My stomach was still turning so I decided to stay back from the amusement park.
Devante had did me a favor and drove Dijah, Keke, and Kemorre to FunWorld.
I was pumping myself with all types of Pepto Bismol, lemon, tea, and ginger but nothing was working.
I've never felt no shit like this. There was a knock at my door.
"Who is it?" I groaned.
"It's me, open up." I heard Tupac's voice. I opened it and he rushed in.
"Y'all gotta get outta here..." he frantically spoke.
"Wh- wait, what's going on?"
"They coming. Suge and his crew. They found out where you live. They coming for you and me. Where are the girls?" He ran around the house busting into the rooms.
"They're not here, Tupac."
"Okay, so we have to go. Now. Wherever they are, call them and tell them not to come back here. Let's go." Pac grabbed my hand and dashed out the house with me.
The sudden movement caused me to throw up on the sidewalk.
"The fuck- you good, Mo?" He pulled his neck back.
I wiped my mouth with the sleeve of my sweater.
Pac gave me a look and cocked his head.
"Shit, I got some ginger ale in the car. Come on, baby... take ya time but not really." He held the car door open for me.
I climbed inside and put my seatbelt on. My beeper went off and it was Devante.
I quickly called him.
"Hey beautiful, how you feeling?" He picked up.
Pac must've heard him because he screwed up his face before driving off.
"I'm better, can I speak to Keke real quick? I just need to let her know something..." I bit my lip.
"Sure, hang on."
"Wassup, hoochie?" She answered.
"Uh, code red. Make sure Devante keep y'all away from the house..."
"Shit. Okay. Wait a minute, where are you?!"
"... I'm with Pac." I hesitated.
"What the fu- Monika, how the hell you end up-"
"Listen, I can't right now. This shit has to be dealt with. If everything works out we'll meet back up at Big's crib, tomorrow. Where's Dij and Kemorre?" I cut her off.
"They went to get cotton candy. Look, we'll be at my mama's for the night. Do you know where you guys are going?"
"No. Not yet..." I looked over at Pac who was now speeding, but sure of where he was headed.
"After they fall asleep, I'll come find you. You could use the backup. Be very careful, Mo. Stay alive till I get there." Keke lowered her voice.
"Ain't nobody killing me tonight. I'm about tired of these niggas." I shrugged.
"Atta girl..." Pac spoke.
"I gotta go. Your lil boo over here feening. Ima see you later, love you girl, remember... eyes open. Be vigilant."
"Gotcha. Tell Devante I'll see him later cuz I know he probably illin, right now."
"Fasho. Holla."
I hung up the phone.
The nausea had suddenly worn off and I was ready for war.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"Warehouse... we gotta get to their heat before they do." Pac responded.
"The fuck is about to happen, a shootout?" I pulled my neck back.
"Who fuckin knows...Mo?"
"Whatever happens...I love you, baby girl."
"Don't talk like that, we got this Pac. We gonna get through this night and you're gonna tell me you love me later, okay?" I rubbed his chin.
"Yeah, but-"
"Shit! What the fuck was that !?" I spat.
I looked in the rear view mirror.
"Fuck, we're being followed! Are we almost there ?!" I panicked as I noticed a car with tinted windows gaining up on us.
"I think I know a shortcut, tighten ya seatbelt and hold on, baby."
"Was that a fuckin gun?!" I turned to look out the back window.
"Wouldn't doubt it. Hang on." Pac said as he made a sharp left.
I dug in my purse for my beretta.
"Shidddddd. Look at you! Swear I'm falling for you by the second, girl!" Tupac laughed.
I loaded it and rolled down my window.
Pop! Pop!
Pac and I ducked.
"Do something! I gotta be able to get a good shot!" I spat as I cocked the gun.
"I need to get us in the clear first! We don't need no unnecessary attention."
"Oh, so these niggas sending quiet shots? Fool, hurry up... I'm tryna shoot back." I hissed.
"Be careful, Monika. I know you feel invincible right now, but you ain't bulletproof. Keep them eyes open. Ready?" Pac asked.
I looked back and saw that they had retracted their gun.
He busted a sharp right and I quickly threw my upper body out the window and began to send shots to their windshield. Almost immediately, them niggas swerved off the road and hit a tree.
"Stop the car!" I yelled. It quickly came to a sudden stop.
"Mo- The fuck are you doing-"
"I gotta shoot them tires...If they alive, they can't come after us."
Pac raised an eyebrow at me.
"Who are you?"
"A fool in love."

FanfictionForget Jada. Forget Janet. Only one person had his heart till his last breath.