Alternate End: Karz's Route

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It was hard to explain how this all turned out to be, how after a month of preparations suddenly went down the drain with you unexpectedly awakening something in you. The pillar men were alive -yes all three of them of course- but in the end, they were defeated after you accidentally that a powerful blast of energy destroying Kars' remaining Stone mask and cracking the red stone of Aja. Apparently, after coming back from a week of coma, your blast of hamon energy burst from your body because of stress and the adrenaline built up in you, also wounded both hamon users and pillar men alike. So currently you laid in bed still groggy and very very hungry, all while Joseph, Caesar, and Lisa Lisa were in your room checking in on you, your stomach growled as you stared at the ceiling tiredly, "Who would have known that your own blast of hamon could knock the pillar men down with one hit!", Joseph grinned, you gave him a pointed look before you sigh. "So, what happened to the pillar men?", you asked, "Apparently your sudden blast of hamon broke their horns off that they only have minimal control of their remaining abilities, basically they're now cornered animals", Lisa Lisa shrugs as you grunt while sitting up, "So my hamon blast practically gave us an automatic win? Well that's super anticlimactic", you mumble, "Actually we still have to fight them while you stayed unconscious", Caesar added, you pouted as you rub your eyes, "Seriously? That doesn't sound too fair, you guys practically finished the work while I slept in!", you whine, Joseph only chuckled as he rustled your hair.


Kars glares at you with such intensity that you were sure the windows would break from its tense atmosphere. While you could care less for what Karsthought, you couldn't help it slightly shiver at how his eyes nearly stared into your soul. So you choose them over us, cars nearly spits, "I've known my more human side more than I've ever known of the pillar men", you respond, Kars 'hn'ed and thought as his eyes narrowed, "but you felt it didn't you?", he interrogates. You nearly flinch in retaliation, he knew what you felt when you were around them, and honestly, you really weren't sure how to feel about that. A small smirk came onto his features as you subconsciously tilted your head as thoughts flooded your mind, "You can deny it all you want (Y/n), but I know that deep within you, our people's blood is still there, lingering and waiting to be awoken", Kars nearly purrs as you jolt, and he was quite satisfied with that look of anxiousness mixed with defiance it was a unique combination. You scowled at him before you went for the door, "How long do you plan on parading around pretending to be what you're not?", Kars hums, you feel your shoulder shake and pure Fury before you slammed the door shut, "Prick", you hiss.


Kars, for the most part, was hard to get along with, Esidisi was a right to hang out with and Wammu was nice to be around. Kars, in general, felt like a hassle to even be around, and it was tiring half the time if you could describe the situation you would say it's like having a dog and a cat in one-room trying to make them get along. Thus meaning if you and Karsweren't sassing or using your sharp tons, you would be at his neck while he taunted you as others would try to restrain you. Once Kars got ahold of a topic you were still touchy about, he ended up with burn and scratch marks nearly everywhere on his body with you a mess, teary-eyed and in your alternate appearance. That day he learned to be acutely aware of how sensitive you were on the subject, they had to leave you both separated for two whole weeks until you calm down and Kars fully healed, once they didn't you both stable they eventually let you and Kars be around one another, of course, they checked up on you every once in a while. Currently, you were reading a book, as you usually do whenever you were bored I had nothing much to do, Kars was quietly observing everything in the library you stayed in on your spare time when he looked out the window he saw the moon shining down on a nice garden outside. "What do you plan on doing now that your plans have been ruined?", you suddenly asked, Kars narrowed his eyes at you, but took notice of how genuine the question was, he lightly bit his lips in thought before speaking,"I honestly don't know", he confesses as he crossed his arms, you look at him slowly putting the book down, "I dreamed of being the ultimate life form, to conquer the fear of stepping out into the sunlight without consequence, I've... Heard how you humans described it", he pauses. You listened as he continued to speak, "I've heard from humans that the sun was so bright light, with warm rays is the caressed the skin, how it was the thing that gave life...", Kars crossed his arms as his voice softened, "in my youth I've heard so many stories of what the sun was, and in the beginning my works were dedicated to studying the bright yellow light, eventually though I saw power but honestly I never planned what I do after I'd have it", he concludes. You hum, pondering what you could do, "How about you actually take the time to learn of what evolved humanity, you spent many years in that pillar, and humans have changed drastically over the years besides, I'm sure you'll eventually find something of interest", you explained, at first Kars scowled and was about to retaliate, but then pondered with the idea for a while longer, there was a silence before he spoke, "Maybe".


Kars was indeed a curious man, and a prodigy among his people before he massacred them, but it was his genius that assisted in actually improving human-made machines. In the beginning, it was just you and him reading or looking through Leonardo Davinci's all the blueprints free things he planned on working on, then Kars got more interested in the more modern projects that gave Humanity advantages. At first, it was just you and Kars talking about the blueprints but eventually, they evolved into more conversations, more deep conversations than the ones you were used to. Kars was conflicted about the sudden attachments he had to you, Esidisi once caught him staring at you for too long when you were talking to Joseph, and Wammu also watched as Kars was having difficulty working on something until he saw cars lightly gliding his fingers on a book you gave him. Kars was rather frustrated for a while until Esidisi approached him, "I sense that my companion is having troubles with the heart", he hums, Kars scowls as he worked on a mini plane design, "I don't know what you speak of", "Denial could only get you so far Lord Kars, how long do you plan on running from these attachments you've been gaining?", Esidisi crossed his arms, leaning on the doorway. Kars frowned, "What are you implying Esidisi", "I'm saying that you should listen to how you feel towards the woman Kars , because if you ignore these attachments you have towards her, then someone else will likely take her", Esidisi reveals before gestures outside, "and who knows, they could take her sooner rather than later", Kars looked in the direction Esidisi gestured to and saw you outside with Caesar and another man simply talking. Kars felt uncomfortable for once in his life and he looked towards Esidisi only to see spot empty, with a sigh Kars ran a hand through his hair and looked at the vase that held an array of (favorite flowers), it was a book hit he was going to gift you but he never saw a chance to. Taking the book out of the vase his gaze softened as he stroked a pedal, "Now or never", he whispered.


Kars is confession, to this day, always left you surprised. You knew he wasn't the kind of man who would outright expose his feelings, and honestly, it felt nice that he'd do that for you, and it may be made you love him more. It came as a surprise to Kars years later when you gave birth to a baby girl named Julieta, Kars never saw himself being a father but when he got the chance to hold his first born he adored her, even though he didn't show it often. Kars was interested in her biology after he learned from your body and how you were able to conceive, so when Natalia came along he wasn't restrictive of his emotions like before, and currently Julieta was using her father's hair to cover her own, "Mama look I'm Papa!", she trips, Kars rose a brow as you laughed cradling Natalia, "You still have to grow first little bird", Kars scoffs taking hold of Julieta as she squealed when she was being held upside down. "Careful Kars", you say as you give Natalia her rattle, "I always am", he smirks as he tickles Julieta, she bursts with laughter as she kicks out her feet, "That's no- fair- Papa!"", Kars chuckles as he puts her on the couch before she leaps up and wraps her arms around her father's neck, "Carry me!", "But Papa's tired little bird", Kars fakes a pout as you smile, Natalia gurgled and cooed as she attempted to chew on the rattle. Kars stepped outside when Julieta and you followed after them, "and where are you going?", you ask, "Stargazing!", Julieta cheers as Kars wraps his arm around you, "What she said", he hums, Julieta watched gleefully as she pointed out constellations she recognized as Kars pecked your lips, "I love you(Y/n)", "I love you too Kars", you home safely. "Mama, papa, look! Shooting star!", Julieta exclaims. You could only smile as a thought crossed your mind, "So dreams do come true huh?".


Julieta is named after Julieta Venegas, and Natalia is named after Natalia Lafourcade, they once had a duet, the title of the song was: Amor, Amor de Mis Amores

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