But he never does

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Happier – Ed Sheeran

Serena had helped me pick out an outfit. Although I had tried to show her EVERY other dress in my closet she was adamant on the one I did not want to wear. It was a black dress with red roses all over and I didn't look too bad in it. Want to know why I didn't want to wear it?

Because it was the dress I wore for Angeles and I's first date.

And even if I tried so hard to forget that point – I couldn't. As I was getting ready, my nerves only grew. And not for the right reasons. Angeles was somehow going to ruin this date. I didn't know how, but he was.

"You excited?" Serena asked, popping her head into my room. I nodded, glancing at her from the mirror. She was also going on a date, wearing a simple Tiffany-blue dress with white heels. A pang of jealousy coursed through me but I pushed it down.

"Jip, but bit nervous" I smiled, turning towards her.

"It's going to go great Jen – you're going to knock the socks off that boy" she smiled encouragingly.

"What if he's not wearing any socks?" I smirked, taking hold of my small backpack that I used for a handbag – to Serena's disappointment.

"Then you go buy him some and knock them off" she giggled, "Is he coming to pick you up?"

I shook my head, "Meeting him at Artemis" I said, picking up my phone and checking the time. We were supposed to meet in ten minutes.

"Oo this is so exciting! Sam seems like such a nice guy" she grinned, she following me to outside my room, "Just think – we both have Sam's. Imagine if things work out between your Sam and then it's going to be such a hoot"

"It would be something" I smiled lightly.

"Me and you and our Sam's. Going on double dates, them getting confused over who we're talking about. We can even get nicknames for them! Secret nicknames so that when we talk about them, they'll just be so confused"

"I'm going to head off okay Serena. Don't want to be late" I smiled, moving to the door – effectively halting the conversation.

"Good luck Jen, it's going to go so well"

I nodded, telling her thanks before leaving. The nerves started to change, now it more of an Is-the-guy-actually-going-to-like-me type of feeling. And that was good, wasn't it? Meant that a certain somebody wasn't on my mind.

"You look nice" my head snapped to the voice, my eyes widening. It was like just thinking about him brought him.

"Angeles please don't" I cringed, inspecting him as he moved to walk next to me.

"I'm just saying – this is one of the reasons I call you Angel" he shrugged, "Sam is a lucky guy"

I only nodded, trying not to shake.

"Are you nervous?"

I didn't respond, starting to walk down the steps.

"Why are you nervous Angel? Is it because this Sam guy might make you move on? Or because you KNOW he can never compete to the 'jackass who you spent months getting over'?"

"What is wrong with you?" I snapped, turning towards him, "I'm happy! I'm going on a date. Let me go on this date, please?"

"What did I tell you?" he said, grabbing hold of my arm. "I'm not going to leave you alone"

"Why not?" I snapped, glaring at him.

"Because I still love you Angel!" he snapped, trying to push me towards him but I held my ground.

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