Chapter 1: Time of Death

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Adora felt her breath rush out of her body. After being thrown like a rag doll by her frenemy Catra into a hole. She winced in pain and struggled to get up. She tried to fight Catra as herself and not She-Ra. This was becoming unsuccessful. 

Fighting tooth and nail was so much fun. Catra swung her tail and grabbed Adora's ankles to pull her out of the hole. "Really, that's all you've got?" The strength in Catra's tail could pull a loaded bus of pubescent kids if she had to. 

Adora felt Catra's grip on her loosen and slither away like a pyschotic snake. Would their rift ever be over? Could they ever go back to being best friends? She wanted those answers, but knew she'd likely never get them. 

"I'm tired." Adora said, just loud enough for Catra to hear her. "Aren't you?" She was getting on her feet when she felt a razor sharp pain slice down her back. She had no time to react as a massive amount of venom seeped into her system. 

Scorpia smiled wickedly. Mine! She's mine, Adora!  She thought happily. The obession Scorpia had with Catra was now over the edge. Her tail retreated back and she laughed heartily. 

Catra's attention focused in on Scorpia and realizing what she'd done. "You poisoned her?" She incredulously said. Her face fell into shock for several moments. Slowly she watched as Adora fell back down and didn't move. 


"Scorpia! What the frick did you do?" Catra pounced near her. Her eyes went to Adora then back to her so called friend. The word "Why?" came out slow and deep. 

Scorpia trotted over smiling like a champion. "I could and so I did." She answered. "So now that Adora is on permanent lights out we can go out." She winked at Catra. 

Holy crap! Catra thought. She wasn't into Scorpia like that. "No." Catra said coolly and pawed at Adora's face. "Wake up, Adora!" 

Scorpia was instantly hurt and became angry. "No?" She stomped her feet. "Why not? It's not like you're into Adora. She left us for Bright Moon and the Rebellion!" 

Catra growled as she turned to Scorpia. "Adora has been my best friend for years! And because of that stupid sword in the woods, she became a Hero. Do I still care about her - Yes! I'll always care about her!" Catra picked Adora up and flung her over her shoulder. "Don't bother tagging along. You're on my unfriended list." 

Scorpia watched them leave and she held back her tears as long as she could. When they were gone she sat down and cried like a child. She'd wished for Catra to see her, but clearly it would never happen. 

Scorpia smashed a rock with her claw and screamed out. "I really hope she's dead." Catra nor anyone could hear her. Still it felt good to say it out loud. 


Catra eventually found her way to Bright Moon and was held up by the guards. "Please Adora needs help." She'd never heard herself sound so weak and helpless. 

As the guards led Catra to the center of the room many fellow towns people stared. Queen Angella came toward them. She noticed Adora was limp on Catra's shoulder. "Scorpia poisoned her and I don't know how to help her. Please do something!" 

"Get her to the hospital wing!" Angella ordered. 

Catra paced up and down the hallway. It had been roughly fifteen minutes. 

"What did you do to Adora?" Glimmer shouted and wanted to start a fight. 

"Hey, I'm not the one that stung her with venom." Catra bit at her. 

Glimmer let out a frustrated sound. "Why are you still here? Adora wants nothing to do with you anymore." 

"I was her best friend for nineteen years top that, Sparkles." Catra rolled her eyes and leaned against the wall. "I'm not leaving until I know she's okay." 

Glimmer didn't bother correcting her name. "Fine. Then you leave or be thrown out!" 


Doctor Hilldale came out with a nurse. They looked defeated. "I'm sorry, miss. Your friend is gone." 

Glimmer looked more shocked than Catra. "Gone? Like she died?" 

Catra's eyes welled with tears. "No! Bring her back! You people have magic! Do something!" 

Nurse Bloomberg patted Catra's arm. "Sorry, dear." 

Without a word Catra ran off and kept running until she buried herself in a hollow tree trunk and cried for a very long time. 

"Glimmer!" Angella said a few minutes later and hugged her. "They're taking care of Adora." 

Glimmer shook her head. "No, mom, the doctor just told me that she died." 

Angella smirked. "We had to get that Horde girl out of here. They lied." 

Glimmer turned a pale white. "Mother, do you have any idea of what you've done? That Catra girl will come back in full force when she finds out." 

Angella hugged Glimmer to her again. "For now Adora needs to heal. Don't speak of her at all. Don't tell anyone. And I will inform Bow myself." 


Angella and her medical staff were under strict orders to keep Adora hidden. She would tell her people that Adora/ She-Ra was off on a vacation for rejuvenaton for a few weeks. 

Glimmer stayed by Adora's side even though she knew her friend wouldn't wake up for a while. "My mother is faking your death, Adora. She got the staff to tell Catra that you died. I think it's pretty low, but also a good thing. My big heart feels awful for her though." 

Bow came into the room a few minutes later. "Your mother told me everything." 

"It's awful. She looks so frail. She really almost died too, Bow. Dr. Hilldale said if Catra had gotten here ten minutes later Adora would really be gone." Glimmer teared up and let the tears loose. 

Bow ran over and gave her a big hug. "Glim, it's gonna be okay." He said with confidence. "Our friend will be back in no time." 

Time wasn't on Adora's side right now. The nurses were keeping a close eye on her. Glimmer and Bow had to leave on Dr. Hilldale's orders. Adora's body was giving her hell even though the venom had been extracted from her for the most part. 

The medicine in her system was trying to fight off the rest of it. "It's gonna be a long night." Nurse Bloomberg told the older nurse, Meg,  beside her. 

"Let's pray she pulls through. Or we really will have bad news to give all of Bright Moon." Nurse Meg said in a sad tone. 

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