Chapter 5: Time of Remembrance

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Castaspella was waiting for the threesome with open arms. "So glad to see all of you!" 

"We're glad too auntie!" Glimmer said as they hugged. "Mother did tell you everything, right?" 

"Yes, of course. My people of Mystacor will protect you, Adora. They won't utter a word." 

Let's hope so! Adora thought. 

Relaxing wasn't Adora's favorite thing. She needed to feel productive. Finding a place to be alone, she began remembering the Karate moves Sensei had taught her. The freedom to move like this gave her joy. Spins, kicks, and many moves later she was exhausted in a good way. 

Eyes had been watching her. One of Castaspella's men went to report what he'd seen. 

"Interesting." Castaspella said, now thinking to herself. "Keep watch on Adora. If anything strange occurs I want to know." 

Adora kept remembering more and more about her training. Glimmer was sipping a fruity drink when she spotted her friend do a backflip and a move she'd never seen before. Could it be this was something the people of the Horde had taught her?


Catra had never really seen Etheria by herself. This was a new adventure and a lonely one too. She thought of going to Bright Moon, but decided not to. It was the last place she had seen Adora alive. Going back would only hurt way too much. 

The last thing she wanted was trouble. She didn't want to fight or bicker with anything or anyone. She tried her best to keep a low profile while roaming by herself. She soon came upon First Ones tech and Adora flashed into her mind. It triggered emotions she did not want. 

As tears fell she knelt to the ground, "Why did you leave me alone?" She cried out. She sobbed even harder, "We were never taught to love, but somewhere along the way I felt it for you." She crawled over to the nearest tree and clawed a C+A on it. "I'll always remember you, Adora." 

She looked up at the tall triangle shape and captured it in her mind. "Wherever you are I hope you're at peace." She continued to cry until she fell asleep. 

Glimmer had been fighting with herself, confront Adora or not to. What she had seen earlier was a bit scary. 

"Boo!" Bow said from behind her. Glimmer screamed, then turned to slap at him. Bow laughed and laughed. "What's got you on edge?" 

"I think Adora's remembering too much of her past. I want to stop it, but it would take darker magic." 


Adora was trying to relax a little, by taking a bubble bath in the biggest Jacuzzi tub she'd ever seen.  It was shaped like a leaf in creamy white and had a theme of cream and peach going on in this bathroom. It was so nice to close her eyes and day dream. The water was so warm on her skin and it wouldn't take much for her to go to sleep in here. 

Behind her closed eyes images flickered. She saw a floating woman dressed in red with black hair and a man that looked tall and skeletal. She knew these people, or creatures rather. Adora knew they were not human. "Who are you?" She asked herself. 

"Heyyy, Adora." A familiar voice said. 

She opened her eyes, but no one was there. It was just in her head. That voice was so familiar. Exhaling she tried to relax again. Other creatures and people dove into her unlocking memory. She sat up and saw two different colored eyes. "Catra!" She said to herself. 

It hit her like a grenade. Remembering the moment when Scorpia jabbed her vemon into her back. She gasped loudly and reached for the large towel behind her. "I've got to tell Glimmer!" 

Adora got dressed and ran to find her friends. "My memories are coming back!" She announced to a room of people. They all looked at her with questioning eyes. 

"What exactly are you remembering?" Castaspella asked curiously. 


"Catra and what Scorpia did to me!" She frantically said. "I don't know what happened after that, but I woke up at Bright Moon in a hospital room." Adora looked to Glimmer. "Do you know anything?" 

Glimmer and Bow looked at each other. She couldn't lie to Adora even if she wanted to. "Catra brought you to us to try and save you." 

Adora smiled. "That's good! So she knows I'm alive and well." 

Bow made a "Uhhh," sound.

 Adora's smile faded as she looked at him, "What are you not telling me?" 

Glimmer tried to fight back the words, but couldn't hold them in long. "Catra thinks you're dead." She gulped down a breath. "The Horde thinks you're dead, Adora. My mom wants to take back our land and fight for it. She-Ra needs to stay out of it and so do you." 

Adora shook her head almost violently at Glimmer. "No! The Horde will kill you! You can't attack them. They have all sorts of weapons and won't back down!" 

Bow spoke up, "That's why we're gonna sneak attack them soon! That's why we're keeping you safe up here."


Adora's memories flooded her mind. Shadow Weaver and Lord Hordak. Catra, Scorpia, Lonnie, Kyle and many others flashed into her eyes. She remembered who she use to be. "Are you saying that I have to stay dead?" Adora grew angry. "Are you saying you're planning on killing Catra?" Bow and Glimmer nodded together. A fire stirred in Adora's blood. "No!" She said to them hotly. "If you touch a hair on her head I swear . . ."

Bow went over to her. "Whoa! Chill out!" He watched her eyes narrow at him. "You're acting like you're in love with her or something." 

Adora drew back. "That's silly! She was my best friend for many years." She looked away and shrugged. "Sure I love her like a sister." 

Bow laughed to himself. He stepped closer to her. "I think you're a liar." 

"I'm not into her like that!" Adora yelled at him. 

Bow rolled his eyes. "Have you ever been in love before? I mean you've been with the Horde all those years. Have you had a relationship other than friendship with anyone?" 

Adora's guard was now down. She looked at the floor, the walls and everyone that was listening. "Love is weakness. We were never taught that subject or how to feel it." 

Glimmer came over, "Since you've been with us you've felt that love and acceptance, right?" 

Adora nodded. "Yes." She calmly said. "I know what it feels like now to have a real loving family." 

After all this time/ P.S. one-shot follow up tooWhere stories live. Discover now