A Reunion

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After viewing the palace at a distance from the forest, the group moved to set up camp to await further instruction from the rebel movement at large.

"It is strange," General Leger. "When I first started as a guard at the palace when America was in Maxon's Selection, Marid's parents were the ones who were the rebels trying to bring good and just rule to Illéa. It is strange how much things can change over generations and time. Kate, your grandmother once climbed one of these trees during a rebel attack and hid out there for hours. She was always a tomboy at heart, a lot like you." 

He gave Kate a small smile as he contemplated the memory. Ahren stared straight out, with a sad expression on his face.

"It was ironic how she ended up with a girly and very well um...high-maintenance let's just say...daughter like Eadlyn," Ahren said, letting out a laugh. "But then, Eadlyn got a tomboy as her daughter. It is funny how things work. You look so much like her, you know. I see a lot of her in you too, and my mother. You have your father's eyes though."

Kate smiled, but there was a haunted look in her eyes. 

"I just still can barely remember them. I can see their faces, but I can hardly remember what they sounded like. It is so foggy. It frustrates me so much," she said, clenching her fists. "In the youth home, a lot of the other girls mocked me and said I was stupid because I couldn't remember anything about my family."

"I am so sorry you had to go there," Lucy said, a pained expression forming on her face.

"It isn't your fault, Miss Lucy, please do not feel bad," Kate said quickly. "It probably was better I couldn't remember. Ignorance is bliss as they say."

There suddenly was a ruffling in the trees and Jansen and Johnny stepped out after going on watch duty in the area around where the group was camping. As they came closer, it became clear they were pulling two people with them, two thin and ragged-looking girls in dirty worn clothes.

"We found these two lurking around the camp," Jansen said pulling forward the girl he was holding, she had curly red hair, brown eyes, and a sprinkling of freckles across her nose. The other girl who Johnny was holding had dark braids, creamy brown skin, and dark eyes that looked angry.

"Let us go! We've done nothing wrong!" the girl with the braids shouted, trying to riggle loose from Johnny's grip. 

"Stop fighting! We need to know who you are and why you are so near the palace. Are you an associate of Marid?" Jansen growled, gripping the red-headed girl tighter.

"Jansen, you're being too harsh! That is no way to treat two young girls!" Lucy said, standing up in anger. Kate stood up to join her.

"Johnny, let that girl go!" Kate said, walking toward him. Johnny immediately complied, but at that point, the girl had stopped fighting to get free.  She was staring directly at Kate.

"Kate? Kate is that you?" the girl asked, her eyes wide.

"Oh my goodness, Holly?" she said gasping. "And Eva? Eva is that you?" A big smile broke out across her face. Jansen let the red-headed girl, Eva, go, and the three girls ran into a big embrace.

"Oh Kate! I can't believe its you!" Eva said, tears running down her face.

"When Eva was released from the youth home, we ran into each other and have been traveling together since," Holly said, grinning. "We were hoping one day we would find you since you were the last one to leave since you are the youngest. Oh I can't believe it, we found you!

"It looks like you seem to have found some people yourself," Eva said looking around. "Have you had any luck finding out anything about your family?"

Things I Almost Remember: A Selection StoryWhere stories live. Discover now