Chapter 6

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"You monsters! Don't turn your backs on me!", Caesar charges at them, readying his attack, "Fine then I'll savor this one, hamon bubble launcher!", with that Caesar launched a flurry of hamon bubbles at one of the pillar men. In the meantime you've built up the air around you and your staff, charging up your attack, when one of them touched a bubble it immediately harmed him, these bubbles may look harmless, but prepare for a bombardment!, just as Caesar said that the pillar men suddenly shook his head around, making the odd wires swing as well.

You caught onto his deflection when all the bubble suddenly popped all together, you looked on words as Speedwagon inputted that they could be familiar with hamon, suddenly you felt the disturbed air as it harshly formed around the three pillar men. "Caesar look out!", Speedwagon warned, "get down!", Caesar only touched his cut lip, then suddenly there were cuts forming around on his face, "Cover your eyes! It wasn't just wind it was the aftermath of the vortex that's still active!", Speedwagon tries to explain only for Caesar to cover his face with a groan of pain. "These humans know hamon", you heard one speak, "I thought we destroyed all members of the hamon tribe 2000 years ago, and yet here they are ready to welcome us at our own Awakening", another sighed, and you hated it, you hated how they spoke as if you weren't there, and only mare pests.

"Damn, you-you killed him, you killed my friend! Do you think losing an eye will stop me"!, Caesar shouts, they didn't do anything until you heard them laugh, "Stop! Why are you laughing? What's so funny?!", Caesar demands, you growl lowly as they begin to talk, "You all have memorized your hamon handbook very well, you always say the same thing it was that way when we crossed from the western continent, and it is that way now still", one says, ""You think losing it an arm or an eye or a leg will stop me? How dare you take my friend's life don't you know how much I loved him?" That's why we laugh human", one finishes. "You- You bastards!", Caesar shouts, "Then laugh at this cabrón!", you yell dashing towards the pillar man in the center, the speed that you moved at was inhuman and it certainly caught all the men off guard, "Hamon Air Burst!", you shout using the air around you to attack the other two as your staff landed a sharp hit on the center man's shoulder.

"Master Karz/Karz!!", the others grunted as you and this Karz had a staredown, hamon traveled down the staff pushing "Karz" back , you only growl, "I'll put you all back in the ground where you belong!!", you seethed as your hair finally changed from (h/c) to a silver blue, making them gape at you, "The half-breed!", one shouts. You go to attack "Karz" again only to be pulled back by the blond one, you send your staff against his knee making him go off balance, just as you were going to attack him the other grabbed you by the back of your jacket collar, you hissed as you scratched his face with hamon making him drop you. So instead of keeping balance you fell down the stairs only have Caesar catch you, you only growl and stand up immediately, your group of four (including yourself)  looked at the pillar man, Karz was up again and his eyes were solely focused on you, "A half-breed, that must mean she is related to her", Karz mused. The other two looked at you just as intensely as Karz, you glared them down as you readied your staff again, "Just as fierce as her it seems, yet she's more temperamental than her", the white-haired one inputted, "Shut up, I don't care who you're talking about, since I'm going to kick your asses down to hell itself!", you roar.

"(Y/n) please! Calm your temper!", Speedwagon pleads, "Ahhh~ So that's your name kitten", Karz purred down at you making you scowl, "Fuck you!", you snap as your dash towards them again, "(y/n) wait/no!", you heard Joseph's and Caesar's voice mingle together, and suddenly the wind is knocked out of you. You found yourself pinned down by the white-haired pillar man, but you already started to thrash about quietly grunting and frustration, "Let–go you- cabrón!", you demand, then you feel a hand rest on the back of your neck making you freeze,"(Y/n)!", Joseph and Caesar show as you are dangled in front of everyone, it was deeply humiliating. "Just like a kitten", Karz chuckles weaving a hand through your silvery blue hair, you could only growl with a faint his as you dangled there, "An interesting woman I must admit, you know what to do Esidesi", Karz smirked, with that, you blocked out. Caesar and Joseph could only watch as your body went limp, they knew you had some sort of relation to the pillar men (Speedwagon informed them, after all, you directly to them), but to find out you were part pillar men was quite astonishing, but the proof was their dangling unconsciously are right in front of them. It is quite sad and nearly insulting to see you like that, dangled in front of them like a kitten or cub being held up by its scruff in their mother's mouth, Joseph frowned as Caesar scowled when "Esidesi" threw you over his shoulder. They're all leaving until Caesar began to shout, "Where are you going with (y/n)!? Face me coward!", he leaped to attack only to be stopped by one of the pillar men- Wamuu- who struck an area on his neck, halting Caesar's breathing. Joseph could only watch as you were taken away and Caesar was thrown against a pillar, Caesar's eyes wandered over to you, but only caught a glimpse of your silver-blue hair before you went out of eyesight.

You slowly came to but your eyes stayed close as you listened in on the conversation going on, "What do you plan on doing with Clear's(*)  descendant if I may ask Karz", Esidesi asked, "I've planned on awakening her pillar blood within her, since it is likely she already adapted to sunlight and use hamon none the less, I'm rather curious of her biology and potential usefulness", Kars answers. "She seems more human than one of our own", Esidesi inputs, "She was raised with them, so it is understandable as to why she is more human, her guardians and ancestors before them likely stop telling their bloodline of where they came from", Karz explains, you could only carefully listen as you made careful plans to get out of the situation. It was likely that they expected you to stay unconscious for a longer time, since he could still make out parts of the ground that gave away the fact you were still at the hidden cave the pillar men slept in, fortunately for you it seemed like your body didn't like staying down for too long either. 

Keeping your heart at a steady beat you slowly and very carefully let Hamon build up in your body, bit by bit so both of these pillar men wouldn't notice what you were doing, your careful planning was momentarily cut short when you heard a loud crash, it seemed to catch Esidesi's and Karz's attention as well considering they let out an audible hum. Faintly you could hear Joseph's voice with a hint of iron coming to your nose, connecting the two together you figured Joseph was injured, you nearly stopped your breathing when you were then passed on to another person, when you heard Esidesi's distant voice you guessed you were now in Karz's arms. You heard something about a wedding ring but ignore that in favor of biting your inner cheek and bringing up your stomach acid until it rested in the back of your throat, then you heard Karz speak, "I don't think so, and mortality can be boring at times, to encounter where the opponent that is such a rare and tantalizing but, the gift that would give our lives meaning, I can see why you do this but do not forget that our goal is to obtain the red stone of Aja, we must stay focused, now let's go!", you feel him leap. 

You know you were in the air but take your chances, with gritted teeth you wheezed, "Surprise Hijo de puta", Karz look down at you, with moments of surprise, you spat at his face with your hamon filled blood and stomach acid making him drop you, free falling you gave Esidesi and Wammu a grin as you flipped them off,"¡Adios Cabrónes!", you shout as they give you mixed reactions.

You momentarily remembered that you were falling, and silently thought to yourself, "Míerda".



Cabrón= Dumbass

Hijo de puta= son of a bitch

(*)= original character appearance/mention

Clear= A pillar woman and the ancestor of Clada and reader [and future descents]

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