Chapter 11: After all this time

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Adora wasn't sure how to feel about what Glimmer said. "She really said those words?" She asked as she paced. "She loves me too?" 

Glimmer sighed loudly. "For the seventh time! Yes, Adora, that's what she said!" 

Bow saw the blush jolt into Adora's cheeks. "Girl, you wanna be with her." 

Adora stopped and grumbled, "She thinks I'm six feet under." She kicked the ground. "How do I go about this?I mean when Catra finds out she's gonna be mad as Hades himself," She pondered that for a moment. "Or herself? whatever it is." 

"Hades is a male name." Bow told her. 

Adora shrugged. "Okay. I just don't know how to do this." 

"I could bring you down to the cell and lock you inside it with her." Glimmer suggested. 

Bow laughed. "Bad idea, Glim. I'm all for the love, but Catra might slice and dice Adora before they make-out." 

Adora knew Catra would try to hurt her. Mostly her feelings at first. "I've never kissed anyone." She said, not looking at them. Her eyes were on the floor as she thought of what it would be like. 


Catra was drawing on the cell bars now. Super bored out of her mind. "Let me out of this dump." She said angrily to herself. 

Glimmer had some news, but would Catra handle it well. She took a breath and slowly let it out. 

Catra's eyes rolled in annoyance, "Just say it, Sparkles. I'm being shipped to Beast Island." 

Glimmer hated being called that, but she let it go. "I've got big news for you."

Catra's ears perked up and she leaned against the bars. "I can go home?" 

Glimmer winced like she was in pain. "No, The Fright Zone is gone. Clean up crews are discarding everything. There's nothing for you there anymore. The good thing is Entrapta wants you to go live with her in Dryl. You have that option or you could stay here in the castle with us."

Catra wanted freedom more than anything. "I'll find somewhere else. I mean it's been sooo much fun being your pet." 

Glimmer was annoyed by Catra's tone. "You want out? Promise me you won't run. I have something waiting for you." 

Catra stuck her face halfway through the bars. "Uh, sure." 

Glimmer knew in her gut Catra would run like the wind. She braced herself for the marathon. She unlocked the door and pulled it open. 


Catra took her sweet time. She yawned, stretched then slowly stepped out. She grinned over at Glimmer. "Thanks!" She softly said before running toward the door. 

"Catra!" Glimmer bellowed. "Wait!" 

Catra smelled freedom as she ran past some guards and Bow. She turned a corner hoping for a door to outside. Instead there was a very long hallway. She ran as fast as she could until she heard her name being shouted. 


Catra had seen a blur as she'd ran, but didn't identify it. That voice stopped her cold. Her feet seemed to be stuck to the cool floor. She wanted to turn around, but she was too scared to. 

"There you are!" Glimmer said, finally catching up to her. "You look like you've seen a ghost." Catra was paler than usual. Had the voice been only in her head? Was she that desperate to hear Adora's voice one last time? Glimmer watched as tears came to Catra's colorful eyes. "Hey, it's okay!" Glimmer said trying to comfort her. 

Glimmer eyed Adora, whom was peeking around the corner down the hall. 

"I . . . I heard her voice." Catra was giving in to all of her feelings. This made her like a newborn kitten. Her usual tough-cat attitude was gone. "Am I losing my mind, Glimmer?" 


The look on Glimmer's face was of awe and shock. "No, Catra, you're  . . . not as insane as you think." 

Catra laughed at that. "Be serious with me. Did I hear Adora's voice in my head or  . . . " She turned around, but Adora had hidden herself. The sadness on her face told everything. How incredibly miserable she was without Adora. Her thoughts turned to the Fright Zone. Her home was gone. And when she lifted angry eyes to Glimmer she pounced. 

She hissed and clawed at a stunned Glimmer. Glimmer screamed loudly as Catra scratched her arm. Glimmer fought back and stunned her twice with her powers. 

"Stop!" Adora screamed. 

Catra's ears caught the voice and she whipped around. She was so beside herself she fell to the floor. 

Adora came running over to her. She knelt down. "Are you okay?" 

"You . . . You're alive!" Catra blurted out. "How?" She didn't wait for an answer. She grabbed Adora and pulled her close. "I thought you died. They told me that you died." 

"I almost did. It took a lot of magic to keep me here. I had to recover and let Angella do what she was planning. And Glimmer and I were locked up while the Fright Zone got ambushed. Angella had my sword. I was powerless." 


"Our home, Adora, it's gone."  Catra sadly spoke. 

Adora hugged her. "I'm sorry." 

Catra pushed her back enough to look her in the eyes. "Sure you are." 

"I am! I really am!" Adora said, getting emotional. 

Catra touched Adora's face. She wiped the tears away. Then she leaned in and kissed her. Adora's first instinct was to push her away. Catra held on to her and deepened the kiss. 

Glimmer stood there disgusted. Bow stood beside her silently rooting them on. 

Adora pulled away first. "After all this time I never realized how I felt about you. All these years I guess have lead up to this." 

Catra pawed her lovingly. "Hey, Adora." 

"Yeah?" Adora whispered. 

"I love you." Catra smiled, tickled her and kissed her again. 

Adora wrapped her arms around Catra and they kissed until they were interrupted. 


"GET A ROOM!" Glimmer shouted at them. "Please! I just can't watch this anymore!" 

"Ew, not here." Catra said with a bad taste in her mouth. 

They girls stood up and held hands. Adora kissed Catra's face. "Oh, and I love you too." She whispered. Catra smirked and kissed her back. 

Glimmer was like, "UUGGHH. STOP!!" 

Bow crossed his arms. "Get use to it. They're together now. After all this time it's meant to be." 

Angella came down the hallway, "What's meant to be?" She caught sight of the girls unlinking their hands. "Oh my goodness." She cleared her throat. 

The hate in Catra's eyes made her feel threatened. "You." She sneered. "You destroyed my home!" 

Adora clutched her girlfriend. "Catra, please don't." 

"Let go!" Catra jerked away. She came closer to Angella. "I know I'm out numbered. I know I lost my people in the ambush. I hate all of Bright Moon for that! The only reason I'm not attacking you is because of Adora." 

Angella breathed in relief. "You have every right to be mad. I did what was needed to be done." 

After all this time/ P.S. one-shot follow up tooWhere stories live. Discover now