Chapter 7: Time to Come out

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Adora was scared to go back to Bright Moon. Would people know of her self realizaton? Could they tell? She had not told Bow yet, but she was sure he'd be cool since he had two dad's. Glimmer was hurting to tell him, but Adora had made her pinky swear she wouldn't say a word to him.  

Walking into the palace, Adora felt welcomed and then angry still. Pieces of her heart screamed in pain. The other pieces longed for the embrace of acceptance. She stopped and stared at the shiny floor.

"Adora?" Glimmer said her name with concern. "Are you okay?" 

In the floor she saw red eyes staring back at her. Was this real or just her imagination? This was Hordak and her betrayal he felt. Even though this was all in her mind, she felt it was real. "I feel like I'm being watched." 

"The Horde thinks you died over a month ago. They have no reason to seek you out." Glimmer said and held out a hand for her to take. 

Adora shook her head. "Can I just be alone for a while?" 

Glimmer reluctantly said, "Sure." She walked off and went to find her mother. 

Adora found herself going to the hospital wing. She ran into Nurse Bloomberg. 


"Oh! Hello, Adora, how have you been?" She smiled brightly, almost hurting Adora's eyes. 

Adora smiled as best as she could. Faking anything was not a strong quality. "Just hanging in there. And going through some personal stuff." 

With new concern the nurse asked, "What stuff? Would you like to talk about it?" 

Adora found her voice speaking before she could even think. "I'm gay." She made a face and looked away. "I just realized it too." 

Nurse Bloomberg put a hand on her shoulder. "Thank you for telling me. It must be hard to come out to people. I don't have a problem with it, but there are people that do. Just walk away from any negative words you'll likely hear in the future." 

This made Adora feel better, "Thanks." She quickly hugged the woman. "I don't understand why others would say anything negative." 

"People can be cruel just to be that way. They also could be gay themselves and they're hiding it. It's just a bunch of different reasons, dear. Please be careful with who you tell." The nurse walked off down the hall and made a left. 

Adora walked the halls back and forth until she smelled what was being made in the kitchen. The food here was one of her absolute favorite things. Mac n cheese, yes please!    


A note on the door said lunch would be served around 2p.m. She didn't have a watch on, but hoped it was near the time to chow down. 

"Sup, Adora!" Bow said from behind her. "Glimmer said you might need to talk to me." 

Craaappp . . .  she thought. "Let's go somewhere private." She closed a door behind her and felt trapped. Panic set in and she yanked on the door for it to open. It wouldn't just open the knob needed to be turned. 

"Adora, stop!" Bow yelled and went to wedge himself between her and the door. "Calm down. What's got you like this?" 

Adora looked for an escape, but there wasn't one. "I need to get out of here!" 

Bow held up his hands, "Please just sit on the floor with me. Talk to me." She made herself sit down. Her hands clapped nervously and she couldn't seem to sit still. "Should I guess what's going on? Is it something to do with The Horde?" 

After all this time/ P.S. one-shot follow up tooWhere stories live. Discover now