Chapter 3: Time of Knowledge

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Kyle had gone through the Fright Zone four times and there was no Catra to be found. He heard no growling or even purring anywhere. He was getting freaked out and sweaty. He didn't want to know what kind of punishment was instore for not locating Catra for Lord Hordak. 

Two eyes watched him look up and down then Kyle spun around a few times and let out a very frustrated cry. Was there anything he could ever do right?

"You're so hard on yourself." The voice said and laughed. 

Kyle spun to see Lonnie. "I don't belong here. I just wanna leave." 

Lonnie felt bad for him. He was always taking crap from his fellow Horde crew. "Where would you go?" 

Kyle shrugged. "Not sure, but at least I wouldn't be a splinter in everyone's foot." 

Angella and the princesses watched as Adora breathed slowly. "Is she going to be okay?" She asked Dr. Hilldale. 

"We'll find out soon enough. We're going to keep a close eye on her. I need all of you to stay here in the castle in case we have an emergency again." Dr. Hilldale told everyone in the room. 

Glimmer came closer to the doctor. "I'm going to stay here with Adora. I promise I'll be quiet." 


Catra clawed at trees and slumped back toward the fright zone. From a distance it looked like a miserable toy a child had thrown together. It was home though and the only one she'd really ever known. Her mind fought to remember her parents and why they'd given her up. She'd heard a few tales of what happened to them, but which of them were real?

Ugh, this really sucked. She wished she had winged transportation. She could turn on her Force Captain badge, but then it would tell her location. And so she walked until she reached a private entrance she only knew about. Once inside she quietly went to her room to lie down and sleep. 

Glimmer was fighting sleep when she heard groaning coming from Adora's bed. She's waking up! She ran over and looked down at her friend. "Hey! It's gonna be okay!" 

Adora's eyes opened to see a girl standing over her. "Excuse me," She paused and squinted from the light, "You're hovering." 

"I'm so happy you're awake!" Glimmer shouted and smiled as bright as the moon.  

Adora looked confused. "Who are you?" 

Glimmer felt a stab of pain electrocute her. "I'll be right back!" She hurried out of the room. "Doctor Hilldale!" She turned a corner and ran into Nurse Bloomberg. "Adora's awake, but she has no clue who I am." 

"Let's go find out what's going on with her." They rushed back to Adora's room. 


"Adora's lost her memory. I'm sure her mind and soul all need to restore. If she doesn't come around in a day or two then we'll have to give her the knowledge she is lacking." Dr. Hilldale told Angella and Glimmer. 

"May we pass on this information?" Glimmer asked, grinning up at him. 

He nodded. "Of course you can. I still need all the princesses to stick around for a few days. Adora isn't completely out of the woods yet." 

Catra wore black pants and a maroon cut off sleeved shirt. Her usual wardrobe was in the wash. She paced for a while. Thoughts of Adora filled her memory. The good and the bad. Why her? Out of all of the people why did Adora have to be the chosen one? This frustrated her more and more. All because of that damn sword she'd lost her best friend. 

"I miss you." She said to an old picture of the younger versions of themselves. A few tears leaked from her eyes as she sat on her bed. 

Lonnie was walking by when she casually looked to her right and back to the front. She then stopped cold and turned back around to hurry back to the open door. "Catra!" She yelled out. "Girl, where have you been? Everyone has been looking for you!"

"I just needed me time. I went out and found some peace away from here." Catra told her. 


"Have you seen Shadow Weaver since you've been home?" She's gonna give you a word beating. Just warning you now." 

Catra rolled her colored eyes. "I'm not in the mood to hear anyone lecture me." 

Lonnie came up to her. "I know you're not a hugger, but how about a fist bump?" 

Catra gritted her teeth together and politely fist bumped Lonnie. "Yeah, so don't tell anyone else you saw me." 

"Why?" Lonnie furrowed her eyebrows. 

Catra yawned. "I'm tired and I'm not speaking to Scorpia right now or ever again. She did something that personally affected me mentally and I can't handle her." 

Lonnie now looked concerned. "Do you need to see a doctor?" 

Catra shook her head. "I'm okay for now." She moved to lay down and yawned again. 

Lonnie got the hint. "Feel better." She said and left the room. 

Catra was exhausted still. Not even ten seconds after Lonnie left these words came out of her mouth, "Adora, you were my everything." 


Not knowing who she was made Adora tempermental. Her mind was fuzzy, but she recalled being with the Horde. She could see the place and odd faces from her past. 

"We're doing our best to give you the answers you deserve." Glimmer said and looked over at Bow for support. 

"Glimmer is telling the truth. We'd never lie to you Adora." Bow said and looked at the massive pout on Adora's pale face. "And you should eat your pudding before I snatch it." 

"Touch it and lose a finger." Adora warned him. 

Bow held up his hands and inched away. 

"So Catra was my best friend. Where is she? I need to talk to her." Glimmer clenched her mouth shut. Adora watched her closely. "What aren't you telling me?" 

Bow spoke for Glimmer. "Catra thinks you're dead." 

Adora sat straight up. "Oh no! Poor little kitty thinks I'm dead! You gotta contact her immediately! Tell her that I'm alive!" Adora batted her lashes at him, "Please." She begged. 

Glimmer shook her head. "We can't do that. My mother would kill me if word got out that you're alive." 


"Why?" Adora crossed her arms. 

Glimmer took a breath and let it out. "If everyone thinks you're dead then The Rebellion can work together and restore our home and make it beautful again. If they knew you were okay then we'd have a harder time fighting with the Horde. With them thinking you're gone they have this weak spot we can hit." 

"I just pretend to be someone else and hide in the castle?" Adora hated the thought of being held like a prisoner. 

"Just for a while, Adora. Until the dust settles and Hordak and the Horde move on to some other place." Bow said with a hopeful smile. 

"Uggghh!" Adora flopped onto her back. "Please just hurry with your takeover. I want to heal and get back to my life." She couldn't stand to be attached to this bed any longer. "Can I walk around?" 

Glimmer teleported out to ask the nurses if Adora could get some fresh air. She reappeared a minute later. "Nurse Meg said it would be okay, but we have to go with you." 

"Thanks!" Adora let them help her up. Her balance was way off. Bow ran to get the wheelchair from the back left corner. She sat down, looking tired. "Off we go!" She fist pumped the air happily. 

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