That this would happen

19 1 0

Miss Jackson – Panic! At the disco

She was gone. And by the looks of things it wasn't voluntarily. Serena had called me the minute she came home and was currently a sobbing mess. It was very annoying...

A knife was lying on the floor, blood having splattered onto the tiles. A pan had crashed into some dirty dishes, mugs having fallen to the floor along with a bunch of papers and other things that had been lying on the counter.

My heart was thundering against my ribcage, worry making my breathing shallow. This must have been one bad fight and I hope that the blood didn't belong to her.

"She... she didn't... Sam I... I" Serena stifled, her hands shaking.

"Don't worry, we'll find her" I said, not even looking over at the girl.

"What would they want with Jenny? She's harmless, I don't think she can even throw a punch"

"She can" I responded, getting out my phone.

"No she can't, I've known this girl for a year and-"

"And I know she can throw a punch" I snapped, typing in Jackson's number. Guy was going to give me an earful, I just knew it.

"Sam I-"

"I trained her, she can throw a punch now shut up" I growled, glancing over at the girl. Shock was written all over her face, tears somehow still spilling.

"What?" she whispered, her chin wobbling.

"Shut up please" I said, clicking the dialling button. Jackson answered almost immediately, sounding rather upset. Well who wouldn't? I had abandoned them out of sheer desperation to get my angel back. No respected gang leader would do that. We were the number one gang and I just, poof – up and vanish.

"Angeles? What the hell is going-"

"I need you guys' help"

The line was quiet for a moment, shock probably on the poor guys' faces. I had never asked for help in my entire life. Well, I've never been this stupid either.

"The gang needs you Angeles"

"I left you two in charge"

"I know but sir, we can't just-"

"Are you telling me that I wasted three years on training you idiots for nothing?" I growled, hearing the hitch in Jackson's breathing.

"No sir" he said, his voice sounding irritably like Serena's, "We just need you back"

"I'll come back" I sighed, combing my hand through my hair.


"When I get Angel back" I growled.

"Sir" I heard him sigh.

"I don't want to hear it, she's gotten kidnapped. I want her fucking back" I growled, "I want you guys here ASAP"

"Yes sir" Jackson sighed, "We'll book a flight"

"Good" I clicked the phone off, looking over at Serena who – although tears still spilled – had folded her arms and was looking at me.

"Not now" I sighed.

"Yes now, what's going on?" she asked, me groaning.

"I'm going to find your roommate, that's it" I said, starting to move towards the front door but she grabbed my arm.

"What. Is. Going. On. Sam?" She hissed, rising her one eyebrow.

"I'm going to find Ange- Jenny. Now let me go" I snapped, taking my arm back. She opened her mouth to say something else but I was already out the door.

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