw at his back, hurting him in some way, you even desperately kicked and screamed despite your injuries, "Please, stop fighting, you don't have the strength to continue", Wammu spoke, and surprisingly you did stop, only because you heard Joseph and Lisa Lisa cry for Caesar. You could only cry silently with them as you closed your eyes, and deeply wished but this is only a dream.


I have two reasons for crying, one is because I am finally done with this chapter, and two is because...........Caesar's gone!!!!!!

Honestly, the song I listened to while writing this nearly fit what the reader was kinda experiencing while fighting and finally witnessing Caesar die. If you're curious it was this song:

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