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Marid Illéa was pacing frantically back and forth in his office just when a panting  Lieutenant Reed burst in.

"Your Majesty," he breathed, quickly remembering to bow. "As you know we have been monitoring this situation for a long time all throughout our country, but it is..."

"OUT with it Reed!" Marid barked, slamming his fists on his desks in anger. "Is she out there or not?"

Lieutenant Reed trembled for a moment then regained his composure.

"A young woman who bears a startling resemblance to the aged photograph we have had produced of Kerttu Koskinen has  been spotted several times in the city of Nieve in Hudson," Lieutenant Reed said quickly, taking in a breath before he continued. "In addition, she has been confirmed to have been living with two young men, brothers actually, Connor and John Abernathy, both of whom were sons of one of one of Eadlyn Schreave's most trusted guards."

"This is worse than I suspected," Marid said, in a voice that was much calmer than the one he normally used with Lieutenant Reed. "My men who were in the room when she allegedly escaped said that she left with General Leger and his wife. General Leger is a very old friend of the family from what we have found, he grew up with America Schreave when they were both still members of lower castes in Carolina. There were rumors that they once were even, well, romantically involved." 

Marid smirked, both at the thought of a girl from such lowly origins had somehow become Queen of Illéa and that she had might once been involved with someone even more lowly. It made him glad he had purged the government of such influence and blood. His blood, the blood of the great Gregory Illéa, flowed through the veins of those who rightly should be ruling Illéa. 

"But sir, we have spoken about this theory before. General Leger and his wife have not been spotted in years. Most presume them to be dead," Lieutenant Reed said.

"Obviously, Reed. But as we have now observed, people can come back from the dead. Our little princess seems to have defied the laws of nature by still walking this earth," Marid said, sounding a bit bored. "What I am now more interested in is finding out more about these boys, the Abernathy brothers. Who were their parents? Who are they? What have they been doing since the attack on the palace? And most importantly, how did the lost princess end up with them ten years later undetected?"

"Those are good questions, your Majesty, and they are questions I assure you we are working round the clock to provide an answer to," Lieutenant Reed said.

"No, Reed, I want you to provide an answer," Marid said, looking Lieutenant Reed right in the eye. "You are, after all, one of my most trusted advisors and greatest strategic mind. This is a matter of great importance to me, and I want you to take charge of it."

"Your Majesty, I am honored of course by this appointment, but truly, I fear I may not be the best person to undertake it...," Lieutenant Reed began.

"Perhaps you don't understand," Marid interrupted, giving Lieutenant Reed a glare. "This is not something you have a say or choice in. You serve me. I am the King. You are one of my best soldiers. That girl, if she is Kerttu Koskinen, is the greatest threat to my rule and the greatness I will continue to bring about in this country. You should take it as the highest honor that I have selected you to ensure that success."

"Very well, your Majesty," Lieutenant Reed said cautiously. "However, what do we do with the boys, and what do we do if this girl turns out not to be the princess?"

"Kill them," Marid said matter-of-factly. "Only bring the girl back if you know for certain she is Kerttu Koskinen. I want to be the one to finish her myself. If she is not, none of them are of any use or pose a threat to me. They are easily disposable."

"Very good, my King," Lieutenant Reed said, giving a quick bow. "I will assemble a team, and we will be on the ground in Nieve before nightfall."

Marid did not acknowledge Lieutenant Reed, but he gave the King one more hasty bow and exited the office.

Lieutenant Reed went to his own office down the hall and quickly phoned the appropriate people to make the arrangements for the flight to Nieve. Then, checking to make sure the door was locked and the windows were shot, he unlocked the top drawer of his desk. He then pulled a hidden lever inside in the left back corner of the drawer, and the top of the drawer popped out to reveal several hidden items. 

These items included a portable telephone, a handgun, a pocket knife, and a navy bandana covered with white stars. Lieutenant Reed pulled the telephone out of the desk and dusted it off. There were few portable phones left in Illéa anymore. Marid had passed legislation to restrict their use to government officials and those who supported his reign. What Marid did not know was there were several government leaders who had used their access to portable telephones for other unauthorized purposes. 

Lieutenant Reed quickly dialed a very familiar number, and the person on the other line picked up after the first ring.

"Hello?" a deep voice said on the other line.

"Six? This is  Builder. We've got her. Get to the Snow City as soon as possible, but make sure it is only you," Lieutenant Reed said quickly in a hushed voice. "This one is legitimate, and there is great danger."

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