Author's Note/Updates

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Hello lovelies! I am so sorry this story has not been updated in so long. I was very, very busy with school, and then COVID hit so, needless to say, life has been pretty crazy for me lately, as I am sure it is for all of you.

I just wanted to say that a new chapter is going within the next two weeks. I know the ending, and I know what will happen, I just need to make sure it is said exactly right. However, it is coming soon! :) 

My other exciting news is that, due to interest in this story, I am really excited to announce that there will be a sequel. I was not sure if I was going to do one because I needed a story worth telling, but I think I have found what that story is. I am really excited about it because it will complement this story very well. I cannot give you a lot of plot details yet, but I will tell you that the sequel will be inspired by the classic love story Romeo and Juliet...:) 

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