You know

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Wear me out - Skylar Grey

After Angeles showered, he bloody stayed – deciding he wasn't done tormenting my hangover head enough. I had disappeared to my room and was currently just starring at myself in the mirror. I had showered right after him, a stupid mistake. The place smelt like him, my body just craving his more. He had even bloody left a foggy note on the mirror.

"Don't imagine me in there" adjoined with a winky face. Asshole. Like I would actually have done that. His naked body under the water, toned, dark, gorgeous. Naked. So freaking delectable...

JENNY! Stop with this shit!

I groaned, combing my wet curls with my fingers. I could hear them. Hear my roommate giggling along with something my ex was saying. She was in so much danger and she didn't even know it...

I gulped, my mind racing. At the moment one thought was clear.

If I left, he'd leave with me. He'd leave Serena alone and try and hunt me down once more. But this time he wasn't going to find me. He couldn't.

I'll get plastic surgery, change my name. Do anything to rid myself from him. Nodding at myself in the mirror I grabbed my hoodie, throwing it on before placing my feet in some beat up Nikes. They were my favourite pair of shoes and I'd be damned if I left without them.

It didn't take me long to pack. I grabbed my school backpack, throwing the contents out on my bed and replacing them with the essentials. Wallet, cell phone, laptop (can't leave without that), a photo album, a photo frame with me and Serena and an extra pair of clothes. The rest I'd just have to buy. I didn't really need anything else and if I did, I could just replace it.

 I was about to leave when my eyes fell upon the teddy bear that always rested on my bed. Angeles had given it to me after he disappeared for a week. He had gang business to attend to and didn't bother to tell me. So, I had given him the silent treatment. Who knew I was so weak to forgive him after one panda-looking teddy bear. Groaning, I grabbed it, stuffing it into my backpack.

An issue with me was that, well – I couldn't sleep without it.

After scanning my room once more I felt a pang of sadness. Damn, I was a hoarder. Photos were scattered all over the place, my walls covered with them along with notes and momentous. It was insane. Clothes were spilling out of my closet, my mirror a note written on it from Serena reminding me to wear protection SHOULD I bring a guy home. Idiot...

Coffee mugs were strewn on my desk, study notes and textbooks all over that corner of my room. I was going to miss the hell out of this place. I was going to miss my crazy roommate and my crazy lecturers. My crazy ballistic party-mad roommate.

Gulping, I took a piece of paper, scribbling a quick note that I had went to visit my parents and placing it on my bed. Sorry Serena, but I need to keep you save.

I slid out of the room, closing the door behind me. Her bedroom door was closed which hopefully meant, the two were in there. Taking a deep breath I moved towards the front door, unlocking it and opening it as quietly as I could. Once it was closed I sprinted down the hallway, stomped down the stairs and rushed towards the parking lot. My poor old Mini-Cooper was probably covered in dust by now with my lack of driving it. It had been a gift from my parents when I had told him I was planning to go study across the country. I could only imagine what they'd do when they figure out I no longer studied and was basically on the run from my crazy ex-boyfriend.

 I saw my car across the parking lot, a smile appearing on my face. So, so close to freedom. The parking lot was quite full, a lot of cars I would have to pass to get to mine. But I didn't care, I was off to freedom.

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