Chapter Twelve

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Nika didn't have much time to think about what the events of that night might mean for all of them, for what it would mean for their little mission: they had things to do. The next morning, she and Peter went back to her apartment and began to make final preparations: they packed their own bags, went through supply lists, made certain that their maps were in order, and waited for the rest of the group to show up.

They came in one by one with their own packs and gear. Everyone had their own gear shoved into their packs haphazardly, not wanting to fill their backpacks until they knew every piece of equipment that was going to go into them, and piled up the rest of their things in the center of the room to divide things up among themselves.

"Is this everything, then?" Nika asked as she stared at their pile.

"Everything other than our personal items," Rufina said.

"Excellent," Nika said. "Did all of you weigh your packs before you came? Made sure that all of you packed as light as possible, still have everything you need?"

"You think we're rookies or something?" Yuri asked.

"You'd be shocked," Nika said dryly.

"She's right," Arisha said. "Many of the men who end up in the village who aren't from there and there because they forgot something, like extra socks. So many people forget extra socks."

For a moment, Nika thought that Rufina might start trying to argue with Arisha, but she didn't: she just sighed and shook her head. "I wish I could say that surprises me." She looked around at everyone else. "So help me God, if any of you forgot something as simple as that, I'll personally gut you."

"What does it matter?" Peter joked. "Arisha said it, herself: we've got a place to go for extra socks if we need it."

Rufina slugged him in the arm, but she had a slight smile. First one Nika had ever seen from her. Either things from earlier had been forgiven, or she'd figured that making everyone hate her wasn't the best approach.

Either way, it suited Nika just fine: they were about to spend weeks out there with each other; wanting to deck any of them before they even got out there wasn't how she wanted to start this expedition.

"Well, all of you are grade III hikers: I think you're all smart enough to pack extra socks," Nika said.

Yuri began to shift in his seat, uncomfortable.

Right: he never made it to his grade III certification. That trip five years ago was supposed to earn him that certification, along with the others in the group. The others in the group had post-humorously been awarded their certification, but not Yuri: thanks to the fact that he'd had to turn back, he'd failed his certification.

You'll need to keep an eye out for him, Nika thought to herself. He might become a liability while we're out there, and not just because of his rheumatism.

"Anyway, let's get this gear divided up," Nika said. "First consideration for who gets what is going to go to what your job is. Second is how much you already have. We'll try to make it as even as possible, but Yuri will probably have less to make certain his rheumatism doesn't get in the way, this time."

"You don't need to do that," Yuri said.

"You and I both know that's a lie," Rufina said. "Help us help you."

Yuri slunk back in his chair, but he didn't keep arguing: he must of saw the logic behind it, too. Of course, though, that didn't mean he liked it.

"First up: our medications," Nika said. "Yuri, you'll be taking these."

Yuri nodded and picked up their medication bottles and put it in his pile, by his own pack.

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