Chapter 12: Time to Rebuild

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Angella  had told Catra and Adora everything that had happened in battle. 

Glimmer and Bow had taken a turn telling their stories about it too. 

Catra and Adora held onto each other. They had been crying over the death of the Fright Zone. 

"I want to see it." Adora said to Angella. 

Angella shook her head, "Hordak is still out there." 

Adora didn't care. "He's powerless without his machine. It put him together like a toy. It's where he got all of his life from. And without it he's just a menace to society and nothing more." 

Catra made a face, "What if he finds someone to help him rebuild everything?" 

"Then we'll deal with it. If he finds out I'm alive, then he does. I'm still She-Ra no matter what." Adora told her and kissed her cheek. "Now let's go. I wanna see if there is anything left." 

Angella stood, "There isn't anything there. It's all gone. My people have uprooted it all." 

Adora took Catra's hand. "Let's take a walk through the woods." 

Bow and Glimmer stared at them silently waiting for an invite. 


They didn't get invited, but tagged along anyway under Angella's orders. 

Once at the clearing and where the grass ends and dirt begins everyone stared into the openess. Angella had told the truth. It was just an open deserted desert. 

Adora walked a few feet ahead. "It's so sad." 

"You have a place to call home. I don't anymore." Catra said, trying to hold back her tears. 

Adora touched her hair gently. "Yes, you do. You're my home and I'm yours. And I have a great idea!" 

Catra smirked, "Okay, what is it?" 

Glimmer whispered to Bow, "This can't be good." 

Adora clapped her hands together. "Look at it! I mean the possiblities are endless." 

"Huh?" came from the group. 

Adora smiled and twirled around. "Home! We can build a home for us, Catra!" 

Catra loved the idea. "Who's gonna help us build a castle?" 


"It doesn't have to be a castle. A home with a pasture for Swift Wind and his friends. A place for us to have a garden and maybe kids one day." 

Glimmer and Bow laughed so hard. 

Catra looked at them, annoyed. "What?" 

"Mini versions of you! That's hilarious!" Glimmer said laughing. She didn't know Catra's feeling were being hurt. 

"Hey! Stop!" Adora yelled at them. "You're not being so nice to my girlfriend." 

Bow made an apologetic face, "Sorry. It's just kinda funny. She's a handful." 

Catra shooed him away. "Adora knows this already. And she's a handful too. The way she snores and takes too long in the shower." 

Adora lightly shoved her. "Not true!" She blushed. 

Catra wrapped her tail around Adora's waist and pulled her closer. "Babe, it's so true." She gave the cute laugh Adora loved. 

Glimmer looked like she was gonna toss up her breakfast. "Please no romantic stuff." 


"Are you gonna act like this when we get married?" Catra asked Glimmer. 

Glimmer's eyes opened in shock. Bow's mouth hung open as did Adora's. 

"Ma . . . married?" Adora said nervously. 

Catra met her eyes. "Maybe after we rebuild out here we can get married." 

Adora felt so pink in the face. "Are you asking or just talking about it." 

Catra bit down on her tongue. She wasn't sure what Adora wanted to hear. "What do you want?" 

Adora shrugged her shoulders. "Everything." 

Catra looked at Bow and Glimmer and gestured for them to turn around. Then she laid a huge kiss on Adora's lips. Pulling so close and mashing their bodies together. "Me too." She breathed out and kept kissing her girl. 

"Do you really like Perfuma?" Glimmer asked Bow out of the blue. "Or could you like someone else?" 

Bow felt weird. "I do like Perfuma a lot. I'm still single and dating." 


"Oh, that's cool." Glimmer said, avoiding eye contact. 

Bow touched her arm. "We're best friends, right? Being friends with you is so great." 

Glimmer turned to him. "You think you could ever like a girl like me? I know I'm a little younger, but is that okay?" 

Bow realized what she was asking. "I've never thought of you like that." He said honestly. "I just don't want to be a couple and ruin what we already have." 

Glimmer felt so let down, but understood. "Yeah, same. If you ever change your mind you'll tell me?" 

"Of course!" He said and hugged her tight. "Best friends first!" 

Catra and Adora were several feet away from them. They'd walked further into the nothingness. 

"We need a name for our new home." Adora said, drawing in the dirt. 

Catra knelt down and drew their intitals in it. "Caora? It's kinda like mashing our names together." 

Adora said it to herself a few times. "I can live with that. Caora it is!" 


"Hey, Adora." Catra said now facing her. Adora smiled warmly at her. "I'm thankful that you're alive. I'd be so lost without you." 

"I feel the same way." Adora kissed her slowly and intimately. 

Bow and Glimmer kept their distance. "Do we wait on them or leave?" Bow asked a disappointed Glimmer. 

Glimmer shrugged sadly, "It doesn't matter. We have time either way." 

Bow hugged her once again. This time he kissed her cheek before pulling away. "If we do this, Glimmer, I want to take it slow." 

Glimmer wanted to shriek in happiness, but held back. "Slow is so good." 

"We need to go talk to Angella and start working on plans for our new home." Adora said, taking Catra's hand. 

Catra loved the feel of their hands together. "Yeah, let's go." 

As they walked into the Whispering Woods Catra looked back and smiled. "Our forever starts now." She said. 

Adora kissed her face. "After all this time, forever sounds so good."  

After all this time/ P.S. one-shot follow up tooWhere stories live. Discover now