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"Uncle Ahren? Uncle Ahren?" Kate called as she ran down the hall the following day, Elodie trailing at her heels. Elodie could not help but think how much the scene was like when they had been young girls, Kerttu had always been running around with boundless energy. It was impossible to keep up with her. Elodie was happy to see that energy and life start to reappear within her cousin.

The two girls finally found Ahren sitting in a parlor staring with wide eyes staring at the television. Camille was there too and was rubbing her husband's back as though she was trying to calm him.

"Mother? Father? What is going on, what are you watching?" Elodie asked as the girls slowly walked into the room.

Neither Camille nor Ahren gave any answer so both girls stepped forward to see what they were watching.

They were watching an Illéan news program, all of which were controlled by Marid,  where a balding man was sitting at a desk reading an announcement with a serious expression.

"We have urgent news that the monarchy has forwarded to us to share with you, the loyal citizens of Illéa. Ten years ago, our valiant king and his supporters bravely fought and took out the ruling Schreave line who had been carelessly and ineffectively ruling our beautiful country for decades, getting rid of old customs and traditions put in place by the great Gregory Illéa at our founding. We fought and brought back the true line of Gregory Illéa to the throne and, so we thought, exterminated any risk of claim to the throne by the Schreave line. For many years, we believed the only Schreave line survivors were Queen Eadlyn's brother Ahren, the current Prince Consort of France, and his daughter Princess Elodie. However, because they fled to France and have cut off all ties with Illéa, they have never been considered a true threat. However, over the years, there have been numerous rumors that Queen Eadlyn's daughter and heir, Princess Kerttu Koskinen, survived the brave and heroic attack on the Schreave line. We have always believed these rumors to be false and preposterous. But, I must report to you this hour, that we have received news from King Marid himself that Princess Kerttu is indeed alive. Living under the name of Kate, the princess has been hiding among the civilian population for years and has now escaped to France to reunite with her family. We received confirmation from sources within the French palace that the princess arrived recently aboard an illegal flight that was carrying art to sell in Europe. King Marid asks all of his citizens to stay calm but remain alert in this time of great danger. For the moment the princess is with her relatives in France, however, should she attempt to reenter Illéa, she will be apprehended immediately upon discovery and dealt with appropriately. Any Illéan citizen discovered to be supporting the princess and the old rule will be dealt with similarly. We have already caught and apprehended two citizens of Illéan citizens, brothers Connor and Johnathan Abernathy, who helped the princess get to France. King Marid has assured us that such traitors will be dealt with in a manner appropriate to their crimes, but in his great compassion and mercy, he has said that the punishment for the Abernathy brothers and any found supporters of Princess Kerttu and the Schreave family will be lessened if the princess is to turn herself over to the authorities..."

"JOHNNY!" Kate shrieked, her knees dropping to the floor. "How has this happened? They were just here! How does Marid know I am alive?"

Ahren quickly stood up and pulled his niece up.

"It appears that some of our staff are not as loyal as we suspected. We are still in the early stages of the investigation, but we have several guards already being interrogated," Ahren said, his face in hard lines. "We had planned to discuss with you when you wanted us to reveal that you survived, but now, we must deal with this threat accordingly. In the meantime, you will remain here in France until it is safe, if it is ever safe, for you to return to Illéa."

"I have to go back," Kate said. "I have to save Johnny and Connor. What if they kill them? This is all my fault, I should have stood up to them against that guard. Oh what have I done? What have I..."

"Going back to Illéa is out of the question," Ahren said sharply, cutting her off. "You will put yourself in great danger if you return there now."

"But Johnny..." Kate breathed.

"This is not to say you can never return," Camille interjected, putting an arm around her niece. "However, we must prepare and plan before we take any drastic action."

"Camille, we have to plan and prepare how to protect France," Ahren began as Camille put her hand up.

"Illéa is your home country, and Kate is Eadlyn's daughter. We must do what we can to make things right. All of us survived that night for a reason, and I think it is finally coming to light what must happen," Camille said.

"What is that? What do we do?" Kate asked urgently, tears forming in her eyes.

"Kate, it is time that you to again become who you truly are, Princess Kerttu America Lena Koskinen, the rightful heir to the throne of Illéa," Camille said, turning Kate to face her.

"You mean....," Kate whispered quietly.

"I mean it is time for the Schreaves to rule in Illéa and bring peace again. It is time for you to become who you were destined to be, Kerttu."

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