Chapter 6: Time of self acceptance

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Adora punched her big fluffy pillow for the sixteenth time. 

Glimmer sat on the end of the bed. "Bright Moon is going to go to war with the Horde. Yes, many people will die. Possibly even Catra too. I will promise nothing nor will anyone, including my mother." 

Adora needed to talk to Angella as soon as she could. Saving Catra was her new mission. She felt a twinge of something inside and made a face that Glimmer questioned. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" Glimmer said, hoping it was just a stomach ache or something similiar. 

Adora sighed and shook her head. "Just a weird feeling. Nothing harmful, just weird." 

Glimmer patted Adora's shoulder. "Things are gonna be okay." She said and stood up, "I'm going to get some food. Do you want anything?" 

"No, thanks, I'm good." Adora said and Glimmer left the room. She cleared her mind and breathed. "Is something wrong with me?" She left a sudden sharp pain near her heart. It eased off and she felt a new feeling crawling inside of her chest. Fear. 

This fear swirled inside and held on to her like super glue. Catra's colorful eyes invaded her mind. Then her voice saying her name in a playful way. 


Then she felt the pounce and the beat of her heart quicken. She closed her eyes to see Catra hovering over her and laughing in a higher pitch. Adora felt the weight of the push and hold Catra had on her. 

"What's going on with me?" She whispered to herself. Why was she thinking of Catra like this? 

Adora went to take a walk. She wanted to go home, back to Bright Moon and possibly even The Fright Zone. As soon she was out of ear shot she let out a scream. She was angry that The Rebellion was going to attack The Horde. She-Ra wouldn't care, but Adora cared deeply. Those people and creatures were her family for the longest time. Turning on them was her best and worst move all at once. 

Glimmer had followed Adora like a creepy stalker. She was trying to be super quiet and be calm. 

"Why am I always so frustrated?" Adora was talking to herself now. "Everything always hits me like a train and I barely make it out alive." She kicked at the ground. "I need more answers. I need to talk to the queen. If Bright Moon attacks The Horde and Catra dies I will never forgive them." 

Glimmer's heart sank deep inside and she let out a cry. 

Adora spun to see her. "What? Are you really surprised I'm taking Catra's side?" 


Glimmer did not like the way Adora was being. It was like she was going back to when they had first met in The Whispering woods. "I know Catra use to be your best friend, Adora . . ." 

Adora lost it. "She still is! Even though I have new ones. Catra's always been there for me and me for her. We only had each other for so long! She knows me better than I even know myself!" 

Glimmer sadly said, "I get it I really do. Best friends come and go, Adora. We make sacrifices and choices that spin our whole lives around. It happened to you that day. That sword made you a better person." 

Adora laughed. "Yeah, that damn sword. I should've never have gone back for it. It's not that I don't like being She-Ra, it's the fact that I turned my back on Catra. The rest of the Horde I really don't care for just her." 

"Maybe Bow is right then." Glimmer came over to her. "Maybe your feelings for her run deeper than just a sisterhood." She went to hug Adora, but Adora backed away. "Fine. We'll go back to Bright Moon in the morning." 

"What's the word for this and my feelings for Catra. I've never felt like this and I'm scared." Adora admitted. 

Glimmer spoke directly to her. "Lesbian. That's the word people use when two women have a mutal attraction to each other. They also use the word gay and a few other things." 


Adora curiously looked at Glimmer, "Are you . . ." She started. 

Glimmer shouted, "Gosh NO!" She blushed in embarrasment. "I like a boy." 

Adora laughed, "That I kinda already knew." She mimed pulling out an arrow from her back and shooting it. "Kinda like cupid, huh?" 

Glimmer laughed nervously. "I'm surprised you know what and who Cupid is." 

"I've read books and stuff." Adora said, "It's just growing up in The Fright Zone gave me limits to everything. The first time out of there Catra and I went into the woods the previous day before the whole sword tug-of-war thing." 

Glimmer was shocked. "That's crazy! They really did have you under lock and key." 

Adora nodded and grew sad, "Yeah, they did. I control my own fate these days." She sighed, "I'm gonna hang out by myself and figure things out." 

"Sure. You can talk to me too, Adora. I promise I will listen." Glimmer said then walked away. 

Adora didn't know where she was going. All she knew though was that she had to sort out all of these feelings.  


Adora had spoken to Glimmer about girl stuff. And Glimmer was not surprised by the answers Adora was giving her. 

"Do you know what it feels like to kiss someone?" Adora asked as she looked at the floor. 

"It was more of a peck on the cheek. I was like in fourth grade at the time." Glimmer said, "I guess we're in the same boat. Neither of us has had a real kiss before." 

Super awkward was what this all was. Adora was glad that Bow was not around for girl talk. 

"How do I know if I'm gay or not?" Adora asked. 

Glimmer knew she just had to wing this answer. "Feelings." She racked her brain trying to find the words to say. "And when you think of Catra do you get other feelings in other body parts?" 

Wow . . . "I  . . . uh . . ." Adora let Catra into her mind and closed her eyes. She pictured herself and Catra running her sharp nails on her skin. Whispering into her ear and kissing her. She opened her eyes and reddened. "Yes." She squeaked. 

Glimmer did not want to know what Adora was thinking. "I guess that makes you gay if you feel something down there." She motioned with her finger downward to her crotch area. 

Adora let out a rather heavy sigh, "Crap. I guess I am a lesbian." 

After all this time/ P.S. one-shot follow up tooWhere stories live. Discover now