Chapter 2: Time of Resurrection

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Catra's tail twitched more than usual. She couldn't sleep at all. Her mind kept replaying what Scorpia had done to Adora. She also knew Hordak and Shadow Weaver would have a search party come and find her if she didn't go back to the Fright Zone soon. 

She wanted to stay hidden and be with her thoughts just a little longer. 

Kyle's voice jumped in fear. "Oh my  . . . how could you do such a thing?" He yelled at Scorpia, whom was bragging about what she'd done to Adora. 

Lonnie sat there with her jaw open and saying nothing. She was beyond shocked and could barely seem to breathe. 

"If Shadow Weaver finds out she will have your head and tail mounted like a deer." Kyle warned her, but backed away cause he was afraid of Scorpia too. 

"Right." Scorpia grinned and whispered, "No one else has to know." She chuckled to herself. She also knew her mouth often got her in trouble. Keeping this from Hordak and Weaver was going to be hard. "I guess I'll go patrol the yard." She said and twirled away happily. 

"Do you really think Adora is dead?" Kyle asked Lonnie. 

Lonnie shrugged. "As far as we know she is. And from what Scorpia said I believe every word." 

"Where is Catra?" Shadow Weaver asked Kyle an hour later. 

It took at least thirty seconds to clear the lump in his throat. "Not sure, ma'am. Haven't seen her in a while."

Shadow Weaver floated in a pacing motion. "Go look for her and tell her to come see me." 

Kyle squeaked out, "Yes, on it right now!" He ran from the room. In general he was always on edge. 

Catra had no clue as to what time it was. It was very dark out and she was afraid of The Whispering Woods. She walked in a circle, looked at all possible ways to go then stopped. Something inside told her to take no chances. She got back into the hollow tree trunk and curled up to rest. 

She had nightmare after nightmare and woke up sweating  each time. A few times she'd screamed out Adora's name. Was Scorpia right after all? Did she have romantic feelings for her ex best friend? 

"I'm not a  . . . dude there's no way I like Adora like that." Her mind switched to the princess prom. She saw she'd opted for a tux instead of a dress. "Crap." She said to herself and plopped onto her back. "What am I going to do now?" She sat back up. "Confess to a headstone I have potential feelings for it?" 


"Why won't Adora wake up?" Glimmer asked for the thirty-second time today to her mother. 

"Healing takes time. When Adora is strong enough she will open her eyes." Angella told her and flew off before Glimmer could say anything else. 

Glimmer pouted, curled her fists into tight balls and let out a cry of frustration. 

"Calm down." Mermista said coming around the corner. "You're gonna start glitching again." Glimmer was surprised by the visit. She ran and hugged Mermista tight. "Okay, please let go of me." Mermista didn't like others in her personal space. 

Just then several people of the staff rushed by them. 

"Something must be wrong." Glimmer spun out of the hug and took off. 

Mermista rolled her eyes then followed Glimmer. "Hey, like wait for me!" 

As soon as Glimmer and Mermista saw the medical staff they knew Adora was in trouble. 

"Stay back!" One of the tall men with a full beard said to them. 

"Please just tell us what's going on!" Glimmer shouted to anyone who would listen. 

Nurse Bloomberg cut through the crowd. "Adora's in trouble and we're doing everything we can to save her." 


The venom was still harboring in Adora's system. The medicine was doing everything it could, but what Scorpia had done was overwhelming Adora's body. This fight was almost too much and the core of her wanted to give up. 

"Adora, if you can hear me, it's Nurse Meg. We're doing everything possible on our side. You need to help us help you. Please keep fighting this and we will too." 

Dr. Hilldale wasn't liking Adora's vitals at all. "We need a miracle." He said and left the room. 

After speaking to Angella, Glimmer and Mermista they all agreed maybe the sword could help heal Adora. And if not then Angella would rally all the princesses to come to Bright Moon immediately. 

Glimmer had to call Bow and tell him what was going on. He had family issues at home was tending to. 

It wasn't long before Dr. Hilldale came out with a grim look on his face. He told Angella to get the princesses here ASAP. Maybe all their powers together could help heal Adora. 

Glimmer was just outside of her room now crying. 

Bow finally showed up. He quietly sat down beside his best friend and held her. "Together we can make things all better." 


Glimmer cried even harder. "If we lose her . . ." 

"Shhh . . . please don't say that." Bow said, "We'll find a way to save her." 

Everyone in the room was dressed in medical clothing and masks over their faces. With her gloved hand, Glimmer put the sword under Adora's left arm and rested her hand on the coolness of the blade. The stone was just under her elbow for minor support. "For the honor of GreySkull!" she said, but not too loudly. Nothing happened and inside she knew it wouldn't. She wasn't Adora and neither was her voice. Adora's body twitched violently and the sword fell to the floor. 

Dr. Hilldale moved into action. "She's getting worse!" 

Adora's body went into a huge spasm. Gasps of terror filled the room.

"Hold hands!" Angella told all the princesses. Glimmer removed her right glove and threw it down. Netossa did the same and both put a hand on Adora's arms. "Think healing thoughts!" Angella told the group. 

Adora's body gave out and the nail scratching sound of her flatlining rang into everyones ears. Everyone held hands and prayed for Adora as they gave their magic to her.  Swift Wind, hoping he could help, came in behind the group and lowered his horn on Angella's shoulder. 

This gave the group more strength and power as a whole. It was time for a resurrection. 

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