But it all comes back

21 1 0

Infinity – One Direction

Defiance. It was something a lot of people had, yet was never seen as a good thing when it came from individuals. I was one of those individuals and with the manner I had been raised, it was heavily frowned upon.

I think that's what had drawn me on Angeles. His defiance towards the law and my defiance against anything to do with the pompous rich ways I had been raised. But something always happened right after my defiant streak.

And that was regret. So much regret that it clouded my brain and made me wish that whatever I had done, was just a dream. The past two weeks it was the main feeling I felt. Angeles had made himself home in the tiny apartment and focused all his attention on tormenting me.

His torment went from being overly nice to me to me having to hear him and Serena going at it. It was sickening.

Serena also focused all her attention on the man. They were constantly together, this only agitating me. If Angeles wasn't around, she would talk to me about him. It was a continuous string of how perfect he was, how sweet he was, how Angeles he was.

With every conversation I just lost a little bit more of my sanity. I stayed in my room most of the time, my course luckily a nice little distraction.

And as I was sitting on my bed, a pen behind me ear and a highlighter cap in my mouth I was thankful for the test I was writing next week. Outside my door I heard Serena shuffling around, she busy giggling and talking on the phone. That was the thing about Serena – she fell hard. She had known Angeles for a week and had probably already named their future kids.

"I'll talk to you later, okay?" she said before I heard her nearing my door.

O no...

The rapping was quick before she poked her head in, a wide grin on her face.

"What are you doing?" she asked, opening the door wider.

"Studying" I frowned, motioning to all the notes.

"When you writing?"

"Next week"

I watched as Serena's eyes widened, her arms folding, "I've never seen you study so long before. You're the all-nighter type"

"It's a really big test" I shrugged. Serena walked towards me, grabbing a piece of paper, "You can take a break tonight"

"Why should I take a break?"

"Because I want to go out with my roomie" she smirked. I raised my eyebrow, putting the cap on the highlighter.


"Because we haven't hung out in a while and I miss you. You've become nerdy" she said, pointing to all my notes scattered around the world.

"You've been busy" I shrug, placing a stray hair behind my ear. I had placed my hair in a sloppy bun on the top of my head and had even placed my glasses on this morning instead of my usual contacts. Angeles used to love my glasses and sometimes even hid my contacts when we were dating. It was one of the many childlike quirks he had when the ruthless-gang-member-image disappeared and he was free to be who he was.

"Is this because of Sam?" she frowned. Angeles had used the same camouflage name he had used on me the first time. Surprisingly, it only infuriated me more. Like the "Sam" thing was mine, and mine alone. He couldn't have used Andrew or Peter or something. No, it was Sam. MY name.

"No" I grumbled, making it obvious it was about him.

Serena bit her lip, guilt shrouding her face, "I'm sorry I haven't paid that much attention to you Jen. It's just – Sam is new and we're still in the bubbly happy honeymoon phase. But I do miss you and told him I want to spend the evening with you"

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