It just comes back in flashes

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This is why we can't have nice things = Taylor Swift

Bull dousers, flashing lights and a fear of heights. In other words, a construction site located in my head. Feeling like crap was an understatement.

So, my cure? Lying in bed, moaning for an hour before stumbling out in pursuit of coffee.

  I looked terrible, absolutely a disaster. I had been too tired/drunk last night to take off the costume and now my auburn hair was entangled in the head piece. Make-up smeared across my face and my chocolate eyes were bloodshot.

 Serena had someone over last night and they had kept me up even later than I had wanted to so the need for caffeine was big. I had a paper due on Monday and hadn't even started. My plan was to do it today but well, how I felt at the moment – I was planning to just sleep all day and pull an all-nighter tonight. Stupid hopeful idiot that thought she'd be productive today.

 I put on the kettle, taking deep breaths as I got out the mugs and things I'd need. My head was literally throbbing and my stomach wasn't in the best state either. Behind me, I heard shuffling but decided to not scare the poor guy when he tried to sneak out. Goodness knows, he wouldn't want to see Medusa after the night he had, had. Let the poor guy sneak out with some dignity.

 Yet, that didn't happen.

 Hands suddenly snaked around my torso, the body leaning against me. O gosh, really dude? You just left your sleepover-buddy two minutes ago.

"Um, please don't do that" I grumbled, taking a step closer to the counter, he following my motion. The smell of chestnuts wafted into my nose, me trying not the cringe. People shouldn't smell like Angeles. They weren't allowed to smell like devils.

"Why not?" They weren't allowed to be the devil as well.

My head lifted, my eyes widening. That voice... chills run down my spine, my legs turning into jelly. No, it couldn't be him. He wasn't supposed to find me. This is just some creep who wants to hook up with me.

Yet, when my hair was brushed away from my shoulders and I felt those electric lips on the base of my neck, I knew there was no mistake. I whirled around, hitting the cupboard with my hip. The pain was nothing as I stared into the eyes of the man who all my nightmares were about.

"Miss me Angel?"


Mr. Brightside – The killers

After the elevator incident I caught sight of "Sam" a lot. More often than not, he had a gun with him or running from someone. When I'd spot him he'd give me a side-wink before that horrible sound of a gunshot would go off. The guy was sick. Horrifying. Disgusting.

 Why was I drawn to him then?

I found myself seeking him out, going to the more dangerous areas of the state in order to see him again. Places I knew he might be. We never actually spoke but I think he realised my attraction to him. Who wouldn't? I was basically risking my life in order to see him.

I found myself at a club called Snakes that one night. Snakes – like you just know it was dangerous. My friends had reluctantly been busy that evening so it left me to fend for myself. I should not have been here, really shouldn't have. I was wearing my favourite pair of black skinny jeans and a crop top that showed off my belly-button. People were eyeing me so much I felt like I was naked. I held onto my stomach, wishing that I had picked my outfit a bit better. Just a tiny bit less revealing.

Gingerly, I took a sip from my drink, looking around the place. I did not fit in. Girls like me did not belong in a place where there were more guns than teeth. Placing a strand of hair behind my ear my eyes fell upon a guy who actually owned all his teeth. That was obvious with the way he was smiling at me, his eyes glinting with demons. He was a bulky man, his tattoos snaking all over his body. He slid out of his seat and I watched with widened eyes as he moved towards me. O crap on a cracker.

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