Just Rumors

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"Ahren Schreave is a fool! Just like his sister and the rest of his family. I wish we had taken care of him in the raid," King Marid Illéa shouted at no one in particular as he slammed the day's paper on his desk.

The paper was reporting another story about Ahren's search for his niece, Princess Kerttu. As Marid's government had control over most of the news and press in Illéa, the story revolved around what a fool the Prince Consort of France was to believe Kerttu had survived, but Marid was about ready to prevent them from reporting anything about the Schreave line, particularly about the rumors that the young girl had not survived the raid.

"Your Majesty, this must be taken seriously, rumors are rampant around the country that Kerttu Koskinen escaped, and as you and I both know, her body was never found in the aftermath," Lieutenant Reed, on of Marid's closest advisors said, 

"I KNOW THAT!," Marid shouted slamming his fist on the desk causing a bit of his coffee, which he always took black, to spill out onto the newspaper.

"Reed, of course you and I both know that. It was you who I put in charge of covering that fact up. An endeavor, I might add, you are not succeeding in thus far, but as far as anyone else around the world and in Illéa knows, she was killed with the rest of those silly weak people."

"But sir, the rumors had to have started somewhere, and with the French royals feeding it, it will continue to undermine us. We must take some action to quell the rumors here at home. We must find reason to either stop Ahren or to make him look like a desperate fool," Lieutenant Reed said, keeping his voice calm despite Marid's words. Lieutenant Reed had long learned that Marid did not believe anyone but himself was fit to succeed in any task.

"Anyone who has a working brain should know that Ahren Schreave is a fool, just like the rest of his family was," Marid snapped. "However, I see the concern of the rumor. It is still a grave concern to the well-being of my rule and the state of this country that Kerttu Koskinen might still be alive, particularly because she was first in line to rule after Eadlyn."

"People know that pretty much talk of the Kerttu Koskinen or any of the Schreave line is enough to spend a few nights in a cell," Lieutenant Reed said. "However, I and some of your other advisors were thinking that perhaps we could, well, go a bit further. Make an example of sympathizers. Ensure that people know the consequences of sympathizing with the old ways."

"They say there are even young girls pretending to be the little lost princess in order to cash in on a reward from the French royal family," Marid said pressing his fingers to his temple. "I think that is one place to start. France has already cut off trade with us, but we cannot block our borders completely and lose an alliance with the German Federation. However, we can encourage the population that any Kerttus, real or imaginary, will be harshly dealt with."

"We can do that and more, your Majesty," Lieutenant Reed said as he finally let out a breath he had been holding. "With your command, I can send word to the leaders of each province to keep an extra eye out and punish those suspected as taking part in treasonous behavior.

"Let it be done," Marid said as he slid back his chair and stood up.

The king walked over to the wide windows of his office overlooking the back gardens.

"Why is it they defy me, Reed? I gave them what they needed, a good, strong, and driven leader," Marid said. "Eadlyn left them with choice which the average person cannot handle. The average person needs someone to guide them, to tell them what is best for them. I gave them that and more. Yet, they still yearn for the old ways of Maxon and Eadlyn. They would be more thankful if they could have lived during the castes. Society was much more organized in those days. Each person had a purpose, and each person fulfilled their purpose. People are lost without a ruler."

Lieutenant Reed stood there for a few moments not knowing quite how to reply, but after several long seconds he said, "The country is better because of you sir. We will crush any rebellion and any misguided hope they get from these rumors of Kerttu Koskinen."

"You better," King Marid said.  "Otherwise I may need to take more drastic action."

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