Chapter 9: Time of War

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Catra's eyes filled with anger and tears. "That's my home!" She shouted. "It's the only real home I've ever had!" 

Glimmer felt her pain and backed off. "I'm sorry. I'm keeping you locked up for Adora's sake. I'm sorry I lied to you." 

Catra let out a roar. "Adora's dead! Why do you even give a flying crap about me?" 

Glimmer told the truth, "She loved you." 

Catra dropped to the cold floor and curled into herself. "Leave." She told Glimmer and began to cry. At least she knew Adora had felt something for her too. 

Glimmer found Adora in her bedroom with Bow. "She's locked up, but safe." She told her friends. 

Adora went to hug Glimmer. "Thank you so much. I'll do your chores for as long as you need me to."

Hordak held the armor of a guard in his hands. "Where did this come from?" He asked a line of wanna-be soilders. No one had an answer for him. 

Lonnie was next to Kyle off to the side. "Should we say something?" She whispered. 

Kyle looked like he was about to potty in his pants. "No." He whispered back. 


"Does anyone have any information for me?" Hordak said, trying to be calm. "A reward is offered to anyone that can tell me." His red eyes scanned the room. All of them remained silent. "If anyone is keeping secrets I'll find out." He looked to his little winged friend that recorded every coversation it listened in on. 

Lonnie knew better than to speak around anyone. She'd have to write it down then burn the paper if she needed to say something to Kyle or the others. 

Angella was preparing items for battle. She had lied to Glimmer about when the attack was starting. She said it was two days away, but her real plans were to send troops out in the middle of the night tonight instead. Angella had spoken to the rest of them before Glimmer and Adora had arrived for the meeting. It was also the secret Perfuma had been keeping.

She smiled to herself and hummed a tune. "We will bring honor back to us Micah."  She said into the air and to her dearly departed husband. Her eyes glazed over with a wickedness. "It's time to take it all back! I will not let The Horde rule any longer. If death is a must then so be it." 

Catra knew she had no power or strength to free herself from these thick prison walls. She hated to feel so weak. Her family was going to be destroyed by Bright Moon and The Rebellion. Would she have to call this her new home or would they let her out? 

Catra felt so alone. She had no one to call a friend anymore. All she had was these idiots that were once friends with Adora. "Why me?" She complained loudly. She tried a few times to get out of this cage, but failed each time.


Glimmer and Adora were asleep when a loud noise woke them up. 

"What's going on?" Adora said and blinked many times to get the fuzziness out of her eyes. 

Glimmer hurried over to the window and saw troops moving into the woods. "This can't be happening! Mom wouldn't lie to me  . . . would she?" She tried to teleport outside, but she couldn't. She went to touch the open window and it zapped her back. "Ouch!" She cried out and landed on her bottom. 

Adora's eyes went wide. "It's starting now!" Her heart sank in her chest. The home she once knew was going to be demolished. The friends she once had were going to be killed. 

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