"Some days she felt like she was swimming in lies, treading water in a sea of deception. One day, surely, she would drown in her own secrets."
Venetia Sarafian was never like other women. Rather than sitting back and thinking of how she coul...
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"Mother fucker!" Venetia swore as one of the nurses cleaned her side, managing to irritate it in the process. It had been a week since Peggy and Howard had dropped Steve off in Austria in hopes of rescuing the 107th members that had been captured by Hydra. However, in that time there hadn't been any word from the super solider, his corresponder having never been activated and no sign of activity in the forest during surveillance flights.
"I'm sorry," the nurse apologized.
"Right," Venetia bit back further swears as the nurse placed a fresh bandage over the wound and wrapped it before she pulled the woman's shirt back down. Venetia couldn't help but feel on edge, having had her turtlenecks taken away to avoid risk of infection, instead being left in loose short sleeve shirt that left her neck and arms exposed, allowing others to see her marks.
"Is she done?" Peggy asked as she stepped into the quartered off section of the tent. "Colonel Phillips requested us."
"Are those from the latest flight?" Venetia forced herself to her feet, taking the photos from her friend in the process. The pair made their way out of the medic tent and Venetia looked over the photos, seeing nothing useful in them. No signs of Steve or the men from the 107th.
"As a result, I must declare Captain Rogers...killed in action. Period." Phillips dictated a letter to Senator Brandt when Peggy and Venetia reached his tent, both of them pausing in the doorway at his words.
"The last surveillance flight is back," Peggy handed the man the photographs. "No sign of activity."
"Get a cup of coffee, Corporal," Phillips told the man at the typewriter. Without a word the younger man got up and left the tent, leaving Phillips and the two women behind. "I can't touch Stark. He's rich. And he's the Army's number one weapons contractor. You two are neither one."
"With respect, sir, I don't regret my actions." Peggy was quick to speak, not threatened by Phillips' words. "And I don't think Captain Rogers did, either."
"Only thing I regret is not being on that flight with him," Venetia spoke up.
"What makes you think I give a damn about your opinions?" Phillips scoffed. "I took a chance with you, Agent Carter, and now America's golden boy and a lot of other good men are dead 'cause you had a crush."
"It wasn't that. I had faith," Peggy corrected him.
"Well, I hope that's a big comfort to you when they shut this division down," Phillips glanced between both women. "And you, Sarafian, you better consider yourself lucky that Stark's threatened to cut ties with the Army if anyone lays a hand on you."
"I don't need Howard to fight my fights for me, Colonel." Venetia narrowed her eyes at the man.
"What the hell's going on out there?" Phillips frowned when he noticed soldiers shouting and rushing around outside. The trio made their way outside, following the soldiers towards the edge of camp, finding a crowd gathering there. Venetia limped slightly as she made her way over to where Howard was standing.