"Two for Boyz N The Hood, please" Devante slid the cashier the money.
She eyed him for some time, clearly captivated by his looks.
I smirked, she was a pretty girl and Devante ain't pay her ass no mind.
"Theater 3, enjoy the movie." The girl then looked at my protruding stomach "congrats on the baby" she added, giving a weak smile.
"Uh- it ain't like that." I nervously laughed.
"Yeah, this my homegirl. Thank you, though."
Devante took my hand as we headed towards theater 3.I looked back at the girl who bit her lip as she was having some type of inner conflict.
I exhaled.
"What's the matter?" Devante asked. "That threw you off?"
"Just a bit. Hey, did you think she was cute?" I raised an eyebrow.
"I - I - ain't really get a good look at her, I wasn't tryna-"
"Devante, it's okay. Did you find her attractive? I know you like big women." I laughed.
"She wasn't bad." He shrugged.
A lightbulb went off in my head and it must've shown all over my face.
"Mo, I hope you ain't trying to play Cupid. I ain't got time." Devante softly nudged me.
"Mind your business. The movie is about to start."
"I just love me some Ice Cube" I sang as the credits rolled.
"That's a real nigga, right there." Devante agreed.
As we walked out the theater, the cashier that Devante and I had been politicking about earlier looked like she had just clocked out and was heading home.
I looked over at Devante who noticed as well.
"Mo, dont-"
"Excuse me!" I called out to her as I picked up my pace to catch up .
"Monika!" Devante spat.
The girl turned around.
"Did I overcharge you? - it's my first week- I-" she began to stammer.
I held my hand up for her to stop talking.
"Girlfriend, you did nothing wrong. I wanted to get your name." I smiled.
"It's Sade, and yours?" She gave a sigh of relief.
"Mo, and this here... is my shy friend, Devante." I hooked my arm around his and brought him closer.
Sade's eyes lit up.
"Hi, Mo. Hi, Devante. What's this all about?"
"What's this all about Devante?" I looked up at him who was now visibly irritated with me and I gave not one damn.
"You the one that- ouch!" He exclaimed after I stepped on his foot.
Sade's eyes darted back and forth between us with a heavy look of confusion.
"Boy... you better tell her what this is all about" I said between closed teeth.
"You wanna go out to get something to eat some time?" Devante finally spoke up.
Even with Sade's ebony skin, you could see the red in her cheeks and that brought a smile to my face.
"Wait, you guys really aren't together? That's not your baby?" She asked.
"Nope." I answered quickly.
"I'd love to!" She retorted even quicker.
"He fine, ain't he?" I smirked.
"Super fine." I could see her heart beating through her chest.
They stared at each other for some time as I rocked on my heels.
"Well exchange numbers, the hell? I got shit to do!" I clapped.
They quickly snapped out of it and did as they were told.
"I'll call you." Devante smiled at her.
"Can't wait, goodnight guys. Thanks, Mo." Sade winked at me before swinging her back.
"If we ain't got each other back who gon have us!?" I called out after her.
She held a finger up as if to say I know that's right!
"You... are... the worst." Devante whipped his head in my direction.
"Am I really? Y'all was looking at each other like y'all was the last motherfuckas on earth." I giggled.
"Why you do that, Mo? You messin up my plans with you." he shook his head.
"Devante, you and I both know you ain't tryna play step-daddy. We're both young, and you know damn well It's gonna take me years to move on. Years for you? Without no coochie? That ain't what you want, boy." I fanned him away.
"Why I can't be the one to decide that, Mo? You over here throwing me away knowing how I feel."
"Because... I know. It's gonna take you some time to figure it out but I just know, Devante. This ain't what it's meant to be. Give Sade a chance. She's a cute chick. I ain't throwing you away either, I'm just doing what's best for the both of us." I shrugged.
"You should've just let us play out..."
"Yeah, but feelings would've ended up hurt and I wanted to save us that heartache as much as possible. Hate me now, but you'll thank me later." I took his hand into mine.
"I could never hate you, Mo. You just a hell of a character... I guess that's why I like you so much but you know you, best. Can't help but respect your real." Devante spoke as he kissed my hand.
"This is a start to something new, you don't even know it."

FanfictionForget Jada. Forget Janet. Only one person had his heart till his last breath.