Chapter 4: Time of Acceptance

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Lord Hordak's little winged spy had been creeping in on conversations. If he found anything interesting it would dutifully bring the information to Hordak. The little spy opened it's mouth so the recording could play. 

"I feel like Bellatrix LeStrange. That woman was so powerful until the end of those films." Scorpia said and cringed. "Getting blown up like that is a painful way to die!" Then she laughed and kept laughing until she coughed several times. "Whew . . . good thing Adora's six feet under," She paused and laughed again, "or more." She darkly said. 

Hordak's mouth hung open in complete shock. His loss for words made the little spy a bit worried. Composing himself, Hordak almost spoke, but couldn't find the right thing to say. He tried again and slowly he said, "Bring Scorpia to me." 

Five minutes later Hordak heard Scorpia talking loudly to a very annoyed little spy. "Ooh I hope my prize is some kind of gold or silver, yeah silver would be cool too. I like bronze, but it's not as shiny as the other two." 

Lord Hordak stood and walked over to her. "What did you do to Adora?" His tone was ice cold. 

Scorpia smiled. "Can you tell me what kind of cool prize I'm getting for killing her?" 

"You fool!" He bellowed. "What on Etheria did you do to her!" 


"Sir, I poisioned her with all of my venom. I was so proud of myself!" She beamed, but then frowned. "You're acting like I did something wrong! Adora left the Horde ages ago. I just did all of you the biggest favor ever. I killed She-Ra!" 

"You get nothing for what you've done. Adora could have been ours once again. Coaxed back into her old life with us. I know I said forget about her. I was lying. You though made a choice. The worst one ever. You killed the brightest mind of all. When you think of what you've done I hope you bleed. I hope you suffer for the life you took!" 

"Lord Hordak, I don't understand!" Scorpia screamed out as Horde soliders closed in on her. 

"Adora's potential was limitless and you took her away." He came closer, "Now you pay for what you've done." 

The guards fought with Scorpia until they overpowered her and dragged her off. 

Hordak paced the floor. Should he kill her right away or squeeze out more information?

He walked up his stairs to his throne and sat down. Now he knew he had to accept the fact that Adora was no longer breathing. The threat against the Horde was over for now. And they could take Bright Moon and all the other places to make them part of the new fright zone. He had imagined it for quite some time now. 


Catra played with her food. The cheese on her pizza was gooey, but the sauce made her a little sick. 

"What's wrong?" Kyle asked, sitting at the next table. 

Catra hated sharing her feelings. "Nothing and everything all at once." She pushed her plate away and crossed her arms. "Do you ever get lonely?" She asked Kyle without looking at him. 

"All the time." He answered sadly. "I know I have some friends here, but sometimes I wish I had parents too." 

Lonnie had been looking for them. She came running into the cafeteria. Breathing hard she blurted out, "Scorpia has been locked up! She . . . she killed Adora!" 

Hearing Lonnie say this made it all too real. Catra's eyes locked with hers. "I wanna make her suffer." 

Huh? Lonnie was confused. "Why? I thought you hated Adora after she left us." 

"Hurt and angry. I never really hated her." Catra confessed. "After all we use to be best friends."

Catra got up and threw her pizza away. "Accepting Adora's death is very hard for me. I need time to think and heal. I'm going away for a while. I'm not telling anyone where I will be either." 


Adora was learning something new about herself and the past from her friends. Lance and George, Bow's father's, were also telling her many things about Etheria, Mara, and The First Ones.  

As a few days passed, her health had gotten much better. And still she was hidden away in the castle for the most part. It was slowly getting to her. "Glimmer, can we please go outside." She begged her friend. "This stale air is getting to me." Adora coughed a few times and looked like it was hard to breathe. 

"My mom has guards watching you 24/7, Adora. It's not so easy these days. Plus she says it gives us the upper hand to take down the Horde. We've been training these last few days. Mermista, Perfuma and the others have been excelling in their magic. Mom is excited for the future and rebuilding what was rightfully ours to begin with." Glimmer smiled. "I'll go ask about going to my aunts place. We can actually hide there." 

Adora nodded. "Yeah, sounds good." She stood and went to get her shoes on. As she was lacing her boots her mind went fuzzy. A memory hit her hard. She saw herself with Catra , around the age of ten, learning new martial arts moves. She also saw many others in the class room. Faces she knew and she tried hard to remember their names. 

Adora  saw the older man he was about  the same height as her. A name popped into her mind. Sensei Oshbilha. He did a variety of moves and the class tried to keep up with him. In the end he praised her on her abilities. 

"Adora!" Glimmer yelled out. Adora snapped out of the memory. "Come on! Mom said we could go to my aunt's place!" 

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