Chapter 10: Time of Confession

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Catra sat on the concrete floor doodling it with her very sharp claws. She'd been at this for hours now. The scene on the floor was of herself with Adora in the Fright Zone. It was of them laughing in their battle clothing. There was another scene to the far left of them throwing rocks at the guards for fun. Then a self portrait of off to the right. It was dark and she looked empty in the eyes. 

Glimmer came down with food and water. "I have a tuna melt with fries and fresh water." 

Catra glanced up. "Uh, yeah great." She continued drawing. 

Glimmer put the stuff down and went to look at what Catra was doing. "Oh no!" She panicked, "If my mom finds this she's gonna kill me!" 

Catra laughed out loud. "It wouldn't be here if you hadn't kidnapped me." She brushed her hands off and stood up. "Did you completely destroy my home?" 

Glimmer looked down and felt guilty. "Yes. We have people out there now cleaning up the mess." She heard Catra make a disgusted noise and turned around. Bow was smiling as he came over. "I'm telling Catra about the Fright Zone." 

Bow grimaced, "Are you sure you wanna do that?" 

With a nod Glimmer spoke again, "I won't lie to you. Many people and creatures died. Hordak unfortunately got away. We have troops looking for him. Scorpia, Lonnie and Shadow Weaver passed." 


"Entrapta might come here to live at Bright Moon. I asked her if a friend of mine could stay at Dryl if she isn't going back. Then I asked even if she is going that maybe that friend could live with her." Glimmer told Catra. 

Catra shook her head. "First we're not friends. Second that's not a bad idea. Entrapta and I do get along even though she does seem to talk a lot about robots."

Bow got to looking at the drawings on the floor. "Those are really good." 

Catra shrugged, "Yeah. It's just something I do." 

Bow was a little angry now. "Would it kill you to say please and thank you?" 

"Very likely." Catra said quickly and really wanted a sip of the water. 

Bow barked at her,  "You're so rude. I don't see how Adora was ever friends with you." 

Catra had heard him say this before. She jumped at the bars and reached her skinny arms through. Her sharp claws got his arm. 

Bow cried out in pain. "You  . . . you!" He wanted to curse at her, but couldn't. 

"Rhymes with witch?" Catra sang out and laughed. She growled and let out a scream. "I want out of here!" 


Glimmer watched as Bow ran off to take care of his arm. "Could you not be so you right now? You're ruining your chance of going free." She saw that Catra was eyeing the tray of food and water. She grabbed it and put it next to her cell. 

Catra got the bottle of water and drank half of it. "Thanks." She mumbled. 

"Huh?" Glimmer said and grinned. 

"I said . . . thanks." Catra hated being nice to her. 

"Aw! Now that's better. I knew you had manners in there somewhere!" Glimmer sat down, but kept a distance too. 

Catra took a bite of her food. "Yeah, I'd be afraid of me too." 

Glimmer wanted a heart to heart. A confession from Catra. "Can we talk?" 

Catra's ears and hair raised in question. "About?" 

"Adora." Glimmer said. "You know it's good to talk about missing people. It gives the heart a break and a chance to heal." 

"She's dead. I get it. There's nothing more to say." Catra finished her food and wiped her mouth with her hand. 


"She talked about you to me all the time." Glimmer said, catching Catra's attention. "The memories of when you two were young and got in all sorts of trouble." 

Catra laughed. "Yeah, then Shadow Weaver taking her side and me getting burnt. Weaver always thought I was the one leading all of the trouble. When most of the time it was Adora. She was more mischievous than me for a long time. Her innocent perfection got her out of a lot of situations. Then all of the blame was put on me." 

Glimmer felt bad for her. "I'm sorry that's how it was. At least you and Adora had good times as well." 

Catra smiled and leaned back on her hands. "Tons! We use to stay up all night and imagine what it was like beyond the Fright Zone. We pranked the guards, Hordak, Shadow Weaver and many others. It was a happy mess until the real training began. Endless hours of all types of Karate, simulations, classes." She finally noticed how talkitive she was being and shut up. 

"Do you have a favorite color?" Glimmer asked smiling. 

Scorpia had once told Kyle to find this information out. He never did. 

"The colors I'm wearing and black." Catra said doing a modeling type of move with her hand.  "Can I ask you stuff?" 

Glimmer nodded. "I like pink and purple, by the way!" She said first. "Go ahead ask me something." 

"Why Adora? I mean why was she this tall princess chick with a sword?" Catra asked. 


"Bow and I were in the woods the same time Adora was. We all found it and claimed it. It wouldn't work for us. She told us months later that the day before she was with you. She fell off the skiff thing and the sword was just there in front of her." Glimmer told her. Catra was all ears for this. 

Glimmer continued, "She touched it and it showed her all sorts of things. All she could do was think about it and came back the following day. We fought over the sword. And when she touched it Light Hope appeared and told her it was for her."

"Adora believed the Horde was good until we walked on and found destruction. I won't get into the details about the massive bug that attacked us. Oh! When the bug attacked her and put a leg on the sword and she said she got flashes of the calling in her mind. It asked her to fight for the honor of GraySkull." Glimmer was tired, but wanted to ask something. 

What the heck is Grayskull? Catra thought and crinkled her nose. 

"Hey, Catra, how do you feel about Adora. I mean you were besties for a long time and maybe something more?" 

Catra's eyes went wide. "What do you mean something more? Like a relationship where you kiss each other?" 

Glimmer tried to smile at her. "Yeah. Remember when I told you she loved you? I didn't just mean that in a sisterly way." 

Catra was shocked. "Adora likes girls?" She shouted at Glimmer. She was stunned for a few moments. Then it hit her. She thought of the past. How close they had been. The realization she'd had not too long ago. Then she said to Glimmer, "I loved her too." 

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