Chapter 4

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The next place you found yourself in was in Rome, Italy wasn't a place you expected yourself to be near, so you only packed small. Ronco covered you and was comfortable enough, your stash now currently your scarf, and a small hat with a flower and a feather was tipped on your head, in general you almost look like you came from an upper-class. You currently read a book as you ate your pasta dish, "What the heck is this supposed to be?!", you looked over at Joseph who grabbed the poor waiter by the collar, sign you looked at the dish he was served and chuckled, "Joseph don't be too rush now", you say as you continued to read the book in your hands.

The blond man and brunette woman seem to hear the commotion since you heard him say, "This Hotel was to be a place of class and refinement, now they just let anyone in here", he sighed, you gripped your book tightly as you finished your pasta dish, "It is not worth it (y/n), it is not worth it", you try to calm your nerves. The blond continued to flirt with the woman as you scoffed at his words, "That's just ridiculous, how could any modern woman fall for such obvious act!!", you chuckle as Joseph complained, "Oh Joseph ever the charmer", you coo at him, though something about the blond seem familiar yet odd. Joseph grinned at you when you looked up from your book, "Nice lipstick by the way", you mutter Joseph pouts at you briefly before grinning mischievously, "I have an idea~", "Don't be too rash", you say as you bury your nose into the book again, you heard him use hamon breathing but thought nothing of it as you were engrossed in the book.

That was until an unfamiliar hamon invaded your senses, immediately snapping your head up you saw the glass in Joseph hand spill, but the unfamiliar hamon was present, looking at the blond man you narrowed your eyes, "He's a hamon user", you confirm as Joseph's words taste about, he looked over at you, "You don't think he's-!", "Listen closely", you cut him off watching as a waiter approached the blond. "Pardon the intrusion, but there is a phone call for you from Mr. Speedwagon, Mr Caesar Zeppeli", at his name your stomach dropped, "No way!", "Wh-what the- that spaghetti rained womanizer is the Caesar Zeppeli we came to find!!", Joseph exclaims, you -on the other hand- are trying to wrap your mind around the sudden introduction.

You sat next to Sir Speedwagon as the men were sitting far apart from one another, Cesar flirted with a woman as Joseph was sitting with the doves, "Boy of the birds in this country sure are friendly~! They seem so much smarter than the men here too, don't you think!!", Joseph glares at Caesar who only huffed. "Knock it off JoJo! The two of you better start talking", Speedwagon stepped in, "Mister Speedwagon, I'm sorry but not a chance, my grandfather died tragically 50 years ago, my father then took up his torch and spent his life hunting the mask, we Italians have the strongest familial bonds that any country in the world, we are very proud of that tradition, it is everything to us, that's something he'll never understand", Caesar points at Joseph, "in fact you told me he didn't know anything of his grandfather until just recently! A true man knows his history!", at this you burst out laughing catching the attention of all three men, "Why have family? They do nothing but weigh you down, good riddance I say", you smile as you continued with your book, "H-how can you say that?!", Caesar looks at you with wide and eyes, "Because it's true", you shrug.

Speedwagon soon speaks again, "JoJo didn't know anything because I kept it a secret from him, and (y/n)...", he looks at your nonchalant form, "I don't think that's any excuse, I heard about Striazo, and was impressed to find out they both fought a pillar men but I wanted to see for myself how tough they were, so I waited at the hotel, and I'm disappointed to say that Joseph skills leave much to be decided, (y/n) hasn't shown hers yet, but Joseph's hamon is weak! It's worthless, his defeat of the pillar men was nothing but blind luck!", Caesar declares, "I won't be forced to work with this imbecile!", he shouts, you sigh as you add in, "Honestly I didn't use my hamon because I don't find you worthy enough to see it", your grin as Caesar huffs at you.

Speedwagon said something until Joseph's laugh cut in, "We're done with the niceties here, I'm going to have to settle this with a good thrashing!", you smirk as you continued to read your book, you looked up just in time to see Joseph get thrown into the fountain and Caesar uses his hamon technique, it honestly surprised you for a moment. Just as Caesar was about to lift his hamon off the poor woman a pigeon flew into his mouth making you laugh, the boys were now on the ground before you, uncrossing your legs you stood up behind the boys and whacked them both hard on their heads with your book, "Ow!/Hey!", Joseph and Caesar yelped in pain turning to look up at you. "Boys will always be boys, even if they are in a man's body", you stay as you open your book again on the chapter you left off on, they both watched as you walked over to Speedwagon.

Soon you find yourselves in a room, and waited there for eight whole hours, the mean time you got dressed into your fighting gear. Giving yourself a look over in the mirror you hummed in thought, before shrugging your shoulders and equipped your (currently) 2 pieced staff sticks behind you, before walking out the dressing room. Grabbing the hoodie KP walked out into the open room the men wear in catching their attention, Speedwagon side as he spoke, "What would your mother say about your attire (y/n)?",""You're not a prostitute (y/n) go back into your room and don't come out until you make amends!" Or something along those lines", you shrug uncaringly, "She's such a handful I swear", you growl and sit next to Joseph pulling out a book.

"She's just trying to watch out for you", Caesar commented, you only roll your eyes, "By caring do you mean comparing me to my older sister on a daily basis, forcing me to act like a lady, shout at me when I make a tiny fixable mistake, how about forgetting I even exist because I'm the youngest of three", you growl, Joseph rounds that what you describe the relationship you shared with your mother, but looking at you now he can tell you had some form of neglect. Cesar couldn't say anything else once you describe the relationship you shared with your mother, but he caught onto the hurt in your voice, it sounded like one of longing to connect somehow. They were about to play card game until they nearly had started a mini fight, "Calm down!", Speedwagon shallots making them pause as you finished your drink of water, "It's been 8 hours Caesar do you mind telling us what we're waiting for", Speedwagon asks. You raised a brow Caesar who looked at the clock, "What are we waiting for?", Joseph asks just as you hear screeching tires when you also hear Caesar say, "Here's your answer!", looking out the window with the rest of them you saw a German soldier in the driver seat. "What the hell is a German soldier doing here?!", Joseph demands as you narrow your eyes a teaser, "It looks like we're clear", he grins, "just who do you think guards the pillar man, he'll get us in there, just behave yourself", he adds on.

"Again with the Germans!!!", Joseph whines as you sigh, exasperated at the thought of going with the Germans, "Caesar, I hope you're in the right, because if I find out they're backstabbing us, you could say goodbye to your testicles", you glower at him. The men in the room stare at you in shock as Caesar composes himself with the laugh, "My (y/n)~ you are quite the woman, aren't you?", you only hiss response.

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