Askova's Undertaking 1

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Dave was driving Askova, Ray, Danny, and Robert to the Botanical Garden where Whyatt was. Askova, Danny, and Robert were sitting in the back seat, while Ray was sitting in the passenger's seat. Askova was looking like she was going to fall asleep. Danny and Robert were looking out of the windows. It was quiet.

" So... um... what about that army guy at the elevators?"

" What about him?" Ray asked.

" What are we going to do with him?" Ray sighed.

" Well, he's in the army, so he knows about the outbreak. But, he's also wounded. We're going to help him, analyze, and interrogate him," Ray explained.

" Why?"

" 'Cause he's going to tell us 'bout the infection."

" Why the outbreak?"

" That's exactly what's he's going to tell us," Askova replied. It was quiet again.

" Why did you bring us along?" Robert asked. Askova shook her head.

" You told us that you have no idea how to fight these things, so we're bringing you guys along to practice."

" But shouldn't practice be easier than fighting those things?" Danny asked.

" No," Askova replied. Everyone was quiet again. Danny and Robert started to whisper something. Askova didn't care.

They arrived at the Botanical Garden. The outside was full of cannibals, so they decided to go a different way in. Dave and Ray are going to the right of the building, Askova, Danny, and Robert are going to the left. The left was an actual garden, and the right was a big pit with giant rocks in it. Dave and Askova had a walkie talkie.

" Okay, we're separated from our group. We are going to meet in that giant plant dome over there with Dave and Ray."
" Why are we going there?" Robert asked.

" One of the patients hacked into the phone and tracked his actual position. He just said that he was in the Botanical Garden, but no actual position. And he lied a lot about where he is," Askova replied. Danny and Robert nodded.

" Now, we are actually very close, but Dave and Ray are far away, so we are going to wait for about," Askova took Roberts phone, and turned it on. She went to the maps app, and put on the St. Louis Botanical Garden, " 10 minutes."

" How would you know?"

" It's a very crowded place this time of year, so there's a good chance that there's a lot of cannibals here. They are going to have to fight their way through, considering if they are not entirely dead." They went to the plant dome. Askova killed nearby cannibals. They tried to open the door.

" It's locked," Robert said. Askova groaned.

" Does anyone have something that's long and thin?" Danny asked.

" Um..." Robert checked his pockets. Askova checked hers. Askova looked around and saw a nearby guard on the ground. She walked up and took the keys that it had. She fumbled through the 5 keys that would work.

" One of these has to work," Askova commented. She went to the next key. Danny heard groaning and the shuffling of feet and turned around. He gasped, and Askova followed suit.

" Ahhh!" Askova turned around. The guard cannibal bit her upper arm.

" Ahhhh! Get off!" Danny grabbed a fake plant and bashed the pot in its head. It was still alive. Robert grabbed a broken pot piece and killed the cannibal. The last key worked, and they went inside. They locked the door.

" Oh my God, that looks bad," Danny commented. Askova was in pain. Robert noticed part of his sleeve was ripped and ripped the rest off. He tied it really tight around Askovas arm.

" That should do it for now." Danny looked worried. The blood was seeping through. Danny sighed.

" Is there anything we can do?" Danny asked.

" No." They both looked at Askova.

" What do you mean no?" Robert said. Askova sighed.

" Once you're bit, that's it. You're done," Askova explained. Danny wandered around, hands on his head.

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