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Haha... "updated 2 months ago" Hahahahah... ;-;

Sorry guys..... I've been a bit busy with school and blah... who cares for excuses, hey you're getting an update :D

I'll try to update more :(

This was requested by MRSG98
Prompt: Experiencing each other's culture.

Let's go :D (if I if I if I was a 50 pound boom box wou- sorry continuing)

Maria's POV

Our hands were clasped together as he led me threw the streets of Seoul, South Korea.

The streets were busy, people walking to and fro, rushing to get wherever they needed to be.

"C'mon Maria~ We have to hurry!" Yong Soo said in his cheery voice.

"Why? What's the rush?" I asked. My arm was already sore from all of the dragging. Also, since there was such a difference in our heights, it felt as if he was pulling my arm from its socket.

"Since you're so short, we have to rush do I won't loose you in their crowd of people da~ze!" He laughed. I smiled and tried to keep up with him. I sighed in relief when I saw our humble apartment complex come into view. We were earlier taking a stroll so I could become more familiar with the place. I had just recently moved in for the summer, my place was simply too hot. Insecurity flowed through my mind as I gathered my thoughts of what I observed on our outing... Unnaturally beautiful girls and plastic surgery clinics.
I came out of my trace as his hand slipped from mine to open the door to our apartment.
"So, what did you think?" He asked as we settled down in the comforts of our own home.
"Your place is very lovely..." I trailed off.
"Thanks." He said flashing his million peso smile while taking a seat, with me following. I leaned back, reentering my thoughts, reminding myself of my flaws.
My nose was a bit wide, my cheeks were a bit chubby, my brows furrowed as my thoughts became darker. I then remembered something, my scars.
Many scars littered my back, my arms, my legs, everywhere. What could I do about those?
Why would he even chose me over the thousands of innocent girls, with perfect features and pure unharmed skin, instead he chose me...
I came back to reality as I felt a warm hand on my shoulder.
"What's wrong?" He asked, his own brows furrowing, causing wrinkles to form. I blinked twice and shook my head.
"What's makes you assume that something's wrong?" I asked, putting on a hypothetical mask.
"You seem stressed about something." He said keeping his eyes fixed on mine. Im Yong Soo, the only man who could read me this well.
"You caught me." I softly smiled, thinking how to choose my words.
His hand traced my arm before intertwining with my own, our fingers tangling. " Would you recommend any good.... plastic surgeons, I can see the practice of plastic surgery is quite popular here."
"Plastic surgeons? Hmm... for whom did you have in mind?" He asked. His answer almost caught me off guard, he was so innocent at times.
"Well, myself." I answered shyly. I saw his eyebrows twist in confusion... then anger.
"What do mean for yourself. What possibly could you fix about yourself!" He started firmly. In a swift movement he stood up pulling me with him, holding me at shoulders length.
"Oh I don't know! Maybe the fact that I'm surrounded by perfect beautiful women, feeling like an outcast with my flaws! You could have anyone of them! A girl WITHOUT white lines scattered across her body! A girl WITHOUT so much baggage from the past. WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU CHOOSE ME?!?" I huffed. I panted slightly from my outburst. I looked up uniting my chestnut eyes with his slit eyes.
I didn't even realize what was happening until I felt soft lips on mine.
"Sometimes I just wish you could realize how perfect you already are. Whatever you think your flaws are... they make you who you are... Whatever you feel is an imperfection is a part of your story... I just wish you could realize this." He said softly.
"I..I'm sorry." I sighed tearing up.
"Hey... hey don't cry!" He panicked pulling me against him.
"I'm so sorry." I whimpered into his blue vest.

(Fast forward and were taking on the world togeth- ok ok I'm done)

~Half Year Time Skip~

Yong Soo's POV (Yeah this one will be more fluffy)
She slipped the key into the door, opening it with flourish.
"Welcome to the Carriedo residence!" She cheered with a grin.
"Yay!" I cheered clapping, following her inside. (South Korea is such a cutie x3)
I adjusted my collar which was damp. We arrived less than an hour ago and I was a sweating mess. It didn't help I was was wearing a long robe that left hardly any of my skin uncovered. My eyes glanced at her apparel which consisted of a skirt that stopped mid-thigh and a tank top.
Her hair was also tied in a pony tail.
"Um, it's winter right?" I asked. She blinked then chuckled.
"Yep, now you understand why we live at your place for the summer?" She tapped her foot for a moment. "Ooh! Why don't you change! I know that America left some of his boxers here for when he stays over. He probably won't mind you borrowing them." She said. "One second." She added headed for the guest room. Red dusted my cheeks as I realized what she meant. Me, in just boxer shorts. "Here you go." She smiled handing me a pair of boxers with the McDonalds logo scattered on them.
"Thanks..." I took the boxers to change into.
"Wait! You should take a shower first!" She added.
"Oh...okay..." I said. I found my way to her bathroom. I striped myself of the sticky robe and vest stepping into her shower. I chuckled at the little mango shaped bar of soap. I turned on the water, which was refreshing on my burning skin. I squeezed a decent amount of shampoo into my hand, lathering it through my jet black hair, minding my curl.
I grabbed the loofah hanging from the shower head. Should I be using her loofah? I mean isn't that personal? I then decided that it didn't really matter and I used it.
After all the suds were rinsed off, I stepped out of the shower, groaning once I realized I forgot my towel. I opened the door slightly.
"Hey... Maria!" I called nervously.
"What?" She shouted from her spot in the living room.
"I... uh.."
"Did you seriously forget to bring a towel in with you."
"Yep." I replied as I heard shuffling.
"Here you go..." She said handing me a towel with the South Korean flag printed on it.
"Why do you own a f-" She cut me off.
"Don't question it. Just use it." She said clearly embarrassed."
I quickly took it shutting the door. I dried myself off, slipping on the McDonalds underwear. Thoughts ran threw my head. What would she think of seeing me so exposed. I never was wearing less than a tee shirt. Would she think I'm attractive? Will she think I'm not attractive. I then realized that my inner monologue was stupid. She was my girlfriend, she won't care how I look like. I opened the door with style and made me way to the living room. She looked up at me when she heard me enter the room. I blushed when I realized her gaze was headed straight for my chest. Her face was equally crimson.
"Um... feeling cooler?" She asked.
"We should.. go to the beach sometime..." She said still blushing.

I hope this is what you had in mind... Enjoy your fluffing angst :D

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