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Do you guys even care anymore?


Lol JK Hey Guys. Sorry I haven't been updating!

I would update more often if you would comment..... -__-

Lol lets get to the one shot :D


Maria's POV

I hummed softly as I answered the door. I was just doing some minor cleaning before Yong Soo woke up.

"Arthur?" I asked in shock, he didn't usually visit me. I usually only saw him when I visited America or Canada.

"Good Morning Philippines. How are you?" He smiled. It was strange to see him act like a gentleman, I still remember him from his pirate days.

"Hi Artie! You mustn't be so formal, Call me by my human name."

"Well Maria, I came by to visit Malaysia, I thought I would drop off some scones while I was at it. I also thought you might've missed my cooking." He said handing me a small plate.

"Thanks... I'll see you around Arthur." I chuckled rubbing my neck. He walked away and I closed the door eyeing the scones. Scones.... more like stones.

"What's that?" I heard a tired voice ask. I turned to see Yong Soo in his long robe rubbing his eyes.

"England brought some scones. I'm curious to see if his recipe has improved at all." I said unwrapping the plate. I took a small bite and chewed it slowly. South Korea tried one too.

"This tastes awful." He blinked.

Before I could reply a loud boom struck my ears and I gasped. What? My head started to throb and I groaned. Smoke began to exit through my ears and I felt horrible. When I opened my eyes I felt different. I came face to face with myself.

"ANO?" (What?) My voice came out deeper. I gasped and looked down to my hands and saw two long sleeves. My head felt lighter and my neck felt lighter. "England is a dead man" I growled.

"Whoa I'm a woman da-ze." My voice gasped. I glared at me/him.

"C'mon let's head to Malaysia's." I said grabbing my hand.


I knocked on her door and tapped my foot.

"Hello Yong Soo. How are you?" She asked. Oh yeah I was still in his body.

"I'm not South Korea, Maya." I sighed. "England spiked the scones with something and we freaking switched bodies."

"I am a woman." South Korea said again in awe.

"This is a problem." She said. She turned and called. "BRITAIN!!!"

"Yes, what?" He asked. I took him by the collar and stared him down.

"K-korea?" He gulped.

"No. It's me Philippines." I said.

"So that's where my potion went." He mumbled.

"Fix this please." I said.

"You don't have to!" My voice said.

"You will." I growled.


The suckage is sucky. Sorry guys I was out of ideas.... Which wouldn't happen if you.....REQUESTED!

I hope you liked it bye.

South Korea x The PhilippinesWhere stories live. Discover now