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Sorry guys, I haven't updated in forever :(

Maria's Point of View
I let out a groan as my eyes fluttered open. The bed was empty and I could smell food coming from the kitchen. I sat up but was interrupted. My back hunched over as I went into a coughing fit. I laid back down cuddling the covers with no intentions to wake up. I slowly allowed sleep to take over my body as I closed my eyes.
"Maria?" I heard a cheerful voice. I groaned and turned over. I then felt somebody poking my cheek. "It's time to wake up da~ze!" I pushed his hand away as I covered my face to sneeze.
"I think I'm sick, go away I'll get you sick too. "I snapped. The poking suddenly stopped.
"What's wrong?" He asked. I sighed and shrugged.
"I'll be right back~" He said. I grunted hearing his footsteps leaving the room. Sooner or later I felt him poke my shoulder. "Open your mouth." He said simply.
"What wh-" Before I could protest a thermometer was shoved under my tongue.
"101.3" He said softly when it beeped. (Thats fairenheight or how ever you spell it. People don't burst into flames in the US.) "You know what this means?" He asked his voice perking up. I opened my eyed to look at at.
"What?" I asked.
"I get to nurse you back to health da~ze" He cheered.
"You'll get sick Yong Soo." I groaned. "Then I'll have to take care of y- just do whatever you what." It wasn't worth protesting. He basically jumped on top of me cuddling me. "How is this good for my health?" I asked pushing him off of me and onto the bed.
"It'll keep you distracted." He said nuzzling my neck. I sighed and slowly leaned into him.

~TimeSkip bruh~

"ACHOO!" I sighed as Yong Soo was curled up in the covers coughing his lungs out.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"I'll go get some water." I sighed


Well this was cute :3
Don't worry I have another fic on the way

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