
619 17 3


Maria's Point of View.

I sighed as I dressed myself. It was a long and hot day and I decided to take a shower.

I pressed a cloth to my back. Red stains. I guess some of my scars reopened during my shower. I could call Malaysia or Indonesia to help me bandage them but it was late and they were taking care of East Timor. I doused the cloth with some peroxide. It stung like crazy. I couldn't even reach some parts of my back. I could call America but there is a 12 hour time difference, he was probably still asleep. It would also be a painful reminder for him about what happened during World War 2. If I asked Spain he would get all worried even though I'm grown up now. Romano and Mexico would also feel funny. But if South Korea saw... no I just wouldn't let him see. He'd just take it the wrong way. I just threw on a blue nightshirt and headed to bed. I could feel the shirt stick to the wounds and sting when it peeled off.

South Korea was already snoring away. I chuckled as I moved the blanket so I could slip into bed. I settled in, my back to him. I let sleep calm my senses and my breaths slowed gradually as my eyelids fluttered.

Yong Soo's Point of View

I let out a yawn as I slightly opened my eyes. I blinked and looked for the alarm clock. 6:43 am. It was still too early to function but some light poured through the window. I looked to my right and saw a snoring body covered in sheets. I ran my fingers down her arm swiftly. Her skin was nice and soft but some patches were rough and calloused. I pecked a kiss on her shoulder and nuzzled my nose into the crook of her neck. My hand trailed down to meet the small of her back. While I did this, I heard a small whimper. What?

She shifted in her sleep. I ran my fingers down her back again. I saw her jaw tighten and her hand clench into a fist. As I further observed her shirt, faint red lines bled through the fabric. I slowly reached down to where the shirt ended so I could see her back but when I tried she shifted her body to face mine. Her eyes quickly fluttered open and she let out a small yawn.

"Good Morning" She mumbled when she saw I was awake.

"Good Morning." I replied concerned for other things. She let out a small hiss when her hand met her back. "You okay?" I asked her, my hands gently took her wrists and played with her fingers.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She said softly yawning. I pulled her gently to my chest and rested my hand at the small of her back. My nose touched hers. I cupped her cheek softly and left a small peck. Her skin was sickeningly warm. I then felt something wet and sticky on her shirt.

"You're sure you're okay?" I asked a hint of concern in my voice. She shook her head slowly. "Well. You're bleeding and your skin is all warm. Don't lie to me" I trailed off nuzzling her neck.

"I'm fine Yong Soo. It's just that some of my old wounds reopened." She mumbled.

"But why do you have so many?" I asked sadly. She sighed and pushed away to look me in the eye. A small smile formed on her lips.

"South Korea. You must remember that I am a pretty old country. I've fought in many battles probably even more than you have. I've also had some natural disasters. These wounds and scars are just a result of those things. Okay?" She asked. I nodded.

"Well can... can I see them?" I asked. She pondered for a moment then turned on her side. she let out a hiss as she peeled the cloth from her skin.

The sight was sickening. I almost gagged. Fine white lines crossed with red sticky ones. I outstretched my arm slightly and ran my fingers along one of the marks. She twitched slightly and I sighed. She turned toward me and slightly smiled.

"C'mon. We shouldn't live in the past."



Ugh. This prompt had so much potential but I failed.

If you like it then tell me I guess.

Any requests?

South Korea x The PhilippinesWhere stories live. Discover now