Hot and Cold Drabble

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I am in such a KorPiri mood today. I just spent the whole day looking at KorPiri fanart and my heart is exploding with feels.

So just expect me to spit out a lot of KorPiri today. :3


In The Philippines~ Summertime

Maria's Point of View

I striped myself of my sweat-soaked clothes and changed into a much cooler outfit consisting of Yong Soo's Boxers and a tank top. I plopped myself on the messy bed and groaned at the heat. Our AC just had to break at this time of year.

"Ughhhhhhhh Maria I'm dying!!!" I heard a familiar voice complain as the door slammed open. "Nice boxers." He commented laying next to me. A blush grew on my cheeks as I noticed he was shirtless and sweaty.

"Don't get near me Yong Soo." I dead panned shifting away from him. As much as I felt like cuddling, I didn't want to die of heat stroke.

"How did you live here for all of your life? It's like 90 degrees. (32.222 celsius sorry my temperature is in freedom units) I have never sweated like this!" He whined. I silently lifted my head and turned my pillow over.

"I have an idea." I said sitting up.

"Yeah?" He asked miserably. I grabbed my laptop off my bedside table.

"Boys Over Flowers or Be Careful with My Heart?" I asked. I logged into my drama subscription.

He started to hum the theme song to Be Careful with me Heart.


In South Korea ~ Wintertime.

Yong Soo's Point of View

(Don't worry guys, this one will be more fluffy)

I felt goosebumps tingling all over my body. I opened my eyes to see that she took the blanket again. The twilight allowed me to see her shivering form curled up in what was supposed to be our blanket. I grabbed and end and pulled it over my body laying on my side. I sighed as it was yanked away.

"Maria." I groaned.

"Don't 'Maria' me it's freezing Yong Soo!" She whined. I turned to face her and shifted closer to her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her to my chest. I then made sure that the blanket was covering both of us. She turned to nuzzle her face into my neck.

"Any warmer?" I asked. She let out a context sigh. "Don't worry, I'll get the heater fixed soon." I added. Her response was soft snores. I smiled as I pressed a kiss to her forehead and drifted back to sleep with her in my arms.


Well this sucked. I thought it would kinda cute..... Well it only really matters if you guys like it, so if you did please let me know by leaving either a comment or a vote. :3

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