A Partner in Crime

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"You want to help me?" Kate asked in disbelief.

"Hey now, don't look so stunned! I am not a bad guy," Johnny said. He tried to be nonchalant and hope she hadn't paid attention to him staring into her somehow familiar blue eyes.

"How can you help me then?" Kate questions, an expression of disbelief still worn on her face. 

"Well, for starters, I can help you with finding a place to stay. Also, I happen to know someone who may be able to help you get the passport you need in a bit of an uh unorthodox way," Johnny said.

"Unorthodox sort of way?" Kate asked with her arms crossed. "I am guessing unorthodox means illegal and forged. No thanks."

Kate stood up beginning to walk away, but Johnny's hand caught her arm.

"Don't you want to know who you are? Don't you know where you come from?" he asked.

"Yes," Kate said turning back to look at him. "But, I don't even know you. How can I trust you?"

"Look, it is going to sound crazy, but you remind me of someone, someone I knew long ago. Someone who I know has family and people who care about her in France," Johnny said. "I think, well, I think there is some chance you might be her."

"Who?" Kate asked. She began to turn back around toward him. She was still skeptical and wary of this strange boy, but there also was something about him too that was familiar to her. He made her feel comfortable and like she could tell him anything. She tried not to let herself feel that way. She did not want to be some silly girl who fell for the charm of some stupid, albeit good-looking, boy.

"Princess Kerttu," Johnny whispered, not daring to look at her.

Kate's eyes grew wide. Princess Kerttu was a legend and a mystery known throughout Illéa. She had been next-in-line to the throne of Illéa before Marid and the New Northern Rebels had invaded the palace and assassinated the Royal Family ten years ago. The reason she was a legend was because there had been rumors and stories going around since that night that the young princess had somehow escaped from the massacre and was still living somewhere in Illéa. It had never been confirmed by King Marid, but many said that Kerttu's body was the only of her family's to not be found in the aftermath. 

"Princess Kerttu?" she whisper-hissed. "You realize even just talking about her could get us thrown in prison for the night if the wrong person heard."

"Yes I know, but I am telling you, I think there is a chance you could be her. I knew her for years. We used to play together when we were children. My family worked at the palace. If anyone would recognize her, it would be me," Johnny whispered adamantly.

"Why do you think this?" Kate asked. She did not believe him in the slightest, but the plea and firmness in what he said made her want to at least give him a chance to explain himself.

"You have her same hair, same eyes, same sort of fearlessness. That locket. She had one just like it that said the exact same thing on the outside. Mon cœur est à Paris. Her uncle gave it to her for Christmas the year before the attack," Johnny said looking at the locket around Kate's neck. Her hand was clutching it tightly.

"It is not a terribly uncommon thing. Lots of people like Paris," Kate said. She did not want to believe him, but there was some sort of sense in what he was saying, especially because of her locket. Who had left her there that night? Who had left that note?

"The note!" Kate exclaimed.

"What note?" Jonny asked, surprised by her sudden outburst.

"The note they found me with in Belcourt, the one left by whoever brought me there," she breathed. "It said 'This is K.'  Just K. I did not say Kate, that was the name they gave me at the hospital. Do  you think the K could be for..."

"Kerttu?" he finished. 

She nodded slowly, still not able to believe what he was suggesting to her.

"I think it is possible. The last time I saw her was during the attack. There was so much screaming and panic, but I remember seeing her be carried away by an older man and woman," Johnny said.

"How did you get out?" she asked, realizing she should have asked this already.  "I mean, I thought everyone was killed who was in that room."

He sighed, not enjoying thinking back to the day.

"There were lots of old passages and secret doors in the palace. The servants knew every single one of them, and my brother and I got through one of them just before it was sealed off by the New Northern Rebels," Johnny replied.

"Do you think that is maybe how Kerttu also got out?  I mean if she escaped that is. Through one of those passages?" Kate asked.

"I think it is, but I think we need to talk to someone about this and how we are going to get you to France," Johnny said.

"Who?" asked Kate.

"My brother Connor. He was older and was there that night too, his memories might be clearer and probably are better," Johnny replied. "He also has helped people with a few unorthodox passports before. Let's get going."

"You know I never said I would agree to this, " Kate said, now trying to catch his hand as he walked away. "What makes you think I am going to come?"

"I can tell you're a fighter. I can tell you want to know who you are. I can tell you are not content with living on the streets of Illéa for the rest of your life. I can tell you want a family, and well, if you are Kerttu, I know you would never give up," Johnny said, trying to hide his eyes so as not to meet her gaze. 

"You are really serious then?" Kate asked.

"Yes. I swear to it. I would not lie, not about this," Johnny said raising up his hands as if he was revealing every secret he had to her. "Besides, it has been a while since I had a true partner in crime."

"A partner in crime? So then, you're admitting this is a crime?" Kate said, allowing herself to smile a bit. 

"I'll neither confirm or deny, and besides, it only can be considered a crime if you get caught, and I never get caught," he said as he turned and continued walking away.

"Lord be with me, " Kate whispered as she picked up her bag and jogged after Johnny to catch up.

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