Trying New Things~

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Maria's POV

I happily skipped to where Yong Soo and I were meeting for lunch. Since we both had lunch breaks in between our work. We decided to spend them together. I placed my Manny Pacquiao lunch box on the table and waited. A little while later I saw my boyfriend Yong Soo walking toward me. He placed his EXO lunch box on the table and sat down across from me.

"So, how's work going?" I asked as I opened my lunchbox.

"It's fine. I get to spam Li Xiao with faxes. " He said grinning. "What about you?" He asked opening his.

"It's basically just Indonesia and Australia flirting while Malaysia and I spam America and England with faxes." I answered sipping my coffee. My smile joined his grin as he sipped his tea. I pulled out my foil wrapped delicacies.

"Whoa what's that?" He asked taking out his lunch.

"Oh this? It's called balut." (Yes I am doing this >:D)

"Whoa can I try?" He asked.

"Sure." I said with a mischievous smirk. I handed him one of the foil wrapped eggs. He took it unwrapping the packaging. "The shell is already peeled away." I said. He nodded taking a bite. He chewed it for a while with a distant look on his face.

"Well... It tastes interesting." He said after he swallowed.

"It's okay if you don't like it." I laughed.

"Hmm, why don't you try some of the kimchi I brought." He suggested taking out a small container.

"Sure." I said taking it from him. My mouth watered when I tried some. "Wow, that has a kick." I said drinking some water. "It's not as spicy as these though." I said pulling out some of the small peppers I had in my lunchbox as well. (I'm talking about these awful things. As a stupid child my mother bought these and I though I could handle it with my American palate. I ended up crying.)

"Should I be nervous?" He chuckled nervously. (Yes you should)

"Maybe~." I smiled handing some to him. He bit into one of them and immediately tears streamed down his cheeks. "Yeah... I'll get you some milk." I said as he started coughing and sweating. As I went to buy milk I saw America with Canada on their lunch break. An idea brewed in my mind. "Here you go." I said sheepishly handing him the milk when I got back.

He took a large sip and wiped his eyes. "Please never give those to me again." He said coughing in between words.

"Heh... yeah." I said biting into one. The initial taste made my mouth water but I tried to hold my ground. I took a deep breath trying to get the taste off my tongue.

"Here." Yong Soo said handing me the milk. I took a sip.

"Yeah,those are really spicey." I was then reminded of my idea. "Hey Yong Soo?" I asked.


"You know who we should make try these?" I asked.




Have an update.

I will also update more tonight so yay.

This is an idea from @MRSG98

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