Prologue Part 1

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"Faster, Uncle Ahren, faster!" Kerttu exclaimed as her uncle swung her in circles across the floor of the hallway outside grand ballroom of the shining Illéan palace.

Kerttu, or Princess Kerttu America Lena Koskinen of Illéa, loved Christmas time more than any time of year because it was when her Uncle Ahren, Aunt Camille, and cousin Elodie would visit Illéa from France. Her Aunt Camille was the Queen of France, and their family was unable to  travel much to Illéa due to their duties governing their people. But, every other December, the French royal family would come to Illéa for the holidays, and on the opposite years, Kerttu and her family would go to France to spend Christmas.

A great Christmas party had been a tradition in the palace every year for as long as Kerttu could remember. She loved having all of her family there together. In addition to her Uncle Ahren, Aunt Camille, and Elodie, her father's parents, Nonna and Papa, would come to stay at the palace, Uncle Kaden and Aunt Josie would come visit from whatever diplomatic mission they were on at the time on behalf of Illéa, and of course, Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle Osten would be there too. However, they also lived at the palace so Kerttu got to see them more often than the rest of her family. 

Uncle Ahren continued to spin Kerttu round and round until his twin sister, Kerttu's mother, Queen Eadlyn, came over and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Ahren, please don't get Kerttu sick right before the party. We all know how much she loves Christmas," Mama said smiling and pulling Kerttu in for a hug.

"Mama having Uncle Ahren here from France is the best part of Christmas!" Kerttu exclaimed, her blue eyes sparkling with joy.

"I know, sweetheart, but we don't want you all dizzy at the party, right?" Mama said smoothing Kerttu's dark brown waves and adjusted the red velvet bow in her hair.

"I would rather be dizzy if it meant I was having fun," Kerttu said smiling back to her mother.

"Is the party about ready to start, Eady?" Uncle Ahren asked Mama.

"Yes, we are about ready, we are just waiting for Mom and Dad," Mama replied.

At that moment, Kerttu's father, Eikko, came over carrying her little brother Aleksi in his arms. 

"Papa!" Kerttu exclaimed running over and wrapping her arms around her father's legs.

"Slow down, nappula!" Papa exclaimed as he laughed and handed Aleksi to Mama to hug Kerttu. 

Kerttu loved her nickname her father called her, "nappula," which meant "button" in Finnish. Eikko's parents had immigrated to Illéa from Swendway, and from their names to teaching them Finnish to baking traditional Swendish food, Papa had ensured that Kerttu and Aleksi were brought up with Swendish culture.

Papa and Kerttu shared the same bright blue eyes and bright smile, and she adored him and her mother more than anything.

"Aleksi, Mama, Papa, Uncle Ahren, please let's go in now! It is time!" Kerttu exclaimed bouncing in her shiny black Mary Janes. 

"I suppose it is time," Mama said smiling and picking up Aleksi in her arms. Uncle Ahren nodded and quickly walked into the room so that the royal family of Illéa could make their grand entrance into the hall.

"Are we all ready?" Mama asked. Papa nodded and took Kerttu's hand. Kerttu knew Papa did not like to be the center of attention or in front of lots of people so she gave his hand a squeeze.

"Be brave and strong, Papa," she said smiling.

"You are the bravest of all, nappula," Papa said kissing her forehead and smiling at Mama,"just like your mother."

 The great wooden doors to the great hall swung open as music from the splendid band flooded the sparkling room.

"Her Majesty, Queen Eadlyn, His Royal Highness, Prince Eikko, Her Royal Highness Princess Kerttu, and His Royal Highness, Prince Aleksi," a butler announced as Kerttu and her family filed into the room.

Kerttu took in the beautiful room with awe. Christmas seemed to grow more splendid every year. A great Christmas tree that almost touched the ceiling stood tall and sparkled with hundreds of twinkling lights and shining ornaments. The edges of the ceiling were strung with garland, and all the guests were beautifully dressed in beautiful jewel tones. The room smelled of pinewood. It all was magical.

The room was not only filled with family but members of the staff and their families too. Kerttu stared for a moment at one small boy in particular, Johnny. He was the son of one of the guards, and he was one of her favorite playmates. She waved to him, and he stuck her tongue out at her before his father pulled him off. Kerttu giggled at that. He was always goofing around. She also saw their dear family friends General Leger and Miss Lucy in the far corner of the room. They had been traveling and had just returned, and it was the first that Kerttu had been able to see them since they returned.

As Mama and Papa led the first dance of the evening, Kerttu dodged through the crowd toward the Legers.

"Your Highness," General Leger grinned and gave Kerttu a bow. 

"You are so funny, General Leger!" Kerttu said giggling as Miss Lucy bent down to give her a hug.

"You should do your best to show her respect, she is your future Queen," Grandma said as she walked over with Grandpa, her arms linked in his. Grandma and General Leger were old friends, and General Leger felt like another grandparent to Kerttu. He and Miss Lucy were like family. 

"Grandma!" Kerttu exclaimed, running into her grandmother's arms. 

"My darling girl," Grandma said, picking up Kerttu and squeezing her in her arms.

"Wait until you see your present this year, sweetheart," Grandpa said smiling at her, "I think you are going to like it."

"Can I open it now?" Kerttu asked her blue eyes shining.

"Maybe we can go..." Grandpa began as he was cut off by the sound of a piercing alarm.

"Maxon," Grandma said, panic filling her face, "it can't be. I haven't heard that sound since..."

"REBELS! They are in the palace!" one of the guards shouted, "Run!" 

"Grandma, what is happening?" Kerttu said as she began to cry.

"Take her!" Grandma shouted passing Kerttu off to General Leger.

"Grandma! No, Grandma! Grandpa, what is happening?" Kerttu screamed, her eyes filling with tears. Just then, the doors of the great hall burst open, and men and women carrying guns and dressed in bright purple shirts stormed in and fired into the crowd.

"Long live the true line of Gregory Illéa!" one of the men shouted as he took a gun and fired it straight at Mama and Papa.

"MAMA! PAPA!" Kerttu shrieked, but General Leger put his hand over her mouth.

"Kerttu please you must be quiet," he ordered, though there was great panic in his voice.

The hall which had been bright and shining just moments ago now seemed to be filled with a sinister glow. Shots rang out. People collapsed to the floor. The Queen and her Prince laid on top of each other in the center of the hall, deep red spilling out around them.

"Take her! Please!" Grandma shouted looking into the eyes of General Leger. The look seemed to communicate some unspoken message. General Leger nodded and grabbed his wife's hand. He quickly ran to one wall, pushed back a tapestry, and ran with Kerttu and his wife down a dark corridor, leaving the terrifying scene behind him.

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